{{ session.user.gn }} {{ session.user.sn }} ({{session.user.name }}) settings

Click here to generate Android or iOS bundle for current user account.

Mails will be sent to: {{ session.user.mail }}

{% if session.authority %}

Authority certificate

Several things are hardcoded into the certificate and as such require complete reset of X509 infrastructure if some of them needs to be changed.

Authority settings

These can be reconfigured via /etc/certidude/server.conf on the server.

{% if session.authority.mailer %}

Mails will appear from: {{ session.authority.mailer.name }} <{{ session.authority.mailer.address }}>

{% else %}

E-mail disabled

{% endif %}

User enrollment: {% if session.authority.user_enrollment_allowed %} {% if session.authority.user_multiple_certificates %} multiple {% else %} single {% endif %} allowed {% else %} forbidden {% endif %}

Machine enrollment: {% if session.authority.machine_enrollment_allowed %} allowed {% else %} forbidden {% endif %}

Certificate attributes:

Authenticated users allowed from: {% if "" in session.authority.user_subnets %} anywhere

{% else %}

{% endif %}

Request submission is allowed from: {% if "" in session.authority.request_subnets %} anywhere

{% else %}

{% endif %}

Autosign is allowed from: {% if "" in session.authority.autosign_subnets %} anywhere

{% else %}

{% endif %}

Authority administration is allowed from: {% if "" in session.authority.admin_subnets %} anywhere

{% else %} {% endif %}

Authority administration allowed for:

{% else %}

Here you can renew your certificates

{% endif %} {% set s = session.certificate.identity %} {% if session.authority %}

Pending requests

{% if session.request_submission_allowed %}

Generate private key and certificate signing request:

openssl genrsa -out example.key 2048
openssl req -new -sha256 -key example.key -out example.csr
cat example.csr

Paste the contents here and click submit:

{% else %}

Submit a certificate signing request from Mac OS X, Ubuntu or Fedora:

easy_install pip
pip install certidude
certidude bootstrap {{session.authority.common_name}}
{% endif %}

Signed certificates


Revoked certificates

To fetch certificate revocation list:

curl {{window.location.href}}api/revoked/ > crl.der
curl http://ca2.koodur.lan/api/revoked/ -L -H "Accept: application/x-pem-file"
curl http://ca2.koodur.lan/api/revoked/?wait=yes -L -H "Accept: application/x-pem-file" > crl.pem
{% endif %}