from datetime import datetime from xattr import listxattr, getxattr import falcon import hashlib import logging from certidude import const, config from certidude.common import cert_to_dn from certidude.decorators import serialize, csrf_protection from certidude.user import User from .utils import AuthorityHandler from .utils.firewall import login_required, authorize_admin logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CertificateAuthorityResource(object): def on_get(self, req, resp):"Served CA certificate to %s", req.context.get("remote_addr")) = open(config.AUTHORITY_CERTIFICATE_PATH, "rb") resp.append_header("Content-Type", "application/x-x509-ca-cert") resp.append_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=%s.crt" % const.HOSTNAME.encode("ascii")) class SessionResource(AuthorityHandler): @csrf_protection @serialize @login_required @authorize_admin def on_get(self, req, resp): def serialize_requests(g): for common_name, path, buf, req, submitted, server in g(): try: submission_address = getxattr(path, "user.request.address").decode("ascii") # TODO: move to except IOError: submission_address = None try: submission_hostname = getxattr(path, "user.request.hostname").decode("ascii") # TODO: move to except IOError: submission_hostname = None yield dict( submitted = submitted, common_name = common_name, address = submission_address, hostname = submission_hostname if submission_hostname != submission_address else None, md5sum = hashlib.md5(buf).hexdigest(), sha1sum = hashlib.sha1(buf).hexdigest(), sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(), sha512sum = hashlib.sha512(buf).hexdigest() ) def serialize_revoked(g): for common_name, path, buf, cert, signed, expired, revoked, reason in g(limit=5): yield dict( serial = "%x" % cert.serial_number, common_name = common_name, # TODO: key type, key length, key exponent, key modulo signed = signed, expired = expired, revoked = revoked, reason = reason, sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest()) def serialize_certificates(g): for common_name, path, buf, cert, signed, expires in g(): # Extract certificate tags from filesystem try: tags = [] for tag in getxattr(path, "user.xdg.tags").decode("utf-8").split(","): if "=" in tag: k, v = tag.split("=", 1) else: k, v = "other", tag tags.append(dict(id=tag, key=k, value=v)) except IOError: # No such attribute(s) tags = None attributes = {} for key in listxattr(path): if key.startswith(b"user.machine."): attributes[key[13:].decode("ascii")] = getxattr(path, key).decode("ascii") # Extract lease information from filesystem try: last_seen = datetime.strptime(getxattr(path, "").decode("ascii"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") lease = dict( inner_address = getxattr(path, "").decode("ascii"), outer_address = getxattr(path, "").decode("ascii"), last_seen = last_seen, age = datetime.utcnow() - last_seen ) except IOError: # No such attribute(s) lease = None try: signer_username = getxattr(path, "user.signature.username").decode("ascii") except IOError: signer_username = None # TODO: dedup yield dict( serial = "%x" % cert.serial_number, organizational_unit = cert.subject.native.get("organizational_unit_name"), common_name = common_name, # TODO: key type, key length, key exponent, key modulo signed = signed, expires = expires, sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(), signer = signer_username, lease = lease, tags = tags, attributes = attributes or None, extensions = dict([ (e["extn_id"].native, e["extn_value"].native) for e in cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"] if e["extn_id"].native in ("extended_key_usage",)]) )"Logged in authority administrator %s from %s with %s" % ( req.context.get("user"), req.context.get("remote_addr"), req.context.get("user_agent"))) return dict( user = dict( name=req.context.get("user").name, gn=req.context.get("user").given_name, sn=req.context.get("user").surname, mail=req.context.get("user").mail ), request_submission_allowed = config.REQUEST_SUBMISSION_ALLOWED, service = dict( protocols = config.SERVICE_PROTOCOLS, routers = [j[0] for j in self.authority.list_signed( common_name=config.SERVICE_ROUTERS)] ), authority = dict( builder = dict( profiles = config.IMAGE_BUILDER_PROFILES ), tagging = [dict(name=t[0], type=t[1], title=t[2]) for t in config.TAG_TYPES], lease = dict( offline = 600, # Seconds from last seen activity to consider lease offline, OpenVPN reneg-sec option dead = 604800 # Seconds from last activity to consider lease dead, X509 chain broken or machine discarded ), certificate = dict( algorithm = self.authority.public_key.algorithm, common_name = self.authority.certificate.subject.native["common_name"], distinguished_name = cert_to_dn(self.authority.certificate), md5sum = hashlib.md5(self.authority.certificate_buf).hexdigest(), blob = self.authority.certificate_buf.decode("ascii"), ), mailer = dict( name = config.MAILER_NAME, address = config.MAILER_ADDRESS ) if config.MAILER_ADDRESS else None, machine_enrollment_subnets=config.MACHINE_ENROLLMENT_SUBNETS, user_enrollment_allowed=config.USER_ENROLLMENT_ALLOWED, user_multiple_certificates=config.USER_MULTIPLE_CERTIFICATES, events = config.EVENT_SOURCE_SUBSCRIBE % config.EVENT_SOURCE_TOKEN, requests=serialize_requests(self.authority.list_requests), signed=serialize_certificates(self.authority.list_signed), revoked=serialize_revoked(self.authority.list_revoked), admin_users = User.objects.filter_admins(), user_subnets = config.USER_SUBNETS or None, autosign_subnets = config.AUTOSIGN_SUBNETS or None, request_subnets = config.REQUEST_SUBNETS or None, admin_subnets=config.ADMIN_SUBNETS or None, signature = dict( revocation_list_lifetime=config.REVOCATION_LIST_LIFETIME, profiles = sorted([p.serialize() for p in config.PROFILES.values()], key=lambda p:p.get("slug")), ) ), features=dict( ocsp=bool(config.OCSP_SUBNETS), crl=bool(config.CRL_SUBNETS), token=bool(config.TOKEN_URL), tagging=True, leases=True, logging=config.LOGGING_BACKEND) )