* K155ID1 driven IN-12A or IN-12B tubes for hour, minute, seconds. Use 36k resistors on these tubes.
* BS108 driven IN-6 or [similar 4*10mm neon bulbs](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32344955038.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6ab14c4dCxpPZ0) for digit separation. Use 270k resistors on these bulbs.
* LM1117-3.3V and LM1117-5V regulators for logic power supply
* No tube step up converter on-board, pin headers for connecting
<ahref="http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-5V-12V-to-170V-DC-High-Voltage-NIXIE-Power-Supply-Module-PSU-NIXIE-TUBE-ERA-/322511957768?hash=item4b1735ef08">third party power supply</a>
* If you get nonsense reading during boot up sequence 0..9 likely the connection between serial-to-parallel chips and high voltage drivers
is flaky. Either there are shorted pins or there is no connection at all. Check soldering joints and check for shorts between lines and line to ground.
* If single tube doesn't light up likely the gas has escaped the tube, find replacement tube.
* If single digit does not light up likely the tube socket pin is mangled or it is not properly soldered on the side where the PCB trace runs.