import falcon import logging import hashlib from asn1crypto import pem from asn1crypto.csr import CertificationRequest from datetime import datetime from time import time from certidude import mailer from certidude.decorators import serialize from certidude.user import User from certidude import config from certidude.auth import login_required, authorize_admin from .utils import AuthorityHandler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TokenResource(AuthorityHandler): def on_put(self, req, resp): # Consume token now = time() timestamp = req.get_param_as_int("t", required=True) username = req.get_param("u", required=True) user = User.objects.get(username) csum = hashlib.sha256() csum.update(config.TOKEN_SECRET) csum.update(username.encode("ascii")) csum.update(str(timestamp).encode("ascii")) margin = 300 # Tolerate 5 minute clock skew as Kerberos does if csum.hexdigest() != req.get_param("c", required=True): raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Invalid token supplied, did you copy-paste link correctly?") if now < timestamp - margin: raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Token not valid yet, are you sure server clock is correct?") if now > timestamp + margin + config.TOKEN_LIFETIME: raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Forbidden", "Token expired") # At this point consider token to be legitimate body = header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(body) csr = CertificationRequest.load(der_bytes) common_name = csr["certification_request_info"]["subject"].native["common_name"] assert common_name == username or common_name.startswith(username + "@"), "Invalid common name %s" % common_name try: _, resp.body = self.authority._sign(csr, body, profile="default", overwrite=config.TOKEN_OVERWRITE_PERMITTED) resp.set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-pem-file")"Autosigned %s as proven by token ownership", common_name) except FileExistsError:"Won't autosign duplicate %s", common_name) raise falcon.HTTPConflict( "Certificate with such common name (CN) already exists", "Will not overwrite existing certificate signing request, explicitly delete existing one and try again") @serialize @login_required @authorize_admin def on_post(self, req, resp): # Generate token issuer = req.context.get("user") username = req.get_param("username") secondary = req.get_param("mail") if username: # Otherwise try to look up user so we can derive their e-mail address user = User.objects.get(username) else: # If no username is specified, assume it's intended for someone outside domain username = "guest-%s" % hashlib.sha256(secondary.encode("ascii")).hexdigest()[-8:] if not secondary: raise timestamp = int(time()) csum = hashlib.sha256() csum.update(config.TOKEN_SECRET) csum.update(username.encode("ascii")) csum.update(str(timestamp).encode("ascii")) args = "u=%s&t=%d&c=%s&i=%s" % (username, timestamp, csum.hexdigest(), # Token lifetime in local time, to select timezone: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata token_created = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) token_expires = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp + config.TOKEN_LIFETIME) try: with open("/etc/timezone") as fh: token_timezone = except EnvironmentError: token_timezone = None url = "%s#%s" % (config.TOKEN_URL, args) context = globals() context.update(locals()) mailer.send("", to=user, **context) return { "token": args, "url": url, }