A hackerspace locked on the attic floor of Küberneetika maja (Akadeemia tee 21/1)

Kubernetes manifests of services running on k-space.ee domains (mirrored to https://gitlab.com/k-space/kube)
Updated 2024-07-27 05:42:31 +00:00
Raspberry Pi based door controller software
Updated 2024-07-26 11:17:36 +00:00
To deploy this software use Docker image: harbor.k-space.ee/k-space/game-2048
Updated 2023-01-17 11:13:10 +00:00
Updated 2021-10-15 17:46:13 +00:00
Docker Fluent logging driver compatible piece for submitting Docker logs to Mongo
Updated 2021-10-17 07:35:14 +00:00
Prometheus exporter for Mikrotik routers and switches
Updated 2023-03-06 16:37:49 +00:00
Updated 2021-10-03 20:29:11 +00:00
OpenWrt firmware used on the hackerspace webcams
Updated 2022-11-30 08:00:48 +00:00
Updated 2022-10-28 04:36:06 +00:00
Cloud native motion detection microservice
Updated 2024-02-05 14:04:54 +00:00
Updated 2023-01-25 07:40:55 +00:00
For streaming video feed from Doorboy controllers
Updated 2023-08-12 09:09:07 +00:00
Updated 2022-02-14 06:54:20 +00:00
This component scrapes switch bridge port tables and router ARP tables
Updated 2022-02-21 18:21:57 +00:00
Docker image for running MicroPython
Updated 2022-03-11 11:15:51 +00:00