import gc import network import picoweb import json from time import sleep_ms from timezone import TIMEZONES app = picoweb.WebApp(__name__) ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) nets = sta_if.scan() config = dict() try: with open("config.json") as fh: config = json.loads( sta_if.connect(config.get("ssid"), config.get("password")) except OSError: pass print("Scanning for wireless networks...") @app.route("/connect") def index(req, resp): if req.method == "POST": yield from req.read_form_data() else: req.parse_qs() yield from picoweb.start_response(resp) with open("config.json", "w") as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(req.form)) yield from resp.awrite("Setting saved please power cycle device") @app.route("/") def index(req, resp): print("Serving index") yield from picoweb.start_response(resp) yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("Welcome to NixiESP12 configuration wizard") yield from resp.awrite("

Detected wireless networks:

") yield from resp.awrite("
") yield from resp.awrite("

Select wireless network:

") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("

Wireless password is applicable:

") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("


") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("

NTP resynchronization interval:

") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("


") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("
") yield from resp.awrite("") yield from resp.awrite("") timed_out = True if config: print("Connecting to", config.get("ssid")) for j in range(0,30): if sta_if.isconnected(): timed_out = False break sleep_ms(200) if timed_out: print("Starting setup wizard on", ap_if.ifconfig()) TIMEZONE = TIMEZONES[int(config.get("timezone", 30))][1] print("Using timezone", TIMEZONES[int(config.get("timezone", 30))]) RESYNC = int(config.get("interval")) # Resync once in 8 hours print("NTP resynchronization interval", RESYNC, "seconds") DEBUG = False print("Press Ctrl-C now to abort execution and retain keyboard input") sleep_ms(2000) import time import ntptime from machine import Pin, Timer # Note that keyboard input is lost beyond this point! clock = Pin(3, mode=Pin.OUT) latch = Pin(0, mode=Pin.OUT) data = Pin(2, mode=Pin.OUT) blink = False lookup = 11, 9, 12, 8, 0, 4, 1, 3, 2, 10 countdown = 0 def bitbang_bit(value): if value & 1: data.on() else: clock.on() def bitbang_digit(digit): bitbang_bit(blink) for i in range(0,4): bitbang_bit(lookup[digit] << i >> 3) bitbang_bit(blink) bitbang_bit(blink) bitbang_bit(blink) def dst_offset(month, day, dow): if month < 3 or month > 10: return 0 if month > 3 and month < 10: return 1 previous_sunday = day - dow if month == 3: return int(previous_sunday >= 25) return int(previous_sunday < 25) def dump_time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow): offset = dst_offset(month, day, dow) if DEBUG: print("Time is %02d:%02d:%02d, dst offset %d" % (hour, minute, second, offset)) hour = (hour + TIMEZONE + offset) % 24 bitbang_digit(hour // 10) bitbang_digit(hour % 10) bitbang_digit(minute // 10) bitbang_digit(minute % 10) bitbang_digit(second // 10) bitbang_digit(second % 10) # RTC accuracy is still garbage, time.ticks_ms() which is bound to CPU ticks seems to be more accurate # # Boot up test sequence for j in range(0, 10): for i in range(0, 6): bitbang_digit(j) latch.on() sleep_ms(500) while True: if countdown <= 0: try: ticks_then, time_then = time.ticks_ms(), ntptime.time() except OSError: sleep_ms(500) print("Resync failed") continue else: countdown = RESYNC print("Resync done") else: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow, _ = time.localtime(time_then + (time.ticks_ms() - ticks_then) // 1000) sleep_ms(500-(time.ticks_ms() - ticks_then) % 1000) blink = True dump_time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow) latch.on() countdown -= 1 year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow, _ = time.localtime(time_then + (time.ticks_ms() - ticks_then) // 1000) sleep_ms(1001-(time.ticks_ms() - ticks_then) % 1000) blink = False dump_time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dow) latch.on() main()