2023-11-07 21:13:05 +02:00

21 lines
798 B

title: "RIPE 87 Local Hub - Tallinn, Estonia"
description: "28 - 29 November 2023"
featured_image: '/tallinn.jpg'
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<a class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv3 mb2 dib white tc bg-navy w-25-l tex" href="meeting-plan/">Meeting plan</a>
<a class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv3 mb2 dib white tc bg-dark-blue" href="attend/">Register for the local meeting</a>
<a class="f5 link dim br3 ph3 pv3 mb2 dib white tc bg-dark-green w-25-l" href="venue/">Venue</a>
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### Ripe 87 Local hub
K-space hackerspace will be hosting Ripe 87 Local hub in Tallinn, Estonia
For all additional information regarding the event please [check the main RIPE 87 website](