#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import os from setuptools import setup setup( name = "certidude", version = "0.1.21", author = u"Lauri Võsandi", author_email = "lauri.vosandi@gmail.com", description = "Certidude is a novel X.509 Certificate Authority management tool aiming to support PKCS#11 and in far future WebCrypto.", license = "MIT", keywords = "falcon http jinja2 x509 pkcs11 webcrypto kerberos ldap", url = "http://github.com/laurivosandi/certidude", packages=[ "certidude", "certidude.api" ], long_description=open("README.rst").read(), # Include here only stuff required to run certidude client install_requires=[ "asn1crypto", "click", "configparser", "certbuilder", "csrbuilder", "jinja2", ], scripts=[ "misc/certidude" ], include_package_data = True, package_data={ "certidude": ["certidude/templates/*"], }, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: Freely Distributable", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Natural Language :: English", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only", ], )