mirror of https://github.com/laurivosandi/certidude synced 2025-01-09 15:47:37 +00:00

280 lines
12 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
import falcon
import mimetypes
import logging
import os
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime
from xattr import listxattr, getxattr
from certidude.auth import login_required
from certidude.user import User
from certidude.decorators import serialize, csrf_protection
from certidude import const, config
from .utils import AuthorityHandler
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CertificateAuthorityResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
logger.info("Served CA certificate to %s", req.context.get("remote_addr"))
resp.stream = open(config.AUTHORITY_CERTIFICATE_PATH, "rb")
resp.append_header("Content-Type", "application/x-x509-ca-cert")
resp.append_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=%s.crt" %
class SessionResource(AuthorityHandler):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
def serialize_requests(g):
for common_name, path, buf, req, submitted, server in g():
submission_address = getxattr(path, "user.request.address").decode("ascii") # TODO: move to authority.py
except IOError:
submission_address = None
submission_hostname = getxattr(path, "user.request.hostname").decode("ascii") # TODO: move to authority.py
except IOError:
submission_hostname = None
yield dict(
server = self.authority.server_flags(common_name),
submitted = submitted,
common_name = common_name,
address = submission_address,
hostname = submission_hostname if submission_hostname != submission_address else None,
md5sum = hashlib.md5(buf).hexdigest(),
sha1sum = hashlib.sha1(buf).hexdigest(),
sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(),
sha512sum = hashlib.sha512(buf).hexdigest()
def serialize_revoked(g):
for common_name, path, buf, cert, signed, expired, revoked in g():
yield dict(
serial = "%x" % cert.serial_number,
common_name = common_name,
# TODO: key type, key length, key exponent, key modulo
signed = signed,
expired = expired,
revoked = revoked,
sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest())
def serialize_certificates(g):
for common_name, path, buf, cert, signed, expires in g():
# Extract certificate tags from filesystem
tags = []
for tag in getxattr(path, "user.xdg.tags").decode("ascii").split(","):
if "=" in tag:
k, v = tag.split("=", 1)
k, v = "other", tag
tags.append(dict(id=tag, key=k, value=v))
except IOError: # No such attribute(s)
tags = None
attributes = {}
for key in listxattr(path):
if key.startswith(b"user.machine."):
attributes[key[13:].decode("ascii")] = getxattr(path, key).decode("ascii")
# Extract lease information from filesystem
last_seen = datetime.strptime(getxattr(path, "user.lease.last_seen").decode("ascii"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
lease = dict(
inner_address = getxattr(path, "user.lease.inner_address").decode("ascii"),
outer_address = getxattr(path, "user.lease.outer_address").decode("ascii"),
last_seen = last_seen,
age = datetime.utcnow() - last_seen
except IOError: # No such attribute(s)
lease = None
signer_username = getxattr(path, "user.signature.username").decode("ascii")
except IOError:
signer_username = None
yield dict(
serial = "%x" % cert.serial_number,
organizational_unit = cert.subject.native.get("organizational_unit_name"),
common_name = common_name,
# TODO: key type, key length, key exponent, key modulo
signed = signed,
expires = expires,
sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(),
signer = signer_username,
lease = lease,
tags = tags,
attributes = attributes or None,
extensions = dict([
(e["extn_id"].native, e["extn_value"].native)
for e in cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"]
if e["extn_value"] in ("extended_key_usage",)])
if req.context.get("user").is_admin():
logger.info("Logged in authority administrator %s from %s" % (req.context.get("user"), req.context.get("remote_addr")))
logger.info("Logged in authority user %s from %s" % (req.context.get("user"), req.context.get("remote_addr")))
return dict(
user = dict(
request_submission_allowed = config.REQUEST_SUBMISSION_ALLOWED,
authority = dict(
builder = dict(
profiles = config.IMAGE_BUILDER_PROFILES
tagging = [dict(name=t[0], type=t[1], title=t[2]) for t in config.TAG_TYPES],
lease = dict(
offline = 600, # Seconds from last seen activity to consider lease offline, OpenVPN reneg-sec option
dead = 604800 # Seconds from last activity to consider lease dead, X509 chain broken or machine discarded
common_name = const.FQDN,
title = self.authority.certificate.subject.native["common_name"],
mailer = dict(
name = config.MAILER_NAME,
address = config.MAILER_ADDRESS
) if config.MAILER_ADDRESS else None,
admin_users = User.objects.filter_admins(),
user_subnets = config.USER_SUBNETS or None,
autosign_subnets = config.AUTOSIGN_SUBNETS or None,
request_subnets = config.REQUEST_SUBNETS or None,
admin_subnets=config.ADMIN_SUBNETS or None,
signature = dict(
profiles = [dict(name=k, server=v[0]=="server", lifetime=v[1], organizational_unit=v[2], title=v[3]) for k,v in config.PROFILES.items()]
) if req.context.get("user").is_admin() else None,
class StaticResource(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = os.path.realpath(root)
def __call__(self, req, resp):
path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.root, req.path[1:]))
if not path.startswith(self.root):
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest()
if os.path.isdir(path):
path = os.path.join(path, "index.html")
if os.path.exists(path):
content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
if content_type:
resp.append_header("Content-Type", content_type)
if content_encoding:
resp.append_header("Content-Encoding", content_encoding)
resp.stream = open(path, "rb")
logger.debug("Serving '%s' from '%s'", req.path, path)
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_404
resp.body = "File '%s' not found" % req.path
logger.info("File '%s' not found, path resolved to '%s'", req.path, path)
import ipaddress
class NormalizeMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, req, resp, *args):
assert not req.get_param("unicode") or req.get_param("unicode") == u"", "Unicode sanity check failed"
req.context["remote_addr"] = ipaddress.ip_address(req.access_route[0])
def certidude_app(log_handlers=[]):
from certidude import authority, config
from .signed import SignedCertificateDetailResource
from .request import RequestListResource, RequestDetailResource
from .lease import LeaseResource, LeaseDetailResource
from .script import ScriptResource
from .tag import TagResource, TagDetailResource
from .attrib import AttributeResource
from .bootstrap import BootstrapResource
from .token import TokenResource
from .builder import ImageBuilderResource
app = falcon.API(middleware=NormalizeMiddleware())
app.req_options.auto_parse_form_urlencoded = True
#app.req_options.strip_url_path_trailing_slash = False
# Certificate authority API calls
app.add_route("/api/certificate/", CertificateAuthorityResource())
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/", SignedCertificateDetailResource(authority))
app.add_route("/api/request/{cn}/", RequestDetailResource(authority))
app.add_route("/api/request/", RequestListResource(authority))
app.add_route("/api/", SessionResource(authority))
if config.USER_ENROLLMENT_ALLOWED: # TODO: add token enable/disable flag for config
app.add_route("/api/token/", TokenResource(authority))
# Extended attributes for scripting etc.
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/attr/", AttributeResource(authority, namespace="machine"))
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/script/", ScriptResource(authority))
# API calls used by pushed events on the JS end
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/tag/", TagResource(authority))
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/lease/", LeaseDetailResource(authority))
# API call used to delete existing tags
app.add_route("/api/signed/{cn}/tag/{tag}/", TagDetailResource(authority))
# Gateways can submit leases via this API call
app.add_route("/api/lease/", LeaseResource(authority))
# Bootstrap resource
app.add_route("/api/bootstrap/", BootstrapResource(authority))
# LEDE image builder resource
app.add_route("/api/build/{profile}/{suggested_filename}", ImageBuilderResource())
# Add CRL handler if we have any whitelisted subnets
if config.CRL_SUBNETS:
from .revoked import RevocationListResource
app.add_route("/api/revoked/", RevocationListResource(authority))
# Add SCEP handler if we have any whitelisted subnets
if config.SCEP_SUBNETS:
from .scep import SCEPResource
app.add_route("/api/scep/", SCEPResource(authority))
# Add sink for serving static files
app.add_sink(StaticResource(os.path.join(__file__, "..", "..", "static")))
if config.OCSP_SUBNETS:
from .ocsp import OCSPResource
app.add_sink(OCSPResource(authority), prefix="/api/ocsp")
# Set up log handlers
if config.LOGGING_BACKEND == "sql":
from certidude.mysqllog import LogHandler
from certidude.api.log import LogResource
uri = config.cp.get("logging", "database")
app.add_route("/api/log/", LogResource(uri))
elif config.LOGGING_BACKEND == "syslog":
from logging.handlers import SyslogHandler
# Browsing syslog via HTTP is obviously not possible out of the box
elif config.LOGGING_BACKEND:
raise ValueError("Invalid logging.backend = %s" % config.LOGGING_BACKEND)
return app