Add B100 speaker

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Lauri Võsandi 2021-07-19 07:48:26 +03:00
parent c5a2bad4fd
commit 48f8c386d4
1 changed files with 58 additions and 0 deletions

b100.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Laser cuttable template for building a shelf speaker with
* Visaton B100
B = 19.05; // Bushing outer diameter
M = 6.35; // Mill diameter
J = 100; // Mill pad
A = 5; // Alignment pad size
P = 17; // Alignment pad placement
BD = B - M; // Bushing offset
W = 160 - 40; // Internal width
H = 320 - 40; // Internal height
D = 200; // Internal depth
// Side panels & mounting holes
translate([D, 0]) {
difference() {
square([D - BD, H + J], center=true);
// Driver flush mount, mounting hole alignment
translate([0, 320/2 - 80]) {
difference() {
circle(d=122 + BD, $fn=100);
circle(d=122, $fn=100);
for ( i = [0 : 45 : 360] ){
rotate(i) {
translate([111/2,0]) circle(d=4, $fn=30);
translate([122/2,0]) rotate(45) square(2, center=true);
// Alignment squares
translate([D/2-P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([-D/2+P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([0, -320/2 + 60]) circle(d=34 + BD, $fn=100);
// Alignment squares
translate([D/2-P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([-D/2+P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([0,H/2+50-P]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([0,-H/2-50+P]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
// Front/back groove
difference() {
square([W - BD, H - BD], center=true);
// Alignment squares
translate([0,H/2-P]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([0,-H/2+P]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([-W/2+P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);
translate([W/2-P,0]) rotate(45) square(A, center=true);