forked from k-space/kube

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# Kubernetes cluster manifests
## Introduction
This is the Kubernetes manifests of services running on k-space.ee domains.
The applications are listed on https://auth2.k-space.ee for authenticated users.
## Cluster access
General discussion is happening in the `#kube` Slack channel.
<details><summary>Bootstrapping access</summary>
For bootstrap access obtain `/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` from one of the master
nodes and place it under `~/.kube/config` on your machine.
Once Passmower is working, OIDC access for others can be enabled with
running following on Kubernetes masters:
patch /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml - << EOF
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
- --etcd-certfile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.crt
- --etcd-keyfile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.key
- --etcd-servers=
+ - --oidc-issuer-url=https://auth2.k-space.ee/
+ - --oidc-client-id=kubelogin
+ - --oidc-username-claim=sub
+ - --oidc-groups-claim=groups
- --kubelet-client-certificate=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.crt
- --kubelet-client-key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.key
- --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart kubelet
The following can be used to talk to the Kubernetes cluster using OIDC credentials:
kubectl krew install oidc-login
mkdir -p ~/.kube
cat << EOF > ~/.kube/config
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
server: https://master.kube.k-space.ee:6443
name: kubernetes
- context:
cluster: kubernetes
user: oidc
name: default
current-context: default
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: oidc
apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1
- oidc-login
- get-token
- --oidc-issuer-url=https://auth2.k-space.ee/
- --oidc-client-id=oidc-gateway-kubelogin
- --oidc-use-pkce
- --oidc-extra-scope=profile,email,groups
- --listen-address=
command: kubectl
env: null
provideClusterInfo: false
For access control mapping see [cluster-role-bindings.yml](cluster-role-bindings.yml)
### systemd-resolved issues on access
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp: lookup master.kube.k-space.ee on no such host
Network → VPN → `IPv4` → Other nameservers (Muud nimeserverid): ``
Network → VPN → `IPv6` → Other nameservers (Muud nimeserverid): `2001:bb8:4008:21::1`
Network → VPN → `IPv4` → Search domains (Otsingudomeenid): `kube.k-space.ee`
Network → VPN → `IPv6` → Search domains (Otsingudomeenid): `kube.k-space.ee`
# Technology mapping
Our self-hosted Kubernetes stack compared to AWS based deployments:
| Hipster startup | Self-hosted hackerspace | Purpose |
| AWS ALB | Traefik | Reverse proxy also known as ingress controller in Kubernetes jargon |
| AWS AMP | Prometheus Operator | Monitoring and alerting |
| AWS CloudTrail | ECK Operator | Log aggregation |
| AWS DocumentDB | MongoDB Community Operator | Highly available NoSQL database |
| AWS EBS | Longhorn | Block storage for arbitrary applications needing persistent storage |
| AWS EC2 | Proxmox | Virtualization layer |
| AWS ECR | Harbor | Docker registry |
| AWS EKS | kubeadm | Provision Kubernetes master nodes |
| AWS NLB | MetalLB | L2/L3 level load balancing |
| AWS RDS for MySQL | MySQL Operator | Provision highly available relational databases |
| AWS Route53 | Bind and RFC2136 | DNS records and Let's Encrypt DNS validation |
| AWS S3 | Minio Operator | Highly available object storage |
| AWS VPC | Calico | Overlay network |
| Dex | Passmower | ACL mapping and OIDC provider which integrates with GitHub/Samba |
| GitHub Actions | Drone | Build Docker images |
| GitHub | Gitea | Source code management, issue tracking |
| GitHub OAuth2 | Samba (Active Directory compatible) | Source of truth for authentication and authorization |
| Gmail | Wildduck | E-mail |
External dependencies running as classic virtual machines:
- Bind as DNS server
## Adding applications
Deploy applications via [ArgoCD](https://argocd.k-space.ee)
We use Treafik with Passmower for Ingress.
Applications where possible and where applicable should use `Remote-User`
authentication. This prevents application exposure on public Internet.
Otherwise use OpenID Connect for authentication,
see Argo itself as an example how that is done.
See `camtiler/ingress.yml` for commented Ingress example.
Note that we do not use IngressRoute objects because they don't
support `external-dns` out of the box.
Do NOT add nginx annotations, we use Traefik.
Do NOT manually add DNS records, they are added by `external-dns`.
Do NOT manually create Certificate objects,
these should be handled by `tls:` section in Ingress.
## Cluster formation
Created Ubuntu 22.04 VM-s on Proxmox with local storage.
Added some ARM64 workers by using Ubuntu 22.04 server on Raspberry Pi.
After machines have booted up and you can reach them via SSH:
# Disable Ubuntu caching DNS resolver
systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
systemctl stop systemd-resolved
rm -fv /etc/resolv.conf
cat > /etc/resolv.conf << EOF
# Disable multipathd as Longhorn handles that itself
systemctl mask multipathd snapd
systemctl disable --now multipathd snapd bluetooth ModemManager hciuart wpa_supplicant packagekit
# Permit root login
sed -i -e 's/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin without-password/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl reload ssh
cat ~ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
userdel -f ubuntu
apt-get install -yqq linux-image-generic
apt-get remove -yq cloud-init linux-image-*-kvm
On master:
kubeadm init --token-ttl=120m --pod-network-cidr= --control-plane-endpoint "master.kube.k-space.ee:6443" --upload-certs --apiserver-cert-extra-sans master.kube.k-space.ee --node-name master1.kube.k-space.ee
For the `kubeadm join` command specify FQDN via `--node-name $(hostname -f)`.
Set AZ labels:
for j in $(seq 1 9); do
for t in master mon worker storage; do
kubectl label nodes ${t}${j}.kube.k-space.ee topology.kubernetes.io/zone=node${j}
After forming the cluster add taints:
for j in $(seq 1 9); do
kubectl label nodes worker${j}.kube.k-space.ee node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=''
for j in $(seq 1 4); do
kubectl taint nodes mon${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=monitoring:NoSchedule
kubectl label nodes mon${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=monitoring
for j in $(seq 1 4); do
kubectl taint nodes storage${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=storage:NoSchedule
kubectl label nodes storage${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=storage
For `arm64` nodes add suitable taint to prevent scheduling non-multiarch images on them:
kubectl taint nodes worker9.kube.k-space.ee arch=arm64:NoSchedule
For door controllers:
for j in ground front back; do
kubectl taint nodes door-${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=door:NoSchedule
kubectl label nodes door-${j}.kube.k-space.ee dedicated=door
kubectl taint nodes door-${j}.kube.k-space.ee arch=arm64:NoSchedule
To reduce wear on storage:
echo StandardOutput=null >> /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart kubelet