
1487 lines
61 KiB

import coverage
import json
import os
import pytest
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import sys
from asn1crypto import pem, x509
from oscrypto import asymmetric
from csrbuilder import CSRBuilder, pem_armor_csr
from asn1crypto.util import OrderedDict
from subprocess import check_output
from importlib import reload
from click.testing import CliRunner
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
UA_FEDORA_FIREFOX = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) " \
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36"
class DummySMTP(object):
def __init__(self,address):
def login(self,username,password):
def sendmail(self,from_address,to_address,fullmessage):
global inbox
return []
def quit(self):
# this is the actual monkey patch (simply replacing one class with another)
import smtplib
runner = CliRunner()
def client():
from certidude.api import certidude_app
from falcon import testing
app = certidude_app()
return testing.TestClient(app)
def generate_csr(cn=None):
public_key, private_key = asymmetric.generate_pair('ec', curve="secp384r1")
builder = CSRBuilder({ 'common_name': cn }, public_key)
request = builder.build(private_key)
return pem_armor_csr(request)
def clean_client():
assert os.getuid() == 0 and os.getgid() == 0
files = [
"/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/IPSec to ipsec.example.lan",
"/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/OpenVPN to vpn.example.lan",
for path in files:
if os.path.exists(path):
# Remove client storage area
if os.path.exists("/tmp/ca.example.lan"):
for filename in os.listdir("/tmp/ca.example.lan"):
if filename.endswith(".pem"):
os.unlink(os.path.join("/tmp/ca.example.lan", filename))
# Reset IPsec stuff
with open("/etc/ipsec.conf", "w") as fh: # TODO: make compatible with Fedora
with open("/etc/ipsec.secrets", "w") as fh: # TODO: make compatible with Fedora
def clean_server():
# Stop Samba
os.system("systemctl stop samba-ad-dc")
if os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude"):
if os.path.exists("/run/certidude"):
files = [
for filename in files:
# Remove OpenVPN stuff
if os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn"):
for filename in os.listdir("/etc/openvpn"):
if filename.endswith(".conf"):
os.unlink(os.path.join("/etc/openvpn", filename))
if os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/keys"):
# Remove Samba stuff
os.system("rm -Rfv /var/lib/samba/*")
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab")
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/krb5.keytab")
# Restore initial resolv.conf
shutil.copyfile("/etc/resolv.conf.orig", "/etc/resolv.conf")
def assert_cleanliness():
assert os.getuid() == 0, "Environment contaminated, UID: %d" % os.getuid()
assert os.getgid() == 0, "Environment contaminated, GID: %d" % os.getgid()
assert not os.environ.get("KRB5_KTNAME"), "Environment contaminated, KRB5_KTNAME=%s" % os.environ.get("KRB5_KTNAME")
assert not os.environ.get("KRB5CCNAME"), "Environment contaminated, KRB5CCNAME=%s" % os.environ.get("KRB5CCNAME")
def test_cli_setup_authority():
assert os.getuid() == 0, "Run tests as root in a clean VM or container"
assert check_output(["/bin/hostname", "-f"]) == b"ca.example.lan\n", "As a safety precaution, unittests only run in a machine whose hostanme -f is ca.example.lan"
os.system("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y git build-essential python-dev libkrb5-dev samba krb5-user")
# Mock Fedora
for util in "/usr/bin/chcon", "/usr/bin/dnf", "/usr/bin/update-ca-trust", "/usr/sbin/dmidecode":
with open(util, "w") as fh:
fh.write("exit 0\n")
os.chmod(util, 0o755)
if not os.path.exists("/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/"):
if not os.path.exists("/bin/systemctl"):
with open("/usr/bin/systemctl", "w") as fh:
fh.write("service $2 $1\n")
os.chmod("/usr/bin/systemctl", 0o755)
# Back up original DNS server
if not os.path.exists("/etc/resolv.conf.orig"):
shutil.copyfile("/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf.orig")
with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as fh:
fh.write(" localhost\n")
from certidude import const
assert const.FQDN == "ca"
assert const.HOSTNAME == "ca"
assert not const.DOMAIN
# TODO: set hostname to 'ca'
with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as fh:
fh.write(" localhost\n")
fh.write(" ca.example.lan ca\n")
fh.write(" vpn.example.lan vpn\n")
fh.write(" www.example.lan www\n")
with open("/etc/passwd") as fh: # TODO: Better
buf = fh.read()
if "adminbot" not in buf:
os.system("useradd adminbot -G sudo -p '$1$PBkf5waA$n9EV6WJ7PS6lyGWkgeTPf1'")
if "userbot" not in buf:
os.system("useradd userbot -G users -p '$1$PBkf5waA$n9EV6WJ7PS6lyGWkgeTPf1' -c 'User Bot,,,'")
from certidude.cli import entry_point as cli
assert const.FQDN == "ca.example.lan"
assert const.HOSTNAME == "ca"
assert const.DOMAIN == "example.lan"
# Bootstrap authority again with:
# - ECDSA certificates
# - POSIX auth
# - OCSP enabled
# - SCEP disabled
# - CRL enabled
assert os.system("certidude setup authority --elliptic-curve") == 0
assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ca.example.lan.pem"), "provisioning failed"
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude")
# Make sure nginx is running
assert os.system("nginx -t") == 0, "invalid nginx configuration"
os.system("systemctl restart certidude")
os.system("systemctl restart nginx")
assert os.path.exists("/run/nginx.pid"), "nginx wasn't started up properly"
# Make sure we generated legit CA certificate
from certidude import config, authority, user
# Generate garbage
with open("/var/lib/certidude/bla", "w") as fh:
with open("/var/lib/certidude/requests/bla", "w") as fh:
with open("/var/lib/certidude/signed/bla", "w") as fh:
with open("/var/lib/certidude/revoked/bla", "w") as fh:
# Start server before any signing operations are performed
import requests
for j in range(0,10):
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/")
if r.status_code != 502:
assert r.status_code == 401, "Timed out starting up the API backend"
# TODO: check that port 8080 is listening, otherwise app probably crashed
# Test CA certificate fetch
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/certificate")
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
header, _, certificate_der_bytes = pem.unarmor(r.text.encode("ascii"))
cert = x509.Certificate.load(certificate_der_bytes)
assert cert.subject.native.get("common_name") == "Certidude at ca.example.lan"
assert cert.subject.native.get("organizational_unit_name") == "Certificate Authority"
assert cert.serial_number >= 0x150000000000000000000000000000
assert cert.serial_number <= 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_after"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) > datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7000)
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()
extensions = cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"].native
assert extensions[0] == OrderedDict([
('extn_id', 'basic_constraints'),
('critical', True),
('extn_value', OrderedDict([
('ca', True),
('path_len_constraint', None)]
))]), extensions[0]
# assert extensions[1][0] == "key_identifier", extensions[1]
assert extensions[2] == OrderedDict([
('extn_id', 'key_usage'),
('critical', True),
('extn_value', {'key_cert_sign', 'crl_sign'})]), extensions[3]
assert len(extensions) == 3
public_key = asymmetric.load_public_key(cert["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"])
assert public_key.algorithm == "ec"
# Password is bot, users created by Travis
usertoken = "Basic dXNlcmJvdDpib3Q="
admintoken = "Basic YWRtaW5ib3Q6Ym90"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['users'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "user;userbot;User;Bot;userbot@example.lan" in result.output
assert "admin;adminbot;;;adminbot@example.lan" in result.output
# TODO: assert nothing else is in the list
# Check that we can retrieve empty CRL
assert authority.export_crl(), "Failed to export CRL"
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/revoked/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
# Test command line interface
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
# Test static
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/index.html")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # if this breaks certidude serve has no read access to static folder
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/nonexistant.html")
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/../nonexistant.html")
assert r.status_code == 400, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/")
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # backend doesn't serve static
# Test request submission
buf = generate_csr(cn="test")
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=buf)
assert r.status_code == 415 # wrong content type
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 202 # success
assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox
assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/requests/test.pem")
# Test request deletion
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/",
headers={"User-Agent":UA_FEDORA_FIREFOX, "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # CSRF prevented
assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/requests/test.pem")
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/",
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/nonexistant/",
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
# Test request submission corner cases
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 202 # success
assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 202 # already exists, same keypair so it's ok
assert not inbox
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 303 # redirect to long poll
assert not inbox
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 409 # duplicate cn, different keypair
assert not inbox
r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
assert r.status_code == 200 # fetch as JSON ok
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json"
r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/x-pem-file"})
assert r.status_code == 200 # fetch as PEM ok
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file"
r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain"})
assert r.status_code == 415 # not available as plaintext
r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/nonexistant/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
assert r.status_code == 404 # nonexistant common names
# TODO: submit messed up CSR-s: no CN, empty CN etc
# Test command line interface
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
# Test sign API call
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/",
assert r.status_code == 201, r.text
assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox
# Test autosign
buf = generate_csr(cn="test2")
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 200 # autosign successful
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file"
assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox
assert not inbox
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 303 # already signed, redirect to signed certificate
assert not inbox
buf = generate_csr(cn="test2")
r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/",
assert r.status_code == 202 # duplicate CN, request stored
assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox
assert not inbox
# Test signed certificate API call
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/")
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file"
header, _, certificate_der_bytes = pem.unarmor(r.text.encode("ascii"))
cert = x509.Certificate.load(certificate_der_bytes)
assert cert.subject.native.get("common_name") == "test"
assert cert.subject.native.get("organizational_unit_name") == "Roadwarrior"
assert cert.serial_number >= 0x150000000000000000000000000000
assert cert.serial_number <= 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_after"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) > datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=100)
assert cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow()
public_key = asymmetric.load_public_key(cert["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"])
assert public_key.algorithm == "ec"
extensions = cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"].native
assert extensions[0] == OrderedDict([
('extn_id', 'basic_constraints'),
('critical', True),
('extn_value', OrderedDict([
('ca', True),
('path_len_constraint', None)]
))]), extensions[0]
# assert extensions[1][0] == "key_identifier", extensions[1]
assert extensions[2] == OrderedDict([
('extn_id', 'key_usage'),
('critical', True),
('extn_value', {'key_cert_sign', 'crl_sign'})]), extensions[3]
assert len(extensions) == 3
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json"
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain"})
assert r.status_code == 415, r.text
# Test revocations API call
r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/",
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file"
r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pkcs7-crl"
r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/",
assert r.status_code == 415, r.text
# Test attribute fetching API call
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken})
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/attr/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
# Tags should not be visible anonymously
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken})
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
# Tags can be added only by admin
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
# Tags can be overwritten only by admin
r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/location=Tallinn/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
# TODO: assert set(json.loads(r.text)) == set([{"key": "location", "id": "location=Tartu", "value": "Tartu"}, {"key": "other", "id": "else", "value": "else"}]), r.text
# Test scripting
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/")
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # script not authorized
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/script/")
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # cert not found
# Insert lease
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/",
query_string = "client=test&inner_address=")
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # lease update forbidden without cert
r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/",
query_string = "client=test&inner_address=",
headers={"X-SSL-CERT":open("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ca.example.lan.pem").read() })
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # lease update ok
# Attempt to fetch and execute default.sh script
from xattr import listxattr, getxattr
assert not [j for j in listxattr("/var/lib/certidude/signed/test.pem") if j.startswith(b"user.machine.")]
#os.system("curl http://ca.example.lan/api/signed/test/script | bash")
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/attr", body="cpu=i5&mem=512M&dist=Ubunt",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.cpu") == b"i5"
assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.mem") == b"512M"
assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.dist") == b"Ubunt"
# Test tagging integration in scripting framework
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok
assert "curl https://ca.example.lan:8443/api/signed/test/attr " in r.text, r.text
assert "Tartu" in r.text, r.text
r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok
assert "uci set " in r.text, r.text
# Test lease retrieval
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken})
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
# Tags can be deleted only by admin
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/location=Tartu/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/script=openwrt.sh/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.text == "[]", r.text
# Test script without tags
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/signed/test/script/")
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok
assert "# No tags" in r.text, r.text
# Test lease update
r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/",
query_string = "client=test&inner_address=",
headers={"X-SSL-CERT":open("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ca.example.lan.pem").read() })
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # invalid serial number supplied
r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/",
query_string = "client=test&inner_address=",
headers={"X-SSL-CERT":open("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ca.example.lan.pem").read() })
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # lease update ok
# Test revocation
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/",
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert "Revoked " in inbox.pop(), inbox
# Log can be read only by admin
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/log/?limit=100")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/log/?limit=100",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/log/?limit=100",
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
# Test session API call
r = client().simulate_get("/api/")
assert r.status_code == 401
assert "Please authenticate" in r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 415 # invalid media type
r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken})
assert r.status_code == 403 # regular users have no access
r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.headers.get('content-type').startswith("application/json")
assert "/ev/sub/" in r.text, r.text
assert r.json, r.text
assert r.json.get("authority"), r.text
ev_url = r.json.get("authority").get("events")
assert ev_url, r.text
if ev_url.startswith("/"): # Expand URL
ev_url = "http://ca.example.lan" + ev_url
assert ev_url.startswith("http://ca.example.lan/ev/sub/")
# TODO: issue token, should fail because there are no routers
### nginx ###
# In this case nginx is set up as web server with TLS certificates
# generated by certidude.
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www", "ca.example.lan"])
assert result.exception
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate
with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh:
fh.write("autosign = false\n")
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "(autosign not requested)" in result.output, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
child_pid = os.fork()
if not child_pid:
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "www.example.lan", "--profile", "srv"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "Publishing request-signed event 'www.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output
os.waitpid(child_pid, 0)
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--renew", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Renewing using current keypair" in result.output, result.output
# Test nginx setup
assert os.system("nginx -t") == 0, "Generated nginx config was invalid"
### OpenVPN ###
# First OpenVPN server is set up
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
if not os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/keys"):
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn", "ca.example.lan"])
assert result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate
with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh:
fh.write("autosign = false\n")
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "(autosign not requested)" in result.output, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/vpn.example.lan.pem")
child_pid = os.fork()
if not child_pid:
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/vpn.example.lan.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "vpn.example.lan", "--profile", "srv"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "overwrit" not in result.output, result.output
assert "Publishing request-signed event 'vpn.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output
os.waitpid(child_pid, 0)
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority//ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
assert os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/site-to-client.conf")
# Secondly OpenVPN client is set up
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior1", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior1", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/client-to-site.conf")
# TODO: Check that tunnel interfaces came up, perhaps try to ping?
# TODO: assert key, req, cert paths were included correctly in OpenVPN config
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'networkmanager', "-cn", "roadwarrior3", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/OpenVPN to vpn.example.lan")
# Issue token, needs legit router ^
os.system("certidude token issue userbot")
except FileExistsError:
except FileExistsError:
with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf.d/ca.conf", "w") as fh:
fh.write("trigger = interface up\n")
fh.write("system wide = true\n")
fh.write("common name = roadwarrior5\n")
fh.write("autosign = false\n")
with open("/etc/certidude/services.conf.d/ca.conf", "w") as fh:
fh.write("[OpenVPN to vpn.example.lan]\n")
fh.write("authority = ca.example.lan\n")
fh.write("remote = vpn.example.lan\n")
fh.write("service = network-manager/openvpn\n")
fh.write("[IPSec to ipsec.example.lan]\n")
fh.write("authority = ca.example.lan\n")
fh.write("remote = ipsec.example.lan\n")
fh.write("service = network-manager/strongswan\n")
assert os.system("certidude enroll --skip-self") == 0
# Test image builder ###
r = client().simulate_get("/api/build/ar150-mfp-sysupgrade/mfp-gl-ar150-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/build/ar150-mfp-sysupgrade/mfp-gl-ar150-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin",
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
r = client().simulate_get("/api/build/ar150-mfp-sysupgrade/mfp-gl-ar150-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin",
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
### Token mechanism ###
r = client().simulate_post("/api/token/",
headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken})
assert r.status_code == 200
from certidude.tokens import TokenManager
from certidude.user import User
token_manager = TokenManager(config.TOKEN_DATABASE)
token = token_manager.issue(None, User.objects.get("userbot"))
assert re.match("[A-Za-z0-9]{32}$", token), token
# TODO: submit garbage instead CSR
# Invalid common name
r = client().simulate_put("/api/token/",
body = generate_csr("random"),
query_string = "token=%s" % token)
assert r.status_code == 400, r.text
# Unknown token
token = token_manager.issue(None, User.objects.get("userbot"))
r = client().simulate_put("/api/token/",
body = generate_csr("userbot@random"),
query_string = "token=WpPQAgbnak84QgWjbMY4230JHi0hVYJP")
assert r.status_code == 403, r.text
# Correct token
r = client().simulate_put("/api/token/",
body = generate_csr("userbot@random"),
query_string = "token=%s" % token)
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
# Overwrite prohibited
token = token_manager.issue(None, User.objects.get("userbot"))
r = client().simulate_put("/api/token/",
body = generate_csr("userbot@random"),
query_string = "token=%s" % token)
assert r.status_code == 409, r.text
### Subscribe to event source ###
ev_pid = os.fork()
if not ev_pid:
r = requests.get(ev_url, headers={"Accept": "text/event-stream"}, stream=True)
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
i = r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True)
assert i.__next__() == ": hi"
assert not i.__next__()
# IPSec gateway below
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Served CA certificate ')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: request-submitted", "%s; %s" % (i.__next__(), i.__next__())
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__() == "data: ipsec.example.lan"
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Stored signing request ipsec.example.lan ')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Stored signing request ipsec.example.lan ')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: request-signed"
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: ipsec.example.lan')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Served certificate ipsec.example.lan')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Served certificate ipsec.example.lan')
assert not i.__next__()
# IPsec client as service enroll
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: request-signed", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: roadwarrior2')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior2')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior2')
assert not i.__next__()
# IPSec client using Networkmanger enroll
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Served CA certificate ')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: request-signed", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: roadwarrior4')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__()
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior4')
assert not i.__next__()
assert i.__next__() == "event: log-entry", i.__next__() # FIXME
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior4')
assert not i.__next__()
# Revoke
assert i.__next__() == "event: certificate-revoked", i.__next__() # why?!
assert i.__next__().startswith("id:")
assert i.__next__().startswith('data: roadwarrior4')
assert not i.__next__()
### IPSec ###
# Setup gateway
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec", "ca.example.lan"])
assert result.exception, result.output # FQDN required
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert open("/etc/ipsec.secrets").read() == ": RSA /etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_key.pem\n"
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh:
fh.write("autosign = false\n")
fh.write("system wide = yes\n")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "(autosign not requested)" in result.output, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
child_pid = os.fork()
if not child_pid:
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "ipsec.example.lan", "--profile", "srv"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "overwrit" not in result.output, result.output
assert "Publishing request-signed event 'ipsec.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output
os.waitpid(child_pid, 0)
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem")
# IPSec client as service
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior2", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior2", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
# IPSec using NetworkManager
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'networkmanager', "-cn", "roadwarrior4", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
assert os.path.exists("/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/IPSec to ipsec.example.lan")
### Test revocation on client side ###
# First revoke on server side
child_pid = os.fork()
if not child_pid:
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['revoke', 'roadwarrior4'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
os.waitpid(child_pid, 0)
# Make sure check is ran on the client side
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/ca.example.lan.pid"), result.output
#assert "Certificate has been revoked, wiping keys and certificates" in result.output, result.output
#assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
### Test that legacy features are disabled by default ###
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/scep/")
assert r.status_code == 404
r = requests.post("http://ca.example.lan/api/scep/")
assert r.status_code == 404
### Test OCSP ###
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/")
assert r.status_code == 400
r = requests.post("http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/")
assert r.status_code == 400
assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -CAfile /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/signed/roadwarrior2.pem -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp1.log") == 0
assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -CAfile /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp2.log") == 0
for filename in os.listdir("/var/lib/certidude/revoked"):
if not filename.endswith(".pem"):
assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -CAfile /var/lib/certidude/ca_cert.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/revoked/%s -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp3.log" % filename) == 0
with open("/tmp/ocsp1.log") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
assert ": good" in buf, buf
with open("/tmp/ocsp2.log") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
assert ": unknown" in buf, buf
with open("/tmp/ocsp3.log") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
assert ": revoked" in buf, buf
### Switch to Kerberos/LDAP auth ###
assert os.path.exists("/run/certidude/server.pid")
pid_certidude = int(open("/run/certidude/server.pid").read())
os.system("systemctl stop certidude")
assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/server.pid")
# Install packages
# Bootstrap domain controller here,
# Samba startup takes some time
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab")
assert not os.path.exists("/etc/krb5.keytab")
os.system("samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc --domain=EXAMPLE --realm=EXAMPLE.LAN --host-name=ca")
assert not os.path.exists("/run/samba/samba.pid")
os.system("systemctl restart samba-ad-dc")
os.system("samba-tool user add userbot S4l4k4l4 --given-name='User' --surname='Bot'")
os.system("samba-tool user add adminbot S4l4k4l4 --given-name='Admin' --surname='Bot'")
os.system("samba-tool group addmembers 'Domain Admins' adminbot")
os.system("samba-tool user setpassword administrator --newpassword=S4l4k4l4")
os.symlink("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab", "/etc/krb5.keytab")
os.chmod("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab", 0o644) # To allow access to certidude server
if os.path.exists("/etc/krb5.conf"): # Remove the one from krb5-user package
os.symlink("/var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf", "/etc/krb5.conf")
with open("/etc/resolv.conf", "w") as fh:
fh.write("nameserver\nsearch example.lan\n")
# TODO: dig -t srv perhaps?
# Samba bind 636 late (probably generating keypair)
# so LDAPS connections below will fail
timeout = 30
while timeout > 0:
if os.path.exists("/var/lib/samba/private/tls/cert.pem"):
timeout -= 1
assert False, "Samba startup timed out"
assert os.path.exists("/run/samba/samba.pid")
# (re)auth against DC
assert os.system("kdestroy") == 0
assert not os.path.exists("/tmp/krb5cc_0")
assert os.system("echo S4l4k4l4 | kinit administrator") == 0
assert os.path.exists("/tmp/krb5cc_0")
# Set up HTTP service principal
os.system("sed -e 's/CA/CA\\nkerberos method = system keytab/' -i /etc/samba/smb.conf ")
assert os.system("KRB5_KTNAME=FILE:/etc/certidude/server.keytab net ads keytab add HTTP -k") == 0
assert os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/server.keytab")
os.system("chown root:certidude /etc/certidude/server.keytab")
os.system("chmod 640 /etc/certidude/server.keytab")
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/")
assert r.status_code == 502, r.text
# Bootstrap authority again with:
# - RSA certificates
# - Kerberos auth
# - OCSP disabled
# - SCEP enabled
# - CRL disabled
assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca_key.pem")
assert os.system("certidude setup authority --skip-packages -o 'Demola LLC'") == 0
assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca_key.pem")
assert os.path.exists("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude")
# Make modifications to /etc/certidude/server.conf so
# Certidude would auth against domain controller
assert os.system("sed -e 's/ldap uri = ldaps:.*/ldap uri = ldaps:\\/\\/ca.example.lan/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/ldap uri = ldap:.*/ldap uri = ldap:\\/\\/ca.example.lan/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/autosign subnets =.*/autosign subnets =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/machine enrollment subnets =.*/machine enrollment subnets =\\/0/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/scep subnets =.*/scep subnets =\\/0/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/ocsp subnets =.*/ocsp subnets =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/crl subnets =.*/crl subnets =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/address = certificates@example.lan/address =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
assert os.system("sed -e 's/kerberos subnets =.*/kerberos subnets =\\/0/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") == 0
# Update server credential cache
assert os.system("sed -e 's/dc1/ca/g' -i /etc/cron.hourly/certidude") == 0
with open("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude") as fh:
cronjob = fh.read()
assert "ldap/ca.example.lan" in cronjob, cronjob
assert os.system("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude") == 0
assert os.path.exists("/run/certidude/krb5cc")
assert os.stat("/run/certidude/krb5cc").st_uid != 0, "Incorrect persmissions for /run/certidude/krb5cc"
# Start certidude backend
assert os.system("systemctl restart certidude") == 0
cov_finished = False
for path in os.listdir("/tmp/"):
if path.startswith(".coverage.ca.%d." % pid_certidude):
cov_finished = True
assert cov_finished, "Didn't find %d in %s" % (pid_certidude, os.listdir("/tmp"))
# Apply /etc/certidude/server.conf changes
assert authority.public_key.algorithm == "rsa"
assert isinstance(user.User.objects, user.ActiveDirectoryUserManager), user.User.objects
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['users'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "user;userbot;User;Bot;userbot@example.lan" in result.output
assert "admin;adminbot;Admin;Bot;adminbot@example.lan" in result.output
assert "admin;Administrator;Administrator;;Administrator@example.lan" in result.output
# Wait for serve to start up
for j in range(0,10):
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/")
if r.status_code != 502:
assert r.status_code == 401, "Timed out starting up the API backend"
# CRL-s disabled now
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/revoked/")
assert r.status_code == 404, r.text
# SCEP should be enabled now
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/scep/")
assert r.status_code == 400
r = requests.post("http://ca.example.lan/api/scep/")
assert r.status_code == 405
# OCSP should be disabled now
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/")
assert r.status_code == 404
r = requests.post("http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/")
assert r.status_code == 404
### Kerberos auth ###
# TODO: pip3 install requests-kerberos
assert os.stat("/run/certidude/krb5cc").st_uid != 0, "Incorrect persmissions for /run/certidude/krb5cc"
from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth, OPTIONAL
auth = HTTPKerberosAuth(mutual_authentication=OPTIONAL, force_preemptive=True)
# Test Kerberos auth
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/")
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
assert "No Kerberos ticket offered" in r.text, r.text
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", headers={"Authorization": "Negotiate blerrgh"})
assert r.status_code == 400, r.text
assert "Malformed token" in r.text
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", headers={"Authorization": "Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAl4II4gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKADk4AAAADw=="})
assert r.status_code == 400, r.text
assert "Unsupported authentication mechanism (NTLM" in r.text
assert os.system("echo S4l4k4l4 | kinit administrator") == 0
assert os.stat("/run/certidude/krb5cc").st_uid != 0, "Incorrect persmissions for /run/certidude/krb5cc"
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", auth=auth)
assert r.status_code == 200, r.text
### LDAP auth ###
# TODO: Test LDAP bind auth fallback
usertoken = "Basic dXNlcmJvdDpTNGw0azRsNA=="
admintoken = "Basic YWRtaW5ib3Q6UzRsNGs0bDQ="
with open("/etc/ldap/ldap.conf", "w") as fh:
fh.write("TLS_CACERT /var/lib/samba/private/tls/ca.pem")
# curl http://ca.example.lan/api/ -u adminbot:S4l4k4l4 -H "User-agent: Android" -H "Referer: http://ca.example.lan"
r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/",
headers={"Authorization":usertoken, "User-Agent": "Android", "Referer":"http://ca.example.lan/"})
assert r.status_code == 401, r.text
assert "expected Negotiate" in r.text, r.text
### Machine keytab auth ###
mach_pid = os.fork() # Otherwise results in Terminated, needs investigation why
if not mach_pid:
# Test non-matching CN
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "somethingelse", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait", "--kerberos"])
assert result.exception, result.output # Bad request 400
# With matching CN it should work
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "ca", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["enroll", "--skip-self", "--no-wait", "--kerberos"])
assert not result.exception, result.output
assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output
os.waitpid(mach_pid, 0)
### SCEP tests ###
assert not os.path.exists("/tmp/sscep/ca.pem")
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/sscep"):
assert not os.system("git clone https://github.com/certnanny/sscep /tmp/sscep")
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn"):
assert not os.system("cd /tmp/sscep && ./Configure && make sscep_dyn")
assert not os.system("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn getca -c /tmp/sscep/ca.pem -u http://ca.example.lan/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe")
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/key.pem"):
assert not os.system("openssl genrsa -out /tmp/key.pem 1024")
if not os.path.exists("/tmp/req.pem"):
assert not os.system("echo '.\n.\n.\n.\nGateway\ntest8\n\n\n\n' | openssl req -new -sha256 -key /tmp/key.pem -out /tmp/req.pem")
assert not os.system("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn enroll -c /tmp/sscep/ca.pem -u http://ca.example.lan/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe -k /tmp/key.pem -r /tmp/req.pem -l /tmp/cert.pem")
# TODO: test e-mails at this point
# TODO: add strongswan scep client tests here
### Final tests ###
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, ['expire'])
assert not result.exception, result.output
pid_certidude = int(open("/run/certidude/server.pid").read())
assert os.system("systemctl stop certidude") == 0
cov_finished = False
for path in os.listdir("/tmp/"):
if path.startswith(".coverage.ca.%d." % pid_certidude):
cov_finished = True
assert cov_finished
assert open("/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.ipsec.charon").read() == \
"/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/client_key.pem r,\n" + \
"/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/ca_cert.pem r,\n" + \
"/etc/certidude/authority/ca.example.lan/client_cert.pem r,\n"
# TODO: pop mails from /var/mail and check content
os.system("service nginx stop")
os.system("service openvpn stop")
os.system("ipsec stop")
os.system("certidude token list")
os.system("certidude token purge")
os.system("certidude token purge -a")
if __name__ == "__main__":