Generating RSA keypair, this will take a while...

Ubuntu 16.04+

Install OpenVPN plugin for NetworkManager by executing following two command in the terminal:

# Ubuntu 16.04 ships with older OpenVPN 2.3, to support newer ciphers add OpenVPN's repo
if [ $(lsb_relase -cs) == "xenial" ]; then
  wget -O -|apt-key add -
  echo "deb xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvpn-aptrepo.list
  apt update
  apt install openvpn

sudo apt install -y network-manager-openvpn-gnome
sudo systemctl restart network-manager

Fetch OpenVPN profile

Open up network connections:

Hit Add button:

Select Import a saved VPN configuration...:

Select downloaded file:

Once profile is successfully imported following dialog appears:

By default all traffic is routed via VPN gateway, route only intranet subnets to the gateway select Routes... under IPv4 Settings:

Check Use this connection only for resources on its network:

To activate the connection select it under VPN Connections:


Install OpenVPN plugin for NetworkManager by running following two commands:

dnf install NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome
systemctl restart NetworkManager
Right click in the NetworkManager icon, select network settings. Hit the + button and select Import from file..., select the downloaded .ovpn file. Remove the .ovpn file from the Downloads folder.

Fetch OpenVPN profile


Import PKCS#12 container to your machine trust store. Import VPN connection profile by moving the downloaded .pbk file to


Fetch PKCS#12 container Fetch VPN profile


Install OpenVPN community edition client. Move the downloaded .ovpn file to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config and right click in the system tray on OpenVPN icon and select Connect from the menu. For finishing touch adjust the file permissions so only local administrator can read that file, remove regular user access to the file.

Get OpenVPN community edition Fetch OpenVPN profile

Download OpenVPN from the link supplied above:

Install OpenVPN:

Move the configuraiton file downloaded from the second button above:

Connect from system tray:

Connection is successfully configured:

Mac OS X

Download Tunnelblick. Tap on the button above and import the profile.

Get Tunnelblick Fetch OpenVPN profile


Install OpenVPN Connect app, tap on the button below.

Get OpenVPN Connect app Fetch OpenVPN profile


Tap the button below, you'll be prompted about configuration profile, tap Allow. Hit Install in the top-right corner. Enter your passcode to unlock trust store. Tap Install and confirm by hitting Install. Where password for the certificate is prompted, enter 1234. Hit Done. Go to Settings, open VPN submenu and tap on the VPN profile to connect.

Fetch VPN profile

Mac OS X

Click on the button below, you'll be prompted about configuration profile, tap Allow. Hit Install in the top-right corner. Enter your passcode to unlock trust store. Tap Install and confirm by hitting Install. Where password for the certificate is prompted, enter 1234. Hit Done. Go to Settings, open VPN submenu and tap on the VPN profile to connect.

Fetch VPN profile


Intall OpenVPN Connect app on your device. Tap on the downloaded .ovpn file, OpenVPN Connect should prompt for import. Hit Accept and then Connect. Remember to delete any remaining .ovpn files under the Downloads.

Get OpenVPN Connect app Fetch OpenVPN profile


Install strongSwan Client app on your device. Tap on the downloaded .sswan file, StrongSwan Client should prompt for import. Hit Import certificate from VPN profile and then Import in the top-right corner. Remember to delete any remaining .sswan files under the Downloads.

Get strongSwan VPN Client app Fetch StrongSwan profile