import pwd from click.testing import CliRunner from datetime import datetime, timedelta from time import sleep import pytest import shutil import sys import os UA_FEDORA_FIREFOX = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) " \ "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36" smtp=None inbox=[] class DummySMTP(object): def __init__(self,address): self.address=address def login(self,username,password): self.username=username self.password=password def sendmail(self,from_address,to_address,fullmessage): global inbox inbox.append(fullmessage) return [] def quit(self): self.has_quit=True # this is the actual monkey patch (simply replacing one class with another) import smtplib smtplib.SMTP=DummySMTP runner = CliRunner() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def client(): from certidude.api import certidude_app from falcon import testing app = certidude_app() return testing.TestClient(app) def generate_csr(cn=None): from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID key = rsa.generate_private_key( public_exponent=65537, key_size=1024, backend=default_backend()) csr = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder() if cn is not None: csr = csr.subject_name(x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, cn)])) buf = csr.sign(key, hashes.SHA256(), default_backend() ).public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM) return buf def clean_client(): assert os.getuid() == 0 and os.getgid() == 0 if os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/client.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/certidude/client.conf") if os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/services.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/certidude/services.conf") # Remove client storage area if os.path.exists("/tmp/ca.example.lan"): for filename in os.listdir("/tmp/ca.example.lan"): if filename.endswith(".pem"): os.unlink(os.path.join("/tmp/ca.example.lan", filename)) # Reset IPsec stuff with open("/etc/ipsec.conf", "w") as fh: # TODO: make compatible with Fedora pass with open("/etc/ipsec.secrets", "w") as fh: # TODO: make compatible with Fedora pass def clean_server(): if os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"): with open("/run/certidude/") as fh: try: os.kill(int(, 15) except OSError: pass if os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan"): shutil.rmtree("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan") if os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/server.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/certidude/server.conf") if os.path.exists("/run/certidude"): shutil.rmtree("/run/certidude") if os.path.exists("/var/log/certidude.log"): os.unlink("/var/log/certidude.log") if os.path.exists("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude"): os.unlink("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude") # systemd if os.path.exists("/etc/systemd/system/certidude.service"): os.unlink("/etc/systemd/system/certidude.service") # Remove nginx stuff if os.path.exists("/etc/nginx/sites-available/ca.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/nginx/sites-available/ca.conf") if os.path.exists("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ca.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ca.conf") if os.path.exists("/etc/nginx/sites-available/certidude.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/nginx/sites-available/certidude.conf") if os.path.exists("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/certidude.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/certidude.conf") if os.path.exists("/etc/nginx/conf.d/tls.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/nginx/conf.d/tls.conf") # Remove OpenVPN stuff if os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn"): for filename in os.listdir("/etc/openvpn"): if filename.endswith(".conf"): os.unlink(os.path.join("/etc/openvpn", filename)) if os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/keys"): shutil.rmtree("/etc/openvpn/keys") # Stop samba if os.path.exists("/run/samba/"): with open("/run/samba/") as fh: try: os.kill(int(, 15) except OSError: pass if os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/server.keytab"): os.unlink("/etc/certidude/server.keytab") os.system("rm -Rfv /var/lib/samba/*") # Restore initial resolv.conf shutil.copyfile("/etc/resolv.conf.orig", "/etc/resolv.conf") def test_cli_setup_authority(): assert os.getuid() == 0, "Run tests as root in a clean VM or container" os.system("apt-get install -y git build-essential python-dev libkrb5-dev") os.system("pip install cryptography") assert not os.environ.get("KRB5CCNAME"), "Environment contaminated" assert not os.environ.get("KRB5_KTNAME"), "Environment contaminated" # Mock Fedora for util in "/usr/bin/chcon", "/usr/bin/dnf", "/usr/bin/update-ca-trust", "/usr/sbin/dmidecode": with open(util, "w") as fh: fh.write("#!/bin/bash\n") fh.write("exit 0\n") os.chmod(util, 0o755) if not os.path.exists("/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/"): os.makedirs("/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/") # Back up original DNS server if not os.path.exists("/etc/resolv.conf.orig"): shutil.copyfile("/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf.orig") clean_server() clean_client() with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as fh: fh.write(" localhost\n") from certidude import const assert const.FQDN == "ca" assert const.HOSTNAME == "ca" assert not const.DOMAIN # TODO: set hostname to 'ca' with open("/etc/hosts", "w") as fh: fh.write(" localhost\n") fh.write(" ca.example.lan ca\n") fh.write(" vpn.example.lan vpn\n") fh.write(" www.example.lan www\n") with open("/etc/passwd") as fh: # TODO: Better buf = if "adminbot" not in buf: os.system("useradd adminbot -G sudo -p '$1$PBkf5waA$n9EV6WJ7PS6lyGWkgeTPf1'") if "userbot" not in buf: os.system("useradd userbot -G users -p '$1$PBkf5waA$n9EV6WJ7PS6lyGWkgeTPf1' -c 'User Bot,,,'") # Bootstrap domain controller here, # Samba startup takes some time os.system("apt-get install -y samba krb5-user winbind bc") if os.path.exists("/etc/samba/smb.conf"): os.unlink("/etc/samba/smb.conf") os.system("samba-tool domain provision --server-role=dc --domain=EXAMPLE --realm=EXAMPLE.LAN --host-name=ca") os.system("samba-tool user add userbot S4l4k4l4 --given-name='User' --surname='Bot'") os.system("samba-tool user add adminbot S4l4k4l4 --given-name='Admin' --surname='Bot'") os.system("samba-tool group addmembers 'Domain Admins' adminbot") os.system("samba-tool user setpassword administrator --newpassword=S4l4k4l4") if os.path.exists("/etc/krb5.keytab"): os.unlink("/etc/krb5.keytab") os.symlink("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab", "/etc/krb5.keytab") os.chmod("/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.keytab", 0o644) # To allow access to certidude server if os.path.exists("/etc/krb5.conf"): # Remove the one from krb5-user package os.unlink("/etc/krb5.conf") os.symlink("/var/lib/samba/private/krb5.conf", "/etc/krb5.conf") with open("/etc/resolv.conf", "w") as fh: fh.write("nameserver\nsearch example.lan\n") # TODO: dig -t srv perhaps? os.system("samba") # Samba bind 636 late (probably generating keypair) # so LDAPS connections below will fail timeout = 0 while timeout < 30: if os.path.exists("/var/lib/samba/private/tls/cert.pem"): break sleep(1) timeout += 1 else: assert False, "Samba startup timed out" reload(const) from certidude.cli import entry_point as cli assert const.FQDN == "ca.example.lan" assert const.HOSTNAME == "ca" assert const.DOMAIN == "example.lan" result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'authority', '-s']) os.setgid(0) # Restore GID os.umask(0o022) result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'authority']) # For if-else branches os.setgid(0) # Restore GID os.umask(0o022) # Make sure nginx is running assert not result.exception, result.output assert os.getuid() == 0 and os.getgid() == 0, "Serve dropped permissions incorrectly!" assert os.system("nginx -t") == 0, "invalid nginx configuration" os.system("service nginx restart") assert os.path.exists("/run/"), "nginx wasn't started up properly" from certidude import config, authority, auth, user assert authority.certificate.serial_number >= 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000 assert authority.certificate.serial_number <= 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff assert authority.certificate["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) < datetime.utcnow() assert authority.certificate["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_after"].native.replace(tzinfo=None) > datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7000) assert authority.server_flags("lauri@fedora-123") == False assert authority.server_flags("fedora-123") == False assert authority.server_flags("vpn.example.lan") == True assert authority.server_flags("lauri@a.b.c") == False # Generate garbage with open("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/bla", "w") as fh: pass with open("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/requests/bla", "w") as fh: pass with open("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/bla", "w") as fh: pass with open("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/revoked/bla", "w") as fh: pass # Start server before any signing operations are performed config.CERTIFICATE_RENEWAL_ALLOWED = True server_pid = os.fork() if not server_pid: # Fork to prevent umask, setuid, setgid side effects result = runner.invoke(cli, ['serve']) assert not result.exception, result.output return sleep(1) # Wait for serve to start up # TODO: check that port 8080 is listening, otherwise app probably crashed import requests # Test CA certificate fetch buf = open("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/ca_crt.pem").read() r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/certificate") assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-x509-ca-cert" assert r.text == buf r = client().simulate_get("/api/certificate") assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-x509-ca-cert" assert r.text == buf # Password is bot, users created by Travis usertoken = "Basic dXNlcmJvdDpib3Q=" admintoken = "Basic YWRtaW5ib3Q6Ym90" result = runner.invoke(cli, ['users']) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "user;userbot;User;Bot;userbot@example.lan" in result.output assert "admin;adminbot;;;adminbot@example.lan" in result.output # TODO: assert nothing else is in the list # Check that we can retrieve empty CRL assert authority.export_crl(), "Failed to export CRL" r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/revoked/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # Check that SCEP and OCSP are disabled by default r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/scep/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # Test command line interface result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv']) assert not result.exception, result.output # Test static r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/index.html") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # if this breaks certidude serve has no read access to static folder r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/nonexistant.html") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/../nonexistant.html") assert r.status_code == 400, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/index.html") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/nonexistant.html") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/../nonexistant.html") assert r.status_code == 400, r.text # Test request submission buf = generate_csr(cn=u"test") r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=buf) assert r.status_code == 415 # wrong content type r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 202 # success assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/requests/test.pem") # Test request deletion r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/", headers={"User-Agent":UA_FEDORA_FIREFOX, "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # CSRF prevented assert os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/requests/test.pem") r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/test/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/request/nonexistant/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # Test request submission corner cases r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 202 # success assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 202 # already exists, same keypair so it's ok assert not inbox r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", query_string="wait=true", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 303 # redirect to long poll assert not inbox r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", body=generate_csr(cn=u"test"), headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 409 # duplicate cn, different keypair assert not inbox r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"}) assert r.status_code == 200 # fetch as JSON ok assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json" r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/x-pem-file"}) assert r.status_code == 200 # fetch as PEM ok assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file" r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/test/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain"}) assert r.status_code == 415 # not available as plaintext r = client().simulate_get("/api/request/nonexistant/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"}) assert r.status_code == 404 # nonexistant common names # TODO: submit messed up CSR-s: no CN, empty CN etc # Test command line interface result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv']) assert not result.exception, result.output # Test sign API call r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/test/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 201, r.text assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox # Test autosign buf = generate_csr(cn=u"test2") r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", query_string="autosign=1", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 200 # autosign successful assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file" assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox assert not inbox r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", query_string="autosign=1", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 303 # already signed, redirect to signed certificate assert not inbox buf = generate_csr(cn=u"test2") r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", query_string="autosign=1", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 202 # duplicate CN, request stored assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox assert not inbox buf = generate_csr(cn=u"test2.example.lan") r = client().simulate_post("/api/request/", query_string="autosign=1", body=buf, headers={"content-type":"application/pkcs10"}) assert r.status_code == 202 # server CN, request stored assert "Stored request " in inbox.pop(), inbox assert not inbox # Test signed certificate API call r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file" r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Accept":"application/json"}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json" r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain"}) assert r.status_code == 415, r.text # Test revocations API call r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/", headers={"Accept":"application/x-pem-file"}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pem-file" r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pkcs7-crl" r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain"}) assert r.status_code == 415, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/revoked/", query_string="wait=true", headers={"Accept":"application/x-pem-file"}) assert r.status_code == 303, r.text # Test attribute fetching API call r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/attr/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/attr/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # Tags should not be visible anonymously r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # Tags can be added only by admin r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/", body="key=other&value=something", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/", body="key=location&value=Tallinn", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # Tags can be overwritten only by admin r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/something/", body="value=else", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_put("/api/signed/test/tag/location=Tallinn/", body="value=Tartu", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.text == '[{"value": "Tartu", "key": "location", "id": "location=Tartu"}, {"value": "else", "key": "other", "id": "else"}]', r.text # Test scripting r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/") assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # script not authorized r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/nonexistant/script/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text # cert not found # Insert lease r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 404, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/", query_string = "client=test&inner_address=", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # lease update ok # Attempt to fetch and execute script from xattr import listxattr, getxattr assert not [j for j in listxattr("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/test.pem") if j.startswith("user.machine.")] #os.system("curl http://ca.example.lan/api/signed/test/script | bash") r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/attr", body="cpu=i5&mem=512M&dist=Ubuntu", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.cpu") == "i5" assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.mem") == "512M" assert getxattr("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/test.pem", "user.machine.dist") == "Ubuntu" # Test tagging integration in scripting framework r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok assert "curl http://ca.example.lan/api/signed/test/attr " in r.text, r.text assert "Tartu" in r.text, r.text r = client().simulate_post("/api/signed/test/tag/", body="key=script&", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok assert "uci set " in r.text, r.text # Test lease retrieval r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/lease/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json; charset=UTF-8" # Tags can be deleted only by admin r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/else/", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/location=Tartu/", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/tag/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.text == "[]", r.text # Test script without tags r = client().simulate_get("/api/signed/test/script/") assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # script render ok assert "# No tags" in r.text, r.text # Test lease update r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/", query_string = "client=test&inner_address=", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text # invalid serial number supplied r = client().simulate_post("/api/lease/", query_string = "client=test&inner_address=", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # lease update ok # Test revocation r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_delete("/api/signed/test/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert "Revoked " in inbox.pop(), inbox # Log can be read only by admin r = client().simulate_get("/api/log/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/log/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403, r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/log/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text assert r.headers.get('content-type') == "application/json; charset=UTF-8" # Test session API call r = client().simulate_get("/api/") assert r.status_code == 401 assert "Please authenticate" in r.text r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Accept":"text/plain", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 415 # invalid media type r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.headers.get('content-type').startswith("application/json") assert r.json, r.text assert not r.json.get("authority"), r.text # No permissions to admin r = client().simulate_get("/api/", headers={"Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.headers.get('content-type').startswith("application/json") assert "/ev/sub/" in r.text, r.text assert r.json, r.text assert r.json.get("authority"), r.text ev_url = r.json.get("authority").get("events") assert ev_url, r.text if ev_url.startswith("/"): # Expand URL ev_url = "http://ca.example.lan" + ev_url assert ev_url.startswith("http://ca.example.lan/ev/sub/") ####################### ### Token mechanism ### ####################### r = client().simulate_post("/api/token/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text """ config.BUNDLE_FORMAT = "ovpn" config.USER_ENROLLMENT_ALLOWED = True r = client().simulate_post("/api/token/") assert r.status_code == 401 # needs auth r = client().simulate_post("/api/token/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken}) assert r.status_code == 403 # regular user forbidden r = client().simulate_post("/api/token/", body="user=userbot", # TODO: test nonexistant user headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r.status_code == 200 # token generated by admin assert "Token for " in inbox.pop(), inbox r2 = client().simulate_get("/api/token/", query_string="u=userbot&t=1493184342&c=ac9b71421d5741800c5a4905b20c1072594a2df863e60ba836464888786bf2a6", headers={"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization":admintoken}) assert r2.status_code == 403 # invalid checksum r2 = client().simulate_get("/api/token/", query_string=r.content, headers={"User-Agent":UA_FEDORA_FIREFOX}) assert r2.status_code == 200 # token consumed by anyone on Fedora assert r2.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-openvpn" assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox config.BUNDLE_FORMAT = "p12" # Switch to PKCS#12 r2 = client().simulate_get("/api/token/", query_string=r.content) assert r2.status_code == 200 # token consumed by anyone on unknown device assert r2.headers.get('content-type') == "application/x-pkcs12" assert "Signed " in inbox.pop(), inbox """ # Beyond this point don't use client() const.STORAGE_PATH = "/tmp/" ############# ### nginx ### ############# # In this case nginx is set up as web server with TLS certificates # generated by certidude. clean_client() result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www", "ca.example.lan"]) assert result.exception # FQDN required result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ["setup", "nginx", "-cn", "www.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "(Autosign failed, only client certificates allowed to be signed automatically)" in result.output, result.output child_pid = os.fork() if not child_pid: result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "www.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "Publishing request-signed event 'www.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output return else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--renew", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output #assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output assert "Attached renewal signature" in result.output, result.output # Test nginx setup assert os.system("nginx -t") == 0, "Generated nginx config was invalid" ############### ### OpenVPN ### ############### # First OpenVPN server is set up clean_client() if not os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/keys"): os.makedirs("/etc/openvpn/keys") result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn", "ca.example.lan"]) assert result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'server', "-cn", "vpn.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "(Autosign failed, only client certificates allowed to be signed automatically)" in result.output, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/vpn.example.lan.pem") child_pid = os.fork() if not child_pid: assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/vpn.example.lan.pem") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "overwrit" not in result.output, result.output assert "Publishing request-signed event 'vpn.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output return else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output assert os.path.exists("/tmp/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem") assert os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/site-to-client.conf") # Secondly OpenVPN client is set up os.unlink("/etc/certidude/client.conf") os.unlink("/etc/certidude/services.conf") result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior1", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior1", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output assert os.path.exists("/etc/openvpn/client-to-site.conf") # TODO: Check that tunnel interfaces came up, perhaps try to ping? # TODO: assert key, req, cert paths were included correctly in OpenVPN config clean_client() result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'networkmanager', "-cn", "roadwarrior3", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output ################################# ### Subscribe to event source ### ################################# ev_pid = os.fork() if not ev_pid: r = requests.get(ev_url, headers={"Accept": "text/event-stream"}, stream=True) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text i = r.iter_lines() assert == ": hi" assert not # IPSec gateway below assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Served CA certificate ') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: request-submitted", "%s; %s" % (, assert"id:") assert == "data: ipsec.example.lan" assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Stored signing request ipsec.example.lan ') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Stored signing request ipsec.example.lan ') assert not assert == "event: request-signed" assert"id:") assert'data: ipsec.example.lan') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Served certificate ipsec.example.lan') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Served certificate ipsec.example.lan') assert not # IPsec client as service enroll assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: request-signed", assert"id:") assert'data: roadwarrior2') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior2') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior2') assert not # IPSec client using Networkmanger enroll assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Served CA certificate ') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Serving revocation list (PEM)') assert not assert == "event: request-signed", assert"id:") assert'data: roadwarrior4') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior4') assert not assert == "event: log-entry", # FIXME assert"id:") assert'data: {"message": "Autosigned roadwarrior4') assert not # Revoke assert == "event: certificate-revoked", # why?! assert"id:") assert'data: roadwarrior4') assert not return ############# ### IPSec ### ############# # Setup gateway clean_client() result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec", "ca.example.lan"]) assert result.exception, result.output # FQDN required result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert open("/etc/ipsec.secrets").read() == ": RSA /tmp/ca.example.lan/server_key.pem\n" result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'server', "-cn", "ipsec.example.lan", "ca.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem") child_pid = os.fork() if not child_pid: assert not os.path.exists("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/ipsec.example.lan.pem") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sign", "ipsec.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "overwrit" not in result.output, result.output assert "Publishing request-signed event 'ipsec.example.lan' on http://localhost/ev/pub/" in result.output, result.output return else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output assert os.path.exists("/tmp/ca.example.lan/server_cert.pem") # IPSec client as service os.unlink("/etc/certidude/client.conf") os.unlink("/etc/certidude/services.conf") result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior2", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'client', "-cn", "roadwarrior2", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output # client conf already exists, remove to regenerate with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output # IPSec using NetworkManager clean_client() result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'strongswan', 'networkmanager', "-cn", "roadwarrior4", "ca.example.lan", "ipsec.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output ###################################### ### Test revocation on client side ### ###################################### # First revoke on server side child_pid = os.fork() if not child_pid: result = runner.invoke(cli, ['revoke', 'roadwarrior4']) assert not result.exception, result.output return else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) # Make sure check is ran on the client side result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert not os.path.exists("/run/certidude/"), result.output #assert "Certificate has been revoked, wiping keys and certificates" in result.output, result.output #assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output ######################################################### ### Test that legacy features are disabled by default ### ######################################################### r = client().simulate_get("/api/scep/") assert r.status_code == 404 r = client().simulate_get("/api/ocsp/") assert r.status_code == 404 r = client().simulate_post("/api/scep/") assert r.status_code == 404 r = client().simulate_post("/api/ocsp/") assert r.status_code == 404 #################################### ### Switch to Kerberos/LDAP auth ### #################################### # Shut down current instance os.kill(server_pid, 15) requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/") os.waitpid(server_pid, 0) # (re)auth against DC assert os.system("kdestroy") == 0 assert not os.path.exists("/tmp/krb5cc_0") assert os.system("echo S4l4k4l4 | kinit administrator") == 0 assert os.path.exists("/tmp/krb5cc_0") # Fork to not contaminate environment while creating service principal spn_pid = os.fork() if not spn_pid: os.system("sed -e 's/CA/CA\\nkerberos method = system keytab/' -i /etc/samba/smb.conf ") os.environ["KRB5_KTNAME"] = "FILE:/etc/certidude/server.keytab" assert os.system("net ads keytab add HTTP -k") == 0 assert os.path.exists("/etc/certidude/server.keytab") os.system("chown root:certidude /etc/certidude/server.keytab") os.system("chmod 640 /etc/certidude/server.keytab") return else: os.waitpid(spn_pid, 0) # Make modifications to /etc/certidude/server.conf so # Certidude would auth against domain controller os.system("sed -e 's/ldap uri = ldaps:.*/ldap uri = ldaps:\\/\\/ca.example.lan/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/ldap uri = ldap:.*/ldap uri = ldap:\\/\\/ca.example.lan/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/backends = pam/backends = kerberos ldap/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/backend = posix/backend = ldap/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/dc1/ca/g' -i /etc/cron.hourly/certidude") os.system("sed -e 's/autosign subnets =.*/autosign subnets =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/machine enrollment =.*/machine enrollment = allowed/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/scep subnets =.*/scep subnets =\\/0/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/ocsp subnets =.*/ocsp subnets =\\/0/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/crl subnets =.*/crl subnets =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") os.system("sed -e 's/address = certificates@example.lan/address =/g' -i /etc/certidude/server.conf") from certidude.common import pip pip("asn1crypto certbuilder") # Update server credential cache with open("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude") as fh: cronjob = assert "ldap/ca.example.lan" in cronjob, cronjob os.system("/etc/cron.hourly/certidude") server_pid = os.fork() # Fork to prevent environment contamination if not server_pid: # Apply /etc/certidude/server.conf changes reload(config) reload(user) reload(auth) assert isinstance(user.User.objects, user.ActiveDirectoryUserManager), user.User.objects result = runner.invoke(cli, ['users']) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "user;userbot;User;Bot;userbot@example.lan" in result.output assert "admin;adminbot;Admin;Bot;adminbot@example.lan" in result.output assert "admin;Administrator;Administrator;;Administrator@example.lan" in result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['serve']) assert not result.exception, result.output return sleep(1) # Wait for serve to start up # CRL-s disabled now r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/revoked/") assert r.status_code == 404, r.text assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/ca_crt.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/signed/roadwarrior2.pem -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp1.log") == 0 assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/ca_crt.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/ca_crt.pem -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp2.log") == 0 for filename in os.listdir("/var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/revoked"): if not filename.endswith(".pem"): continue assert os.system("openssl ocsp -issuer /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/ca_crt.pem -cert /var/lib/certidude/ca.example.lan/revoked/%s -text -url http://ca.example.lan/api/ocsp/ -out /tmp/ocsp3.log" % filename) == 0 break with open("/tmp/ocsp1.log") as fh: buf = assert ": good" in buf, buf with open("/tmp/ocsp2.log") as fh: buf = assert ": unknown" in buf, buf with open("/tmp/ocsp3.log") as fh: buf = assert ": revoked" in buf, buf ##################### ### Kerberos auth ### ##################### # TODO: pip install requests-kerberos from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth, OPTIONAL auth = HTTPKerberosAuth(mutual_authentication=OPTIONAL, force_preemptive=True) # Test Kerberos auth r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/") assert r.status_code == 401, r.text assert "No Kerberos ticket offered" in r.text, r.text r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", headers={"Authorization": "Negotiate blerrgh"}) assert r.status_code == 400, r.text assert "Malformed token" in r.text r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", headers={"Authorization": "Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAl4II4gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKADk4AAAADw=="}) assert r.status_code == 400, r.text assert "Unsupported authentication mechanism (NTLM" in r.text r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", auth=auth) assert r.status_code == 200, r.text ################# ### LDAP auth ### ################# # Test LDAP bind auth fallback usertoken = "Basic dXNlcmJvdDpTNGw0azRsNA==" admintoken = "Basic YWRtaW5ib3Q6UzRsNGs0bDQ=" with open("/etc/ldap/ldap.conf", "w") as fh: fh.write("TLS_REQCERT never\n") # TODO: Correct way # curl http://ca.example.lan/api/ -u adminbot:S4l4k4l4 -H "User-agent: Android" -H "Referer: http://ca.example.lan" r = requests.get("http://ca.example.lan/api/", headers={"Authorization":usertoken, "User-Agent": "Android", "Referer":"http://ca.example.lan/"}) #assert r.status_code == 200, r.text # TODO: Fails with 500 in Travis ########################### ### Machine keytab auth ### ########################### assert not os.environ.get("KRB5_KTNAME"), "Environment contaminated" mach_pid = os.fork() # Otherwise results in Terminated, needs investigation why if not mach_pid: clean_client() # Test non-matching CN result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "somethingelse", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait", "--kerberos"]) assert result.exception, result.output # Bad request 400 # With matching CN it should work clean_client() result = runner.invoke(cli, ['setup', 'openvpn', 'client', "-cn", "ca", "ca.example.lan", "vpn.example.lan"]) assert not result.exception, result.output with open("/etc/certidude/client.conf", "a") as fh: fh.write("insecure = true\n") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["request", "--no-wait", "--kerberos"]) assert not result.exception, result.output assert "Writing certificate to:" in result.output, result.output return else: os.waitpid(mach_pid, 0) ################## ### SCEP tests ### ################## os.umask(0o022) if not os.path.exists("/tmp/sscep"): assert not os.system("git clone /tmp/sscep") if not os.path.exists("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn"): assert not os.system("cd /tmp/sscep && ./Configure && make sscep_dyn") assert not os.system("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn getca -c /tmp/sscep/ca.pem -u http://ca.example.lan/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe") if not os.path.exists("/tmp/key.pem"): assert not os.system("openssl genrsa -out /tmp/key.pem 1024") if not os.path.exists("/tmp/req.pem"): assert not os.system("echo '.\n.\n.\n.\n.\ntest8\n\n\n\n' | openssl req -new -sha256 -key /tmp/key.pem -out /tmp/req.pem") assert not os.system("/tmp/sscep/sscep_dyn enroll -c /tmp/sscep/ca.pem -u http://ca.example.lan/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe -k /tmp/key.pem -r /tmp/req.pem -l /tmp/cert.pem") # TODO: test e-mails at this point ################### ### Final tests ### ################### result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '-srv']) assert not result.exception, result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, ['cron']) assert not result.exception, result.output # Shut down server assert os.path.exists("/proc/%d" % server_pid) os.kill(server_pid, 15) os.waitpid(server_pid, 0) # Note: STORAGE_PATH was mangled above, hence it's /tmp not /var/lib/certidude assert open("/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.ipsec.charon").read() == "/tmp/** r,\n" assert len(inbox) == 0, inbox # Make sure all messages were checked os.system("service nginx stop") os.system("service openvpn stop") os.system("ipsec stop") clean_server() if __name__ == "__main__": test_cli_setup_authority()