# Just in case prevent boot loops from time import sleep print("Press Ctrl-C to stop boot script...") sleep(1) # Connect to wireless network as client import network sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) sta_if.active(True) sta_if.connect("Robootikaklubi", "u4HNj3sgYK") print("Copy paste following to WebREPL client:") print("ws://%s:8266/" % sta_if.ifconfig()[0]) # Synchronize clock import ntptime ntptime.settime() # Start WebREPL server import webrepl webrepl.start(password="salakala") # Derive hostname import ubinascii MAC_SUFFIX=ubinascii.hexlify(sta_if.config("mac")[-3:]) HOSTNAME="ESP_%s" % MAC_SUFFIX.decode("ascii").upper() # Perform HTTP POST request #import urequests #urequests.post("http://sumo.koodur.com/pub/", data=HOSTNAME) # Clean up import gc gc.collect()