import falcon import logging import binascii import click import gssapi import ldap import os import random import string from asn1crypto import pem, x509 from base64 import b64decode from falcon.util import http_date_to_dt from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pinecrypt.server.user import User from pinecrypt.server import const, errors, db from prometheus_client import Counter, Histogram from pinecrypt.server.mongolog import LogHandler clock_skew = Histogram( "pinecrypt_gateway_clock_skew", "Histogram of client-server clock skew.", ["method", "path", "passed"], buckets=(0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 5000.0)) whitelist_blocked_requests = Counter( "pinecrypt_gateway_whitelist_blocked_requests", "Requests blocked by whitelists.", ["method", "path"]) logger = LogHandler() def whitelist_subnets(subnets): """ Validate source IP address of API call against subnet list """ def wrapper(func): def wrapped(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): # Check for administration subnet whitelist for subnet in subnets: if req.context["remote"]["addr"] in subnet: break else:"Rejected access to administrative call %s by %s from %s, source address not whitelisted", req.env["PATH_INFO"], req.context.get("user", "unauthenticated user"), req.context["remote"]["addr"]) whitelist_blocked_requests.labels(method=req.method, path=req.path).inc() raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Remote address %s not whitelisted" % req.context["remote"]["addr"]) return func(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper def whitelist_content_types(*content_types): def wrapper(func): def wrapped(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): for content_type in content_types: if req.get_header("Content-Type") == content_type: return func(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( "This API call accepts only %s content type" % ", ".join(content_types)) return wrapped return wrapper def whitelist_subject(func): def wrapped(self, req, resp, id, *args, **kwargs): from pinecrypt.server import authority try: cert, cert_doc, pem_buf = authority.get_signed(id) except errors.CertificateDoesNotExist: raise falcon.HTTPNotFound() else: buf = req.get_header("X-SSL-CERT") if buf: header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf.replace("\t", "").encode("ascii")) origin_cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes) if origin_cert.native == cert.native: logger.debug("Subject authenticated using certificates") return func(self, req, resp, id, *args, **kwargs) raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Remote address %s not whitelisted" % req.context["remote"]["addr"]) return wrapped def authenticate(optional=False): def wrapper(func): def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): kerberized = False if "kerberos" in const.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS: for subnet in const.KERBEROS_SUBNETS: if req.context["remote"]["addr"] in subnet: kerberized = True if not req.auth: # no credentials provided if optional: # optional allowed req.context["user"] = None return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) if kerberized: logger.debug("No Kerberos ticket offered while attempting to access %s from %s", req.env["PATH_INFO"], req.context["remote"]["addr"]) raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", "No Kerberos ticket offered, are you sure you've logged in with domain user account?", challenges=["Negotiate"]) else: logger.debug("No credentials offered while attempting to access %s from %s", req.env["PATH_INFO"], req.context["remote"]["addr"]) raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", "Please authenticate", challenges=["Basic"]) if kerberized: if not req.auth.startswith("Negotiate "): raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", "Bad header, expected Negotiate", challenges=["Negotiate"]) os.environ["KRB5_KTNAME"] = const.KERBEROS_KEYTAB try: server_creds = gssapi.creds.Credentials( usage="accept", name=gssapi.names.Name("HTTP/%s" % const.FQDN)) except gssapi.raw.exceptions.BadNameError: logger.error("Failed initialize HTTP service principal, possibly bad permissions for %s or /etc/krb5.conf" % const.KERBEROS_KEYTAB) raise context = gssapi.sec_contexts.SecurityContext(creds=server_creds) token = "".join(req.auth.split()[1:]) try: context.step(b64decode(token)) except binascii.Error: # base64 errors raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(title="Bad request", description="Malformed token") except gssapi.raw.exceptions.BadMechanismError: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(title="Bad request", description=""" Unsupported authentication mechanism (NTLM?) was offered. Please make sure you've logged into the computer with domain user account. The web interface should not prompt for username or password.""") try: username, realm = str(context.initiator_name).split("@") except AttributeError: # TODO: Better exception handling raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Failed to determine username, are you trying to log in with correct domain account?") assert const.KERBEROS_REALM, "KERBEROS_REALM not configured" if realm != const.KERBEROS_REALM: raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Cross-realm trust not supported") if username.endswith("$") and optional: # Extract machine hostname # TODO: Assert LDAP group membership req.context["machine"] = username[:-1].lower() req.context["user"] = None else: # Attempt to look up real user req.context["user"] = User.objects.get(username) logger.debug("Succesfully authenticated user %s for %s from %s", req.context["user"], req.env["PATH_INFO"], req.context["remote"]["addr"]) return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) else: if not req.auth.startswith("Basic "): raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", "Bad header, expected Basic", challenges=["Basic"]) basic, token = req.auth.split(" ", 1) user, passwd = b64decode(token).decode("utf-8").split(":", 1) if "ldap" in const.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS: upn = ("%s@%s" % (user, const.KERBEROS_REALM)).lower() click.echo("Connecting to %s as %s" % (const.LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_URI, upn)) conn = ldap.initialize(const.LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_URI, bytes_mode=False) conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) try: conn.simple_bind_s(upn, passwd) except ldap.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED: logger.critical("LDAP server demands encryption, use ldaps:// instead of ldap://") raise except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: logger.critical("Failed to connect LDAP server at %s, are you sure LDAP server's CA certificate has been copied to this machine?", const.LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_URI) raise except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: logger.critical("LDAP bind authentication failed for user %s from %s", repr(upn), req.context["remote"]["addr"]) raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", description="Please authenticate with %s domain account username" % const.KERBEROS_REALM, challenges=["Basic"]) req.context["ldap_conn"] = conn else: raise NotImplementedError("No suitable authentication method configured") try: req.context["user"] = User.objects.get(user) except User.DoesNotExist: raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized("Unauthorized", "Invalid credentials", challenges=["Basic"]) retval = func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) if conn: conn.unbind_s() return retval return wrapped return wrapper def login_required(func): return authenticate()(func) def login_optional(func): return authenticate(optional=True)(func) def authorize_admin(func): @whitelist_subnets(const.ADMIN_SUBNETS) def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): if req.context.get("user").is_admin(): return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs)"User '%s' not authorized to access administrative API", req.context.get("user").name) raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "User not authorized to perform administrative operations") return wrapped def authorize_server(func): """ Make sure the request originator has a certificate with server flags """ from asn1crypto import pem, x509 def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): buf = req.get_header("X-SSL-CERT") if not buf:"No TLS certificate presented to access administrative API call from %s" % req.context["remote"]["addr"]) raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Machine not authorized to perform the operation") header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf.replace("\t", "").encode("ascii")) cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes) # TODO: validate serial for extension in cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"]: if extension["extn_id"].native == "extended_key_usage": if "server_auth" in extension["extn_value"].native: req.context["machine"] = cert.subject.native["common_name"] return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs)"TLS authenticated machine '%s' not authorized to access administrative API", cert.subject.native["common_name"]) raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Machine not authorized to perform the operation") return wrapped def validate_clock_skew(func): def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): try: skew = abs((http_date_to_dt(req.headers["DATE"]) - datetime.utcnow())) except KeyError: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(title="Bad request", description="No date information specified in header") passed = skew < const.CLOCK_SKEW_TOLERANCE clock_skew.labels(method=req.method, path=req.path, passed=int(passed)).observe(skew.total_seconds()) if passed: return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) else: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(title="Bad request", description="Clock skew too large") return wrapped def cookie_login(func): def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): now = datetime.utcnow() value = req.get_cookie_values(const.SESSION_COOKIE) db.sessions.update_one({ "secret": value, "started": { "$lte": now }, "expires": { "$gte": now }, }, { "$set": { "last_seen": now, } }) return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped def generate_password(length): letters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length)) def register_session(func): def wrapped(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): now = datetime.utcnow() value = generate_password(50) db.sessions.insert({ "user": req.context["user"].name, "secret": value, "last_seen": now, "started": now, "expires": now + timedelta(seconds=const.SESSION_AGE), "remote": str(req.context["remote"]), }) resp.set_cookie(const.SESSION_COOKIE, value, max_age=const.SESSION_AGE) return func(resource, req, resp, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped