import click import falcon import logging import json import os import hashlib from asn1crypto import pem, x509 from asn1crypto.csr import CertificationRequest from base64 import b64decode from certidude import config, push, errors from certidude.decorators import csrf_protection, MyEncoder from certidude.profile import SignatureProfile from datetime import datetime from oscrypto import asymmetric from oscrypto.errors import SignatureError from xattr import getxattr, setxattr from .utils import AuthorityHandler from .utils.firewall import whitelist_subnets, whitelist_content_types, \ login_required, login_optional, authorize_admin logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """ openssl genrsa -out test.key 1024 openssl req -new -sha256 -key test.key -out test.csr -subj "/CN=test" curl -f -L -H "Content-type: application/pkcs10" --data-binary @test.csr \ http://ca.example.lan/api/request/?wait=yes """ class RequestListResource(AuthorityHandler): @login_optional @whitelist_subnets(config.REQUEST_SUBNETS) @whitelist_content_types("application/pkcs10") def on_post(self, req, resp): """ Validate and parse certificate signing request, the RESTful way """ reasons = [] body = try: header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(body) csr = CertificationRequest.load(der_bytes) except ValueError:"Malformed certificate signing request submission from %s blocked", req.context.get("remote_addr")) raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( "Bad request", "Malformed certificate signing request") else: req_public_key = asymmetric.load_public_key(csr["certification_request_info"]["subject_pk_info"]) if self.authority.public_key.algorithm != req_public_key.algorithm:"Attempt to submit %s based request from %s blocked, only %s allowed" % ( req_public_key.algorithm.upper(), req.context.get("remote_addr"), self.authority.public_key.algorithm.upper())) raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( "Bad request", "Incompatible asymmetric key algorithms") common_name = csr["certification_request_info"]["subject"].native["common_name"] """ Determine whether autosign is allowed to overwrite already issued certificates automatically """ overwrite_allowed = False for subnet in config.OVERWRITE_SUBNETS: if req.context.get("remote_addr") in subnet: overwrite_allowed = True break """ Handle domain computer automatic enrollment """ machine = req.context.get("machine") if machine: reasons.append("machine enrollment not allowed from %s" % req.context.get("remote_addr")) for subnet in config.MACHINE_ENROLLMENT_SUBNETS: if req.context.get("remote_addr") in subnet: if common_name != machine: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( "Bad request", "Common name %s differs from Kerberos credential %s!" % (common_name, machine)) # Automatic enroll with Kerberos machine cerdentials resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file") cert, resp.body = self.authority._sign(csr, body, profile=config.PROFILES["rw"], overwrite=overwrite_allowed)"Automatically enrolled Kerberos authenticated machine %s from %s", machine, req.context.get("remote_addr")) return """ Attempt to renew certificate using currently valid key pair """ try: path, buf, cert, signed, expires = self.authority.get_signed(common_name) except EnvironmentError: pass # No currently valid certificate for this common name else: cert_pk = cert["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"].native csr_pk = csr["certification_request_info"]["subject_pk_info"].native # Same public key if cert_pk == csr_pk: buf = req.get_header("X-SSL-CERT") if buf: # Used mutually authenticated TLS handshake, assume renewal header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf.replace("\t", "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n").encode("ascii")) handshake_cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes) if handshake_cert.native == cert.native: for subnet in config.RENEWAL_SUBNETS: if req.context.get("remote_addr") in subnet: resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-x509-user-cert") setxattr(path, "user.revocation.reason", "superseded") _, resp.body = self.authority._sign(csr, body, overwrite=True, profile=SignatureProfile.from_cert(cert))"Renewing certificate for %s as %s is whitelisted", common_name, req.context.get("remote_addr")) return reasons.append("renewal failed") else: # No renewal requested, redirect to signed API call resp.status = falcon.HTTP_SEE_OTHER resp.location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(req.relative_uri), "signed", common_name) return """ Process automatic signing if the IP address is whitelisted, autosigning was requested and certificate can be automatically signed """ if req.get_param_as_bool("autosign"): for subnet in config.AUTOSIGN_SUBNETS: if req.context.get("remote_addr") in subnet: try: resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file") _, resp.body = self.authority._sign(csr, body, overwrite=overwrite_allowed, profile=config.PROFILES["rw"])"Signed %s as %s is whitelisted for autosign", common_name, req.context.get("remote_addr")) return except EnvironmentError:"Autosign for %s from %s failed, signed certificate already exists", common_name, req.context.get("remote_addr")) reasons.append("autosign failed, signed certificate already exists") break else: reasons.append("IP address not whitelisted for autosign") else: reasons.append("autosign not requested") # Attempt to save the request otherwise try: request_path, _, _ = self.authority.store_request(body, address=str(req.context.get("remote_addr"))) except errors.RequestExists: reasons.append("same request already uploaded exists") # We should still redirect client to long poll URL below except errors.DuplicateCommonNameError: # TODO: Certificate renewal logger.warning("rejected signing request with overlapping common name from %s", req.context.get("remote_addr")) raise falcon.HTTPConflict( "CSR with such CN already exists", "Will not overwrite existing certificate signing request, explicitly delete CSR and try again") else: push.publish("request-submitted", common_name) # Wait the certificate to be signed if waiting is requested"Signing request %s from %s put on hold, %s", common_name, req.context.get("remote_addr"), ", ".join(reasons)) if req.get_param("wait"): # Redirect to nginx pub/sub url = config.LONG_POLL_SUBSCRIBE % hashlib.sha256(body).hexdigest() click.echo("Redirecting to: %s" % url) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_SEE_OTHER resp.set_header("Location", url) else: # Request was accepted, but not processed resp.status = falcon.HTTP_202 resp.body = ". ".join(reasons) if req.client_accepts("application/json"): resp.body = json.dumps({"title":"Accepted", "description":resp.body}, cls=MyEncoder) class RequestDetailResource(AuthorityHandler): def on_get(self, req, resp, cn): """ Fetch certificate signing request as PEM """ try: path, buf, _, submitted = self.authority.get_request(cn) except errors.RequestDoesNotExist: logger.warning("Failed to serve non-existant request %s to %s", cn, req.context.get("remote_addr")) raise falcon.HTTPNotFound() resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/pkcs10") logger.debug("Signing request %s was downloaded by %s", cn, req.context.get("remote_addr")) preferred_type = req.client_prefers(("application/json", "application/x-pem-file")) if preferred_type == "application/x-pem-file": # For certidude client, curl scripts etc resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file") resp.set_header("Content-Disposition", ("attachment; filename=%s.pem" % cn)) resp.body = buf elif preferred_type == "application/json": # For web interface events resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") resp.set_header("Content-Disposition", ("attachment; filename=%s.json" % cn)) resp.body = json.dumps(dict( submitted = submitted, common_name = cn, address = getxattr(path, "user.request.address").decode("ascii"), # TODO: move to md5sum = hashlib.md5(buf).hexdigest(), sha1sum = hashlib.sha1(buf).hexdigest(), sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(), sha512sum = hashlib.sha512(buf).hexdigest()), cls=MyEncoder) else: raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( "Client did not accept application/json or application/x-pem-file") @csrf_protection @login_required @authorize_admin def on_post(self, req, resp, cn): """ Sign a certificate signing request """ try: cert, buf = self.authority.sign(cn, profile=config.PROFILES[req.get_param("profile", default="rw")], overwrite=True, signer=req.context.get("user").name) # Mailing and long poll publishing implemented in the function above except EnvironmentError: # no such CSR raise falcon.HTTPNotFound() resp.body = "Certificate successfully signed" resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 resp.location = os.path.join(req.relative_uri, "..", "..", "signed", cn)"Signing request %s signed by %s from %s", cn, req.context.get("user"), req.context.get("remote_addr")) @csrf_protection @login_required @authorize_admin def on_delete(self, req, resp, cn): try: self.authority.delete_request(cn, user=req.context.get("user")) # Logging implemented in the function above except errors.RequestDoesNotExist as e: resp.body = "No certificate signing request for %s found" % cn logger.warning("User %s failed to delete signing request %s from %s, reason: %s", req.context["user"], cn, req.context.get("remote_addr"), e) raise falcon.HTTPNotFound()