Phone numbers on file for everyone #96

opened 2024-08-16 20:36:07 +00:00 by rasmus · 0 comments
  • Passmower supporting the field (eaas).
  • Import from labels on lockers and servers
  • Import from long-shut down members-site
  • Search mail signatures
  • Asked in management: 2 infra-access persons, 8 with workshop+floor, 10 with floor, 1 online-only, pending replies.
  • Ask via Slack DMs
  • (Ask via mail, might be smart to do it in quick succession with #82)

Find k-space:floor without number in members:

yq -rs '.[] | select(.spec.groups[]? | select(.prefix == "k-space" and .name == "floor")) | select(.spec.phones == null) |' members/*.yml
- [x] Passmower supporting the field (eaas). - [x] Import from labels on lockers and servers - [x] Import from long-shut down members-site - [x] Search mail signatures - [x] Asked in management: 2 infra-access persons, 8 with workshop+floor, 10 with floor, 1 online-only, pending replies. - [ ] Ask via Slack DMs - [ ] (Ask via mail, might be smart to do it in quick succession with Find `k-space:floor` without number in [members]( ``` yq -rs '.[] | select(.spec.groups[]? | select(.prefix == "k-space" and .name == "floor")) | select(.spec.phones == null) |' members/*.yml ```
eaas was assigned by rasmus 2024-08-16 20:36:07 +00:00
rasmus added this to the project 2024-08-16 20:36:07 +00:00
rasmus added the
label 2024-08-29 20:31:51 +00:00
eaas was unassigned by rasmus 2024-08-29 20:32:00 +00:00
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