opkg update opkg install curl openssl-util openvpn-openssl {% if session.authority.certificate.algorithm != "ec" %} # Generate Diffie-Hellman parameters file for OpenVPN test -e /etc/certidude/dh.pem \ || openssl dhparam 2048 -out /etc/certidude/dh.pem {% endif %} # Create interface definition for tunnel uci set network.vpn=interface uci set network.vpn.name='vpn' uci set network.vpn.ifname=tun_s2c_udp tun_s2c_tcp uci set network.vpn.proto='none' # Create zone definition for VPN interface uci set firewall.vpn=zone uci set firewall.vpn.name='vpn' uci set firewall.vpn.input='ACCEPT' uci set firewall.vpn.forward='ACCEPT' uci set firewall.vpn.output='ACCEPT' uci set firewall.vpn.network='vpn' # Allow UDP 1194 on WAN interface uci set firewall.openvpn=rule uci set firewall.openvpn.name='Allow OpenVPN' uci set firewall.openvpn.src='wan' uci set firewall.openvpn.dest_port=1194 uci set firewall.openvpn.proto='udp' uci set firewall.openvpn.target='ACCEPT' # Allow TCP 443 on WAN interface uci set firewall.openvpn=rule uci set firewall.openvpn.name='Allow OpenVPN over TCP' uci set firewall.openvpn.src='wan' uci set firewall.openvpn.dest_port=443 uci set firewall.openvpn.proto='tcp' uci set firewall.openvpn.target='ACCEPT' # Forward traffic from VPN to LAN uci set firewall.c2s=forwarding uci set firewall.c2s.src='vpn' uci set firewall.c2s.dest='lan' # Permit DNS queries from VPN uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].localservice='0' touch /etc/config/openvpn # Configure OpenVPN over TCP uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp=openvpn uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.local=$(uci get network.wan.ipaddr) uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.server='' uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.proto='tcp-server' uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.port='443' uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.dev=tun_s2c_tcp # Configure OpenVPN over UDP uci set openvpn.s2c_udp=openvpn uci set openvpn.s2c_udp.local=$(uci get network.wan.ipaddr) uci set openvpn.s2c_udp.server='' uci set openvpn.s2c_tcp.dev=tun_s2c_udp for section in s2c_tcp s2c_udp; do # Common paths uci set openvpn.$section.script_security=2 uci set openvpn.$section.client_connect='/etc/certidude/updown' uci set openvpn.$section.key='/etc/certidude/authority/{{ session.authority.hostname }}/host_key.pem' uci set openvpn.$section.cert='/etc/certidude/authority/{{ session.authority.hostname }}/host_cert.pem' uci set openvpn.$section.ca='/etc/certidude/authority/{{ session.authority.hostname }}/ca_cert.pem' {% if session.authority.certificate.algorithm != "ec" %}uci set openvpn.$section.dh='/etc/certidude/dh.pem'{% endif %} uci set openvpn.$section.enabled=1 # DNS and routes uci add_list openvpn.$section.push="route-metric 1000" uci add_list openvpn.$section.push="route $(uci get network.lan.ipaddr) $(uci get network.lan.netmask)" uci add_list openvpn.$section.push="dhcp-option DNS $(uci get network.lan.ipaddr)" uci add_list openvpn.$section.push="dhcp-option DOMAIN $(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain)" # Security hardening uci set openvpn.$section.tls_version_min='1.2' uci set openvpn.$section.tls_cipher='TLS-{% if session.authority.certificate.algorithm == "ec" %}ECDHE-ECDSA{% else %}DHE-RSA{% endif %}-WITH-AES-128-GCM-SHA384' uci set openvpn.$section.cipher='AES-128-GCM' uci set openvpn.$section.auth='SHA384' done /etc/init.d/openvpn restart /etc/init.d/firewall restart