{% if certificate.server %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ certificate.common_name }}

Serial number {{ certificate.serial | serial }}.

Revoked . Valid from {{ certificate.signed | datetime }} to {{ certificate.expired | datetime }}.

To fetch certificate:

wget http://{{ window.location.hostname }}/api/revoked/{{ certificate.serial }}/
curl http://{{ window.location.hostname }}/api/revoked/{{ certificate.serial }}/ \
  | openssl x509 -text -noout

To perform online certificate status request

curl http://{{ window.location.hostname }}/api/certificate/ > session.pem
openssl ocsp -issuer session.pem -CAfile session.pem \
  -url http://{{ window.location.hostname }}/api/ocsp/ \
  -serial 0x{{ certificate.serial }}

{% if certificate.lease %} {% endif %}
Common name{{ certificate.common_name }}
Organizational unit{{ certificate.organizational_unit }}
Serial number{{ certificate.serial }}
Signed{{ certificate.signed | datetime }} {% if certificate.signer %}, by {{ certificate.signer }}{% endif %}
Expired{{ certificate.expired | datetime }}
Lease{{ certificate.lease.inner_address }} at {{ certificate.lease.last_seen | datetime }} from {{ certificate.lease.outer_address }}
SHA256{{ certificate.sha256sum }}