fix mongo structs

This commit is contained in:
rasmus 2022-11-06 23:15:23 +02:00
parent ce3f67754a
commit 8961a4237f
4 changed files with 85 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var (
type (
rawLine struct {
line []byte
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func (s *submitter) parseContainerLogLines(unparsed <-chan rawLine, parsed chan<
s.l.Error("parsing container log line", zap.Error(err), zap.String("file", raw.File))
line.mLog.recordMetadata = raw.recordMetadata
line.mLog.RecordMetadata = raw.RecordMetadata
parsed <- line
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ func (s *submitter) parseStdChannel(bufferLimitBytes int, lines <-chan singleLin
flush := func(last *mLog) {
parsed <- mLog{
recordMetadata: last.recordMetadata,
RecordMetadata: last.RecordMetadata,
StdErr: last.StdErr,
ContainerTime: firstTime,

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ func initializeIndexes(ctx context.Context, col *mongo.Collection) error {
// (does not create duplicates)
_, err := ind.CreateOne(mongoTimeoutCtx(ctx), mongo.IndexModel{
Keys: bson.D{{Key: mongoKeyFileBasename, Value: 1}, {Key: mongoKeyOffset, Value: -1}},
Keys: bson.D{{Key: mLogKeyFileBasename, Value: 1}, {Key: mLogKeyOffset, Value: -1}},
return err
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ func initializeIndexes(ctx context.Context, col *mongo.Collection) error {
// when editing, also edit everything in this file!
type (
mLog struct {
Content any
ContainerTime time.Time
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type (
// added by toBson()
ShipTime time.Time
recordMetadata struct {
RecordMetadata struct {
HostInfo HostInfo
File string
Offset int64 // byte offset where log entry ends at
@ -39,28 +39,80 @@ type (
const (
mongoKeyHostInfo = "host_info"
mongoKeyId = "id"
mongoKeyHostId = mongoKeyHostInfo + "." + mongoKeyId
mongoKeyFileBasename = "file"
mongoKeyOffset = "offset"
// used outside fromBson and toBson
mLogKeyHostId = mLogKeyHostInfo + "." + mLogKeyId
const (
mLogKeyHostInfo = "host_info"
mLogKeyId = "id"
mLogKeyName = "name"
mLogKeyArch = "arch"
mLogKeyFileBasename = "file"
mLogKeyOffset = "offset"
mLogKeyContent = "content"
mLogKeyContainerTime = "container_time"
mLogKeyStderr = "stderr"
mLogKeyShipTime = "ship_time"
// not using marshal, since it is <0.1x performance
func (l *mLog) toBson() bson.M {
// DO NOT USE QUOTED STRINGS! Move them to const and use variable instead
return bson.M{
mongoKeyHostInfo: bson.M{
"arch": l.HostInfo.arch,
mLogKeyHostInfo: bson.M{
mLogKeyId: l.HostInfo.Id,
mLogKeyName: l.HostInfo.Name,
mLogKeyArch: l.HostInfo.Arch,
mongoKeyFileBasename: l.File,
mongoKeyOffset: l.Offset,
"content": l.Content,
"container_time": l.ContainerTime,
"stderr": l.StdErr,
mLogKeyFileBasename: l.File,
mLogKeyOffset: l.Offset,
mLogKeyContent: l.Content,
mLogKeyContainerTime: l.ContainerTime,
mLogKeyStderr: l.StdErr,
"ship_time": time.Now(),
mLogKeyShipTime: time.Now(),
// really, mongo should support tagged structs
func mLogfromBson(b *bson.Raw) mLog {
return mLog{
RecordMetadata: RecordMetadata{
HostInfo: HostInfo{
Id: bsonLookupStringValue(b, mLogKeyHostInfo, mLogKeyId),
Name: bsonLookupStringValue(b, mLogKeyHostInfo, mLogKeyName),
Arch: bsonLookupStringValue(b, mLogKeyHostInfo, mLogKeyArch),
File: bsonLookupStringValue(b, mLogKeyFileBasename),
Offset: bsonLookupInt64(b, mLogKeyOffset),
Content: bsonLookupStringValue(b, mLogKeyContent),
ContainerTime: bsonLookupTime(b, mLogKeyContainerTime),
StdErr: bsonLookupBoolean(b, mLogKeyStderr),
ShipTime: bsonLookupTime(b, mLogKeyShipTime),
// default values without ok
func bsonLookupBoolean(b *bson.Raw, key ...string) bool {
v, _ := b.Lookup(key...).BooleanOK()
return v
func bsonLookupStringValue(b *bson.Raw, key ...string) string {
v, _ := b.Lookup(key...).StringValueOK()
return v
func bsonLookupInt64(b *bson.Raw, key ...string) int64 {
v, _ := b.Lookup(key...).Int64OK()
return v
func bsonLookupTime(b *bson.Raw, key ...string) time.Time {
v, _ := b.Lookup(key...).TimeOK()
return v

View File

@ -101,19 +101,17 @@ func (s *submitter) shipFileRoutine(ctx context.Context, name string, sendQueue
// get files with offset
offsetResult, err := mongoWithErr(s.db.FindOne(mongoTimeoutCtx(ctx),
bson.D{{Key: mongoKeyHostId, Value:}, {Key: mongoKeyFileBasename, Value: baseName}},
&mongoOpt.FindOneOptions{Sort: bson.D{{Key: mongoKeyOffset, Value: -1}}}, // sort descending (get largest)
offsetResult, _ := mongoWithErr(s.db.FindOne(mongoTimeoutCtx(ctx),
bson.D{{Key: mLogKeyHostId, Value: s.hostInfo.Id}, {Key: mLogKeyFileBasename, Value: baseName}},
&mongoOpt.FindOneOptions{Sort: bson.D{{Key: mLogKeyOffset, Value: -1}}}, // sort descending (get largest)
offsetResultBytes, err := offsetResult.DecodeBytes()
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mongo.ErrNoDocuments) {
return fmt.Errorf("retrieving offset from database: %w", err)
var log mLog
if err := offsetResult.Decode(&log); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mongo.ErrNoDocuments) {
return fmt.Errorf("decoding offset from database: %w", err)
log := mLogfromBson(&offsetResultBytes)
fi, err := os.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ func (s *submitter) shipFileRoutine(ctx context.Context, name string, sendQueue
sendQueue <- rawLine{
recordMetadata: recordMetadata{
RecordMetadata: RecordMetadata{
HostInfo: s.hostInfo,
File: baseName,

View File

@ -229,9 +229,9 @@ var App = &cli.App{
type HostInfo struct {
id string
name string
arch string
Id string
Name string
Arch string
func getHostInfo(nodeName string) (h HostInfo, err error) {
@ -241,16 +241,16 @@ func getHostInfo(nodeName string) (h HostInfo, err error) {
err = fmt.Errorf("name: hostname: %w", err) // don't exit early
} = strings.TrimSpace(nodeName)
h.Name = strings.TrimSpace(nodeName)
id, errL := os.ReadFile(MachineId)
if errL != nil {
err = errAppend(err, fmt.Errorf("id: %w", errL))
} = strings.TrimSpace(string(id))
h.Id = strings.TrimSpace(string(id))
h.arch = runtime.GOARCH
h.Arch = runtime.GOARCH
return h, err