2021-05-27 13:15:46 +03:00

37 lines
1.6 KiB

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
{% include "snippets/update-trust.ps1" %}
{% include "snippets/request-client.ps1" %}
# Set up IPSec VPN tunnel to {{ authority.namespace }}
Remove-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection -Force "IPSec to {{ authority.namespace }}"
Add-VpnConnection `
-Name "IPSec to {{ authority.namespace }}" `
-ServerAddress {{ authority.namespace }} `
-AuthenticationMethod MachineCertificate `
-EncryptionLevel Maximum `
-SplitTunneling `
-TunnelType ikev2 `
-PassThru -AllUserConnection
# Harden VPN configuration
Set-VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration `
-ConnectionName "IPSec to {{ authority.namespace }}" `
-AuthenticationTransformConstants GCMAES128 `
-CipherTransformConstants GCMAES128 `
-EncryptionMethod AES256 `
-IntegrityCheckMethod SHA384 `
-DHGroup {% if authority.certificate.algorithm == "ec" %}ECP384{% else %}Group14{% endif %} `
-PfsGroup {% if authority.certificate.algorithm == "ec" %}ECP384{% else %}PFS2048{% endif %} `
-PassThru -AllUserConnection -Force
AuthenticationTransformConstants - ESP integrity algorithm, one of: None MD596 SHA196 SHA256128 GCMAES128 GCMAES192 GCMAES256
CipherTransformConstants - ESP symmetric cipher, one of: DES DES3 AES128 AES192 AES256 GCMAES128 GCMAES192 GCMAES256
EncryptionMethod - IKE symmetric cipher, one of: DES DES3 AES128 AES192 AES256
IntegrityCheckMethod - IKE hash algorithm, one of: MD5 SHA196 SHA256 SHA384
DHGroup = IKE key exchange, one of: None Group1 Group2 Group14 ECP256 ECP384 Group24
PfsGroup = ESP key exchange, one of: None PFS1 PFS2 PFS2048 ECP256 ECP384 PFSMM PFS24