Fork 0

implement ssl connection

This commit is contained in:
Silver Kuusik 2019-06-09 21:53:25 +02:00
parent 1607d08f1c
commit 5fb4cd84b3
2 changed files with 90 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"status_led_pin": 5,
"battery_coeff": 2.25,
"sumo_id": "xxxxxxxx",
"firmware_timestamp": "2019.05.30 00:42:00",
"firmware_version": "0.6.0",
"firmware_timestamp": "2019.06.09 21:51:00",
"firmware_version": "0.7.0",
"left_servo_tuning": 33,
"right_servo_tuning": 33,
"ultrasonic_threshold": 40,
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"right_line_value": 1000,
"left_line_threshold": 1000,
"right_line_threshold": 1000,
"sumo_server": "",
"sumo_server": "",
"wifis": {
"RoboKoding": "salakala"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Websockets client for micropython
Based very heavily on
Based very heavily off
#import usocket as socket
import os
#import libraries
import ussl
import ure as re
import urandom as random
import ustruct as struct
@ -33,21 +33,44 @@ CLOSE_TOO_BIG = const(1009)
CLOSE_MISSING_EXTN = const(1010)
URL_RE = re.compile(r'ws://([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?(/.+)?')
URI = namedtuple('URI', ('hostname', 'port', 'path'))
URL_RE = re.compile(r'(wss|ws)://([A-Za-z0-9-\.]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?(/.+)?')
URI = namedtuple('URI', ('protocol', 'hostname', 'port', 'path'))
class NoDataException(Exception):
def urlparse(uri):
"""Parse ws:// URLs"""
match = URL_RE.match(uri)
if match:
return URI(match.group(1), int(match.group(2)), match.group(3))
raise ValueError("Invalid URL: %s" % uri)
protocol = match.group(1)
host = match.group(2)
port = match.group(3)
path = match.group(4)
if protocol == 'wss':
if port is None:
port = 443
elif protocol == 'ws':
if port is None:
port = 80
raise ValueError('Scheme {} is invalid'.format(protocol))
return URI(protocol, host, int(port), path)
class Websocket:
Basis of the Websocket protocol.
This can probably be replaced with the C-based websocket module, but
this one currently supports more options.
is_client = False
def __init__(self, sock):
self._sock = sock
self.sock = sock
self.open = True
def __enter__(self):
@ -57,11 +80,21 @@ class Websocket:
def settimeout(self, timeout):
def read_frame(self, max_size=None):
Read a frame from the socket.
See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2 for the details.
# Frame header
byte1, byte2 = struct.unpack('!BB', self._sock.read(2))
two_bytes = self.sock.read(2)
if not two_bytes:
raise NoDataException
byte1, byte2 = struct.unpack('!BB', two_bytes)
# Byte 1: FIN(1) _(1) _(1) _(1) OPCODE(4)
fin = bool(byte1 & 0x80)
@ -72,15 +105,15 @@ class Websocket:
length = byte2 & 0x7f
if length == 126: # Magic number, length header is 2 bytes
length, = struct.unpack('!H', self._sock.read(2))
length, = struct.unpack('!H', self.sock.read(2))
elif length == 127: # Magic number, length header is 8 bytes
length, = struct.unpack('!Q', self._sock.read(8))
length, = struct.unpack('!Q', self.sock.read(8))
if mask: # Mask is 4 bytes
mask_bits = self._sock.read(4)
mask_bits = self.sock.read(4)
data = self._sock.read(length)
data = self.sock.read(length)
except MemoryError:
# We can't receive this many bytes, close the socket
@ -93,6 +126,10 @@ class Websocket:
return fin, opcode, data
def write_frame(self, opcode, data=b''):
Write a frame to the socket.
See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2 for the details.
fin = True
mask = self.is_client # messages sent by client are masked
@ -108,34 +145,44 @@ class Websocket:
if length < 126: # 126 is magic value to use 2-byte length header
byte2 |= length
self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BB', byte1, byte2))
self.sock.write(struct.pack('!BB', byte1, byte2))
elif length < (1 << 16): # Length fits in 2-bytes
byte2 |= 126 # Magic code
self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BBH', byte1, byte2, length))
self.sock.write(struct.pack('!BBH', byte1, byte2, length))
elif length < (1 << 64):
byte2 |= 127 # Magic code
self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BBQ', byte1, byte2, length))
self.sock.write(struct.pack('!BBQ', byte1, byte2, length))
raise ValueError()
if mask: # Mask is 4 bytes
mask_bits = struct.pack('!I', random.getrandbits(32))
data = bytes(b ^ mask_bits[i % 4]
for i, b in enumerate(data))
def recv(self):
Receive data from the websocket.
This is slightly different from 'websockets' in that it doesn't
fire off a routine to process frames and put the data in a queue.
If you don't call recv() sufficiently often you won't process control
assert self.open
while self.open:
fin, opcode, data = self.read_frame()
except NoDataException:
return ''
except ValueError:
@ -165,6 +212,8 @@ class Websocket:
raise ValueError(opcode)
def send(self, buf):
"""Send data to the websocket."""
assert self.open
if isinstance(buf, str):
@ -178,6 +227,7 @@ class Websocket:
self.write_frame(opcode, buf)
def close(self, code=CLOSE_OK, reason=''):
"""Close the websocket."""
if not self.open:
@ -188,7 +238,7 @@ class Websocket:
def _close(self):
self.open = False
class WebsocketClient(Websocket):
is_client = True
@ -198,41 +248,33 @@ def connect(uri):
Connect a websocket.
# Parse the given WebSocket URI
uri = urlparse(uri)
assert uri
# Connect the socket
sock = socket.socket()
addr = socket.getaddrinfo(uri.hostname, uri.port)
if uri.protocol == 'wss':
sock = ussl.wrap_socket(sock)
def send_header(header, *args):
sock.write(header % args + '\r\n')
# Sec-WebSocket-Key is 16 bytes of random base64 encoded
key = binascii.b2a_base64(os.urandom(16))[:-1]
key = binascii.b2a_base64(bytes(random.getrandbits(8)
for _ in range(16)))[:-1]
# WebSocket initiation headers
headers = [
b'GET %s HTTP/1.1' % uri.path or '/',
b'Upgrade: websocket',
b'Connection: Upgrade',
b'Host: %s:%s' % (uri.hostname, uri.port),
b'Origin: http://%s:%s' % (uri.hostname, uri.port),
b'Sec-WebSocket-Key: ' + key,
b'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13',
send_header(b'GET %s HTTP/1.1', uri.path or '/')
send_header(b'Host: %s:%s', uri.hostname, uri.port)
send_header(b'Connection: Upgrade')
send_header(b'Upgrade: websocket')
send_header(b'Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s', key)
send_header(b'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13')
send_header(b'Origin: http://localhost')
# Concatenate the headers and add new lines
data = b'\r\n'.join(headers)
# Send the WebSocket initiation packet
# Check for the WebSocket response header
header = sock.readline()[:-2]
assert header == b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols', header
assert header.startswith(b'HTTP/1.1 101 '), header
# We don't (currently) need these headers
# FIXME: should we check the return key?