130 lines
4.2 KiB
130 lines
4.2 KiB
# encoding: utf-8
Sõltuvuste paigladamiseks:
apt install -y python-jinja2 python-lxml python-pygal
dnf install -y python-jinja2 python-lxml python-pygal
import GeoIP
import re
import sys
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from log_parsers import ApacheLogParser
then = datetime.now()
hits_per_remote_addr = Counter() # IP-d kust tuldi
hits_per_path = Counter() # URL-id mida külastati
hits_per_user_agent = Counter() # User agent mida kasutati külastamisel
hits_per_country = Counter() # Riigid kust päringud tulid
hits_per_date = Counter() # Kuupäevad mil logikirjeid oli
bytes_per_date = Counter()
gi = GeoIP.open("/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", GeoIP.GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE)
print "Loen standardsisendist..."
for timestamp, log_entry, stack_trace, byte_count, line_count, event_count in ApacheLogParser(sys.stdin):
country_code = gi.country_code_by_addr(log_entry.get("remote_addr"))
hits_per_path[log_entry.get("path")] += 1
hits_per_remote_addr[log_entry.get("remote_addr")] += 1
hits_per_user_agent[log_entry.get("user_agent")] += 1
hits_per_country[country_code] += 1
hits_per_date[timestamp.date()] += 1
bytes_per_date[timestamp.date()] += int(log_entry.get("size"))
# Leia kõige esimene kuupäev ning viimane kuupäev millal sündmused esinesid
first_date, last_date = min(hits_per_date.keys()), max(hits_per_date.keys())
### Värvi riigid kaardil ###
import requests
from lxml import etree
from numpy import interp
# Laadi alla kaart wikimedia veebist
print "Laadin alla kaarti..."
buf = requests.get("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/BlankMap-World6.svg").content
# Parsi XML puu
map_document = etree.fromstring(buf)
for country, count in hits_per_country.items():
if not country:
# Mõni IP ei pruukinud laheneda riigikoodiks (sisevõrk jms)
hue = interp(count, [0, max(hits_per_country.values())], [180, 0])
for element in map_document.xpath("//*[@id='%s']" % country.lower()):
element.set("style", "fill:hsl(%.2f, 60%%, 60%%)" % hue)
for subelement in element:
subelement.attrib.pop("class", "")
with open("top.svg", "wb") as fh:
print "Kaart salvestatud faili top.svg"
### Koosta päringute arvu graafik päevade lõikes ###
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
# Lisa joonise sisse kaks graafikut
sub = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
sub2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
sub.set_xlabel(u"Päringute arv")
sub2.set_xlabel(u"Liikluse maht baitides")
# Ploti andmepunktid
sub.barh(hits_per_date.keys(), hits_per_date.values())
sub2.barh(bytes_per_date.keys(), bytes_per_date.values())
# Salvesta faili
fig.savefig("bar.svg", format="svg")
### Koosta veebilehitsejate graafik ###
import pygal
line_chart = pygal.Pie(
truncate_legend=50, # legend kuni 50 karakterit
width=1000, height=300, # graafiku laius/kõrgus pikslites
style=pygal.style.Style(background='transparent')) # eemalda taustavärv
line_chart.config(style_name = 'LightStyle', fill=None)
line_chart.title = 'Veebilehitsejate osakaal'
for user_agent, count in hits_per_user_agent.most_common(7):
line_chart.add(user_agent, count) # lisa graafikule
hits_per_user_agent.pop(user_agent) # eemalda counteri objektist
line_chart.add("Muud veebilehitsejad", sum(hits_per_user_agent.values()))
user_agent_chart = line_chart.render(is_unicode=True, disable_xml_declaration=True)
from jinja2 import Template
import codecs
# Loe jinja mall UTF-8 tekstifailist
with codecs.open("template.html", "rb", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
template = Template(fh.read())
# Süsti malli sisse kõik kohalikud muutujad (first_date, last_date, hits, urls jne)
buf = template.render(locals())
# Salvesta täidetud leht UTF-8 kodeeringus
with codecs.open("raport.html", "wb", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
print "HTML kujul raport savlestatud faili raport.html"