[authentication] # The authentiction backend specifies how the user is authenticated, # in case of 'pam' simplepam.authenticate is used to authenticate against # sshd PAM service. In case of 'kerberos' SPNEGO is used to authenticate # user against eg. Active Directory or Samba4. backends = pam ;backends = kerberos ;backends = ldap ;backends = kerberos ldap ;backends = kerberos pam ldap uri = ldaps://dc1.example.com kerberos keytab = FILE:{{ kerberos_keytab }} [accounts] # The accounts backend specifies how the user's given name, surname and e-mail # address are looked up. In case of 'posix' basically 'getent passwd' is performed, # in case of 'ldap' a search is performed on LDAP server specified by ldap uri # with Kerberos credential cache initialized at path specified by environment variable KRB5CCNAME # If certidude setup authority was performed correctly the credential cache should be # updated automatically by /etc/cron.hourly/certidude backend = posix ;backend = ldap ldap gssapi credential cache = /run/certidude/krb5cc ldap uri = ldap://dc1.example.com ldap base = {% if base %}{{ base }}{% else %}dc=example,dc=com{% endif %} [authorization] # The authorization backend specifies how the users are authorized. # In case of 'posix' simply group membership is asserted, # in case of 'ldap' search filter with username as placeholder is applied. backend = posix posix user group = users posix admin group = sudo ;backend = ldap ldap computer filter = (&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=computer)(samaccountname=%s)) ldap user filter = (&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person)(samaccountname=%s)) ldap admin filter = (&(memberOf=cn=Domain Admins,cn=Users,{% if base %}{{ base }}{% else %}dc=example,dc=com{% endif %})(samaccountname=%s)) # Users are allowed to log in from user subnets user subnets = # Authority administrators are allowed to sign and revoke certificates from these subnets admin subnets = # Certificate signing requests are allowed to be submitted from these subnets request subnets = # Certificates are automatically signed for these subnets autosign subnets = [logging] backend = ;backend = sql database = sqlite://{{ directory }}/db.sqlite [signature] # Server certificate is granted to certificate with # common name that includes period which translates to FQDN of the machine. # TLS Server Auth and IKE Intermediate flags are attached to such certificate. # Due to problematic CRL support in client applications # we keep server certificate lifetime short and # have it renewed automatically. server certificate lifetime = 3 # Client certificates are granted to everything else # TLS Client Auth flag is attached to such certificate. # In this case it's set to 4 months. client certificate lifetime = 120 revocation list lifetime = 24 # URL where CA certificate can be fetched from authority certificate url = {{ certificate_url }} # Strongswan can be configured to automatically fetch CRL # in that case CRL URL has to be embedded in the certificate revoked url = {{ revoked_url }} # If certificate renewal is allowed clients can request a certificate # for the same public key with extended lifetime renewal allowed = false ;renewal allowed = true [push] # This should occasionally be regenerated event source token = {{ push_token }} # For local nchan event source publish = http://localhost/ev/pub/%s long poll publish = http://localhost/lp/pub/%s event source subscribe = /ev/sub/%s long poll subscribe = /lp/sub/%s # For remote nchan, make sure you use https:// if SSL is configured on push server ;event source publish = http://push.example.com/ev/pub/%s ;long poll publish = http://push.example.com/lp/pub/%s ;event source subscribe = //push.example.com/ev/sub/%s ;long poll subscribe = //push.example.com/lp/sub/%s [authority] # Present form for CSR submission for logged in users ;request submission allowed = true request submission allowed = false # User certificate enrollment specifies whether logged in users are allowed to # request bundles. In case of 'single allowed' the common name of the # certificate is set to username, this should work well with REMOTE_USER # enabled web apps running behind Apache/nginx. # In case of 'multiple allowed' the common name is set to username@device-identifier. ;user enrollment = forbidden ;user enrollment = single allowed user enrollment = multiple allowed # Machine certificate enrollment specifies whether Kerberos authenticated # machines are allowed to automatically enroll with certificate where # common name is set to machine's account name machine enrollment = forbidden ;machine enrollment = allowed private key path = {{ ca_key }} certificate path = {{ ca_crt }} requests dir = {{ directory }}/requests/ signed dir = {{ directory }}/signed/ revoked dir = {{ directory }}/revoked/ expired dir = {{ directory }}/expired/ [mailer] # Certidude submits mails to local MTA. # In case of Postfix configure it as "Sattelite system", # and make sure Certidude machine doesn't try to accept mails. # uncomment mail sender address to enable e-mails. # Make sure used e-mail address is reachable for end users. name = Certificate management address = ;address = certificates@example.com [tagging] owner/string = Owner location/string = Location phone/string = Phone other/ = Other [bootstrap] # Following can be used to set up clients easily: certidude bootstrap ca.example.lan # Services template is rendered on certidude server with relevant variables and # placed to /etc/certidude/services.conf on the client services template = {{ template_path }}/bootstrap.conf [token] # Token mechanism allows authority administrator to send invites for users. # Token URL could be for example exposed on the internet via proxypass. url = http://{{ common_name }}/api/token # Token lifetime in minutes, 30 minutes by default. # Note that code tolerates 5 minute clock skew. lifetime = 30 # Secret for generating and validating tokens, regenerate occasionally secret = {{ token_secret }} # Profile format, uncomment specific one to enable token mechanism format = ;format = p12 ;format = ovpn # Template for OpenVPN profile, copy certidude/templates/openvpn-client.conf # to /etc/certidude/ and make modifications as necessary. # Note that by default all TLS Server flagged certificates are included # as remote endpoints for the OpenVPN client. openvpn profile template = {{ template_path }}/openvpn-client.conf ;openvpn profile template = /etc/certidude/openvpn-client.conf