#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import asyncore import click import configparser import hashlib import logging import os import pwd import re import requests import signal import socket import subprocess import sys from certidude.signer import SignServer from certidude.common import expand_paths from datetime import datetime from humanize import naturaltime from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader from time import sleep from setproctitle import setproctitle from OpenSSL import crypto env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("certidude", "templates"), trim_blocks=True) # Big fat warning: # m2crypto overflows around 2030 because on 32-bit systems # m2crypto does not support hardware engine support (?) # m2crypto CRL object is pretty much useless # pyopenssl has no straight-forward methods for getting RSA key modulus # pyopenssl 0.13 bundled with Ubuntu 14.04 has no get_extension_count() for X509Req objects assert hasattr(crypto.X509Req(), "get_extensions"), "You're running too old version of pyopenssl, upgrade to 0.15+" # http://www.mad-hacking.net/documentation/linux/security/ssl-tls/creating-ca.xml # https://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/ # keyUsage, extendedKeyUsage - https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509v3_config.html # strongSwan key paths - https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/1/wiki/SimpleCA # Parse command-line argument defaults from environment HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() FQDN = socket.getaddrinfo(HOSTNAME, 0, flags=socket.AI_CANONNAME)[0][3] USERNAME = os.environ.get("USER") NOW = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=None) FIRST_NAME = None SURNAME = None EMAIL = None if USERNAME: EMAIL = USERNAME + "@" + FQDN if os.getuid() >= 1000: _, _, _, _, gecos, _, _ = pwd.getpwnam(USERNAME) if " " in gecos: FIRST_NAME, SURNAME = gecos.split(" ", 1) else: FIRST_NAME = gecos @click.command("spawn", help="Run processes for requesting certificates and configuring services") @click.option("-f", "--fork", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Fork to background") def certidude_request_spawn(fork): from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate from configparser import ConfigParser clients = ConfigParser() clients.readfp(open("/etc/certidude/client.conf")) services = ConfigParser() services.readfp(open("/etc/certidude/services.conf")) # Process directories run_dir = "/run/certidude" # Prepare signer PID-s directory if not os.path.exists(run_dir): click.echo("Creating: %s" % run_dir) os.makedirs(run_dir) for server in clients.sections(): if clients.get(server, "managed") != "true": continue pid_path = os.path.join(run_dir, server + ".pid") try: with open(pid_path) as fh: pid = int(fh.readline()) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) click.echo("Terminated process %d" % pid) os.unlink(pid_path) except (ValueError, ProcessLookupError, FileNotFoundError): pass if fork: child_pid = os.fork() else: child_pid = None if child_pid: click.echo("Spawned certificate request process with PID %d" % (child_pid)) continue with open(pid_path, "w") as fh: fh.write("%d\n" % os.getpid()) setproctitle("certidude request spawn %s" % server) retries = 30 while retries > 0: try: certidude_request_certificate( server, clients.get(server, "key_path"), clients.get(server, "request_path"), clients.get(server, "certificate_path"), clients.get(server, "authority_path"), socket.gethostname(), None, autosign=True, wait=True) break except requests.exceptions.Timeout: retries -= 1 continue for endpoint in services.sections(): if services.get(endpoint, "authority") != server: continue csummer = hashlib.sha1() csummer.update(endpoint.encode("ascii")) csum = csummer.hexdigest() uuid = csum[:8] + "-" + csum[8:12] + "-" + csum[12:16] + "-" + csum[16:20] + "-" + csum[20:32] # Set up IPsec via NetworkManager if services.get(endpoint, "service") == "network-manager/strongswan": config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.add_section("connection") config.add_section("vpn") config.add_section("ipv4") config.set("connection", "id", endpoint) config.set("connection", "uuid", uuid) config.set("connection", "type", "vpn") config.set("vpn", "service-type", "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.strongswan") config.set("vpn", "userkey", clients.get(server, "key_path")) config.set("vpn", "usercert", clients.get(server, "certificate_path")) config.set("vpn", "encap", "no") config.set("vpn", "address", services.get(endpoint, "remote")) config.set("vpn", "virtual", "yes") config.set("vpn", "method", "key") config.set("vpn", "certificate", clients.get(server, "authority_path")) config.set("vpn", "ipcomp", "no") config.set("ipv4", "method", "auto") # Add routes, may need some more tweaking if services.has_option(endpoint, "route"): for index, subnet in enumerate(services.get(endpoint, "route").split(","), start=1): config.set("ipv4", "route%d" % index, subnet) # Prevent creation of files with liberal permissions os.umask(0o177) # Write keyfile with open(os.path.join("/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections", endpoint), "w") as configfile: config.write(configfile) continue # Set up IPsec via /etc/ipsec.conf if services.get(endpoint, "service") == "strongswan": from ipsecparse import loads config = loads(open('/etc/ipsec.conf').read()) config["conn", endpoint] = dict( leftsourceip="%config", left="%defaultroute", leftcert=clients.get(server, "certificate_path"), rightid="%any", right=services.get(endpoint, "remote"), rightsubnet=services.get(endpoint, "route"), keyexchange="ikev2", keyingtries="300", dpdaction="restart", closeaction="restart", auto="start") with open("/etc/ipsec.conf.part", "w") as fh: fh.write(config.dumps()) os.rename("/etc/ipsec.conf.part", "/etc/ipsec.conf") # Regenerate /etc/ipsec.secrets with open("/etc/ipsec.secrets.part", "w") as fh: for filename in os.listdir("/etc/ipsec.d/private"): if not filename.endswith(".pem"): continue fh.write(": RSA /etc/ipsec.d/private/%s\n" % filename) os.rename("/etc/ipsec.secrets.part", "/etc/ipsec.secrets") # Attempt to reload config or start if it's not running if os.system("ipsec update") == 130: os.system("ipsec start") continue # TODO: OpenVPN, Puppet, OpenLDAP, intranet HTTPS, os.unlink(pid_path) @click.command("spawn", help="Run privilege isolated signer process") @click.option("-k", "--kill", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Kill previous instance") @click.option("-n", "--no-interaction", default=True, is_flag=True, help="Don't load password protected keys") def certidude_signer_spawn(kill, no_interaction): """ Spawn privilege isolated signer process """ from certidude import config _, _, uid, gid, gecos, root, shell = pwd.getpwnam("certidude") os.setgid(gid) # Check whether we have privileges os.umask(0o027) uid = os.getuid() if uid != 0: raise click.ClickException("Not running as root") # Process directories run_dir = "/run/certidude" # Prepare signer PID-s directory if not os.path.exists(run_dir): click.echo("Creating: %s" % run_dir) os.makedirs(run_dir) # Preload charmap encoding for byte_string() function of pyOpenSSL # in order to enable chrooting "".encode("charmap") # Prepare chroot directories chroot_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, "jail") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev", "urandom")): # TODO: use os.mknod instead os.system("mknod -m 444 %s c 1 9" % os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev", "urandom")) try: with open(config.SIGNER_PID_PATH) as fh: pid = int(fh.readline()) os.kill(pid, 0) click.echo("Found process with PID %d" % pid) except (ValueError, ProcessLookupError, FileNotFoundError): pid = 0 if pid > 0: if kill: try: click.echo("Killing %d" % pid) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) sleep(1) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) sleep(1) except ProcessLookupError: pass child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid: click.echo("Spawned certidude signer process with PID %d at %s" % (child_pid, config.SIGNER_SOCKET_PATH)) return setproctitle("certidude signer spawn") with open(config.SIGNER_PID_PATH, "w") as fh: fh.write("%d\n" % os.getpid()) logging.basicConfig( filename="/var/log/signer.log", level=logging.INFO) server = SignServer( config.SIGNER_SOCKET_PATH, config.AUTHORITY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, config.AUTHORITY_CERTIFICATE_PATH, config.CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME, config.CERTIFICATE_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, config.CERTIFICATE_KEY_USAGE_FLAGS, config.CERTIFICATE_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_FLAGS, config.REVOCATION_LIST_LIFETIME) asyncore.loop() @click.command("client", help="Setup X.509 certificates for application") @click.argument("url") #, help="Certidude authority endpoint URL") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=HOSTNAME, help="Common name, '%s' by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, '%s' by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--given-name", "-gn", default=FIRST_NAME, help="Given name of the person associted with the certificate, '%s' by default" % FIRST_NAME) @click.option("--surname", "-sn", default=SURNAME, help="Surname of the person associted with the certificate, '%s' by default" % SURNAME) @click.option("--key-usage", "-ku", help="Key usage attributes, none requested by default") @click.option("--extended-key-usage", "-eku", help="Extended key usage attributes, none requested by default") @click.option("--quiet", "-q", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Disable verbose output") @click.option("--autosign", "-s", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Request for automatic signing if available") @click.option("--wait", "-w", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Wait for certificate, by default return immideately") @click.option("--key-path", "-k", default=HOSTNAME + ".key", help="Key path, %s.key by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-r", default=HOSTNAME + ".csr", help="Request path, %s.csr by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-c", default=HOSTNAME + ".crt", help="Certificate path, %s.crt by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--authority-path", "-a", default="ca.crt", help="Certificate authority certificate path, ca.crt by default") def certidude_setup_client(quiet, **kwargs): from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate return certidude_request_certificate(**kwargs) @click.command("server", help="Set up OpenVPN server") @click.argument("url") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=FQDN, help="Common name, %s by default" % FQDN) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, '%s' by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--subnet", "-s", default="", type=ip_network, help="OpenVPN subnet, by default") @click.option("--local", "-l", default="", help="OpenVPN listening address, defaults to") @click.option("--port", "-p", default=1194, type=click.IntRange(1,60000), help="OpenVPN listening port, 1194 by default") @click.option('--proto', "-t", default="udp", type=click.Choice(['udp', 'tcp']), help="OpenVPN transport protocol, UDP by default") @click.option("--route", "-r", type=ip_network, multiple=True, help="Subnets to advertise via this connection, multiple allowed") @click.option("--config", "-o", default="/etc/openvpn/site-to-client.conf", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="OpenVPN configuration file") @click.option("--directory", "-d", default="/etc/openvpn/keys", help="Directory for keys, /etc/openvpn/keys by default") @click.option("--key-path", "-key", default=HOSTNAME + ".key", help="Key path, %s.key relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-csr", default=HOSTNAME + ".csr", help="Request path, %s.csr relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-crt", default=HOSTNAME + ".crt", help="Certificate path, %s.crt relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--dhparam-path", "-dh", default="dhparam2048.pem", help="Diffie/Hellman parameters path, dhparam2048.pem relative to --directory by default") @click.option("--authority-path", "-ca", default="ca.crt", help="Certificate authority certificate path, ca.crt relative to --dir by default") @expand_paths() def certidude_setup_openvpn_server(url, config, subnet, route, email_address, common_name, org_unit, directory, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, dhparam_path, local, proto, port): # TODO: Intelligent way of getting last IP address in the subnet from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate subnet_first = None subnet_last = None subnet_second = None for addr in subnet.hosts(): if not subnet_first: subnet_first = addr continue if not subnet_second: subnet_second = addr subnet_last = addr if not os.path.exists(certificate_path): click.echo("As OpenVPN server certificate needs specific key usage extensions please") click.echo("use following command to sign on Certidude server instead of web interface:") click.echo() click.echo(" certidude sign %s" % common_name) retval = certidude_request_certificate( url, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, common_name, org_unit, email_address, key_usage="nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment", extended_key_usage="serverAuth,ikeIntermediate", wait=True) if not os.path.exists(dhparam_path): cmd = "openssl", "dhparam", "-out", dhparam_path, "2048" subprocess.check_call(cmd) if retval: return retval # TODO: Add dhparam config.write(env.get_template("openvpn-site-to-client.ovpn").render(locals())) click.echo("Generated %s" % config.name) click.echo() click.echo("Inspect newly created %s and start OpenVPN service:" % config.name) click.echo() click.secho(" service openvpn restart", bold=True) click.echo() @click.command("client", help="Set up OpenVPN client") @click.argument("url") @click.argument("remote") @click.option('--proto', "-t", default="udp", type=click.Choice(['udp', 'tcp']), help="OpenVPN transport protocol, UDP by default") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=HOSTNAME, help="Common name, %s by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, '%s' by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--config", "-o", default="/etc/openvpn/client-to-site.conf", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="OpenVPN configuration file") @click.option("--directory", "-d", default="/etc/openvpn/keys", help="Directory for keys, /etc/openvpn/keys by default") @click.option("--key-path", "-k", default=HOSTNAME + ".key", help="Key path, %s.key relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-r", default=HOSTNAME + ".csr", help="Request path, %s.csr relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-c", default=HOSTNAME + ".crt", help="Certificate path, %s.crt relative to --directory by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--authority-path", "-a", default="ca.crt", help="Certificate authority certificate path, ca.crt relative to --dir by default") @expand_paths() def certidude_setup_openvpn_client(url, config, email_address, common_name, org_unit, directory, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, proto, remote): from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate retval = certidude_request_certificate( url, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, common_name, org_unit, email_address, wait=True) if retval: return retval # TODO: Add dhparam config.write(env.get_template("openvpn-client-to-site.ovpn").render(locals())) click.echo("Generated %s" % config.name) click.echo() click.echo("Inspect newly created %s and start OpenVPN service:" % config.name) click.echo() click.echo(" service openvpn restart") click.echo() @click.command("server", help="Set up strongSwan server") @click.argument("url") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=FQDN, help="Common name, %s by default" % FQDN) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--fqdn", "-f", default=FQDN, help="Fully qualified hostname associated with the certificate") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, %s by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--subnet", "-s", default="", type=ip_network, help="IPsec virtual subnet, by default") @click.option("--local", "-l", default=None, type=ip_address, help="IP address associated with the certificate, none by default") @click.option("--route", "-r", type=ip_network, multiple=True, help="Subnets to advertise via this connection, multiple allowed") @click.option("--config", "-o", default="/etc/ipsec.conf", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="strongSwan configuration file, /etc/ipsec.conf by default") @click.option("--secrets", "-s", default="/etc/ipsec.secrets", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="strongSwan secrets file, /etc/ipsec.secrets by default") @click.option("--directory", "-d", default="/etc/ipsec.d", help="Directory for keys, /etc/ipsec.d by default") @click.option("--key-path", "-key", default="private/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Key path, private/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-csr", default="reqs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Request path, reqs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-crt", default="certs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Certificate path, certs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--authority-path", "-ca", default="cacerts/ca.pem", help="Certificate authority certificate path, cacerts/ca.pem by default") @expand_paths() def certidude_setup_strongswan_server(url, config, secrets, subnet, route, email_address, common_name, org_unit, directory, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, local, fqdn): if "." not in common_name: raise ValueError("Hostname has to be fully qualified!") if not local: raise ValueError("Please specify local IP address") if not os.path.exists(certificate_path): click.echo("As strongSwan server certificate needs specific key usage extensions please") click.echo("use following command to sign on Certidude server instead of web interface:") click.echo() click.echo(" certidude sign %s" % common_name) from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate retval = certidude_request_certificate( url, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, common_name, org_unit, email_address, key_usage="nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment", extended_key_usage="serverAuth,", ip_address=local, dns=fqdn, wait=True) if retval: return retval config.write(env.get_template("strongswan-site-to-client.conf").render(locals())) secrets.write(": RSA %s\n" % key_path) click.echo("Generated %s and %s" % (config.name, secrets.name)) click.echo() click.echo("Inspect newly created %s and start strongSwan service:" % config.name) click.echo() click.echo(" apt-get install strongswan strongswan-starter strongswan-ikev2") click.secho(" service strongswan restart", bold=True) click.echo() @click.command("client", help="Set up strongSwan client") @click.argument("url") @click.argument("remote") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=HOSTNAME, help="Common name, %s by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, '%s' by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--config", "-o", default="/etc/ipsec.conf", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="strongSwan configuration file, /etc/ipsec.conf by default") @click.option("--secrets", "-s", default="/etc/ipsec.secrets", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="strongSwan secrets file, /etc/ipsec.secrets by default") @click.option("--dpdaction", "-d", default="restart", type=click.Choice(["none", "clear", "hold", "restart"]), help="Action upon dead peer detection; either none, clear, hold or restart") @click.option("--auto", "-a", default="start", type=click.Choice(["ignore", "add", "route", "start"]), help="Operation at startup; either ignore, add, route or start") @click.option("--directory", "-d", default="/etc/ipsec.d", help="Directory for keys, /etc/ipsec.d by default") @click.option("--key-path", "-key", default="private/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Key path, private/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-csr", default="reqs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Request path, reqs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-crt", default="certs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Certificate path, certs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--authority-path", "-ca", default="cacerts/ca.pem", help="Certificate authority certificate path, cacerts/ca.pem by default") @expand_paths() def certidude_setup_strongswan_client(url, config, secrets, email_address, common_name, org_unit, directory, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, remote, auto, dpdaction): from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate retval = certidude_request_certificate( url, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, common_name, org_unit, email_address, wait=True) if retval: return retval # TODO: Add dhparam config.write(env.get_template("strongswan-client-to-site.conf").render(locals())) secrets.write(": RSA %s\n" % key_path) click.echo("Generated %s and %s" % (config.name, secrets.name)) click.echo() click.echo("Inspect newly created %s and start strongSwan service:" % config.name) click.echo() click.echo(" apt-get install strongswan strongswan-starter") click.echo(" service strongswan restart") click.echo() @click.command("networkmanager", help="Set up strongSwan client via NetworkManager") @click.argument("url") @click.argument("remote") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=HOSTNAME, help="Common name, %s by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--org-unit", "-ou", help="Organizational unit") @click.option("--email-address", "-m", default=EMAIL, help="E-mail associated with the request, '%s' by default" % EMAIL) @click.option("--directory", "-d", default="/etc/ipsec.d", help="Directory for keys, /etc/ipsec.d by default") @click.option("--key-path", "-key", default="private/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Key path, private/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--request-path", "-csr", default="reqs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Request path, reqs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--certificate-path", "-crt", default="certs/%s.pem" % HOSTNAME, help="Certificate path, certs/%s.pem by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--authority-path", "-ca", default="cacerts/ca.pem", help="Certificate authority certificate path, cacerts/ca.pem by default") @expand_paths() def certidude_setup_strongswan_networkmanager(url, email_address, common_name, org_unit, directory, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, remote): from certidude.helpers import certidude_request_certificate retval = certidude_request_certificate( url, key_path, request_path, certificate_path, authority_path, common_name, org_unit, email_address, wait=True) if retval: return retval csummer = hashlib.sha1() csummer.update(remote.encode("ascii")) csum = csummer.hexdigest() uuid = csum[:8] + "-" + csum[8:12] + "-" + csum[12:16] + "-" + csum[16:20] + "-" + csum[20:32] config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.add_section("connection") config.add_section("vpn") config.add_section("ipv4") config.set("connection", "id", remote) config.set("connection", "uuid", uuid) config.set("connection", "type", "vpn") config.set("connection", "autoconnect", "true") config.set("vpn", "service-type", "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.strongswan") config.set("vpn", "userkey", key_path) config.set("vpn", "usercert", certificate_path) config.set("vpn", "encap", "no") config.set("vpn", "address", remote) config.set("vpn", "virtual", "yes") config.set("vpn", "method", "key") config.set("vpn", "certificate", authority_path) config.set("vpn", "ipcomp", "no") config.set("ipv4", "method", "auto") # Prevent creation of files with liberal permissions os.umask(0o277) # Write keyfile with open(os.path.join("/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections", remote), "w") as configfile: config.write(configfile) # TODO: Avoid race condition here sleep(3) # Tell NetworkManager to bring up the VPN connection subprocess.call(("nmcli", "c", "up", "uuid", uuid)) @click.command("production", help="Set up nginx and uwsgi") @click.option("--username", default="certidude", help="Service user account, created if necessary, 'certidude' by default") @click.option("--hostname", default=HOSTNAME, help="nginx hostname, '%s' by default" % HOSTNAME) @click.option("--static-path", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), help="Static files") @click.option("--kerberos-keytab", default="/etc/certidude/server.keytab", help="Specify Kerberos keytab") @click.option("--nginx-config", "-n", default="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="nginx configuration, /etc/nginx/nginx.conf by default") @click.option("--uwsgi-config", "-u", default="/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/certidude.ini", type=click.File(mode="w", atomic=True, lazy=True), help="uwsgi configuration, /etc/uwsgi/ by default") def certidude_setup_production(username, hostname, push_server, nginx_config, uwsgi_config, static_path, kerberos_keytab): try: pwd.getpwnam(username) click.echo("Username '%s' already exists, excellent!" % username) except KeyError: cmd = "adduser", "--system", "--no-create-home", "--group", username subprocess.check_call(cmd) if subprocess.call("net ads testjoin", shell=True): click.echo("Domain membership check failed, 'net ads testjoin' returned non-zero value", stderr=True) exit(255) if not os.path.exists(kerberos_keytab): subprocess.call("KRB5_KTNAME=FILE:" + kerberos_keytab + " net ads keytab add HTTP -P") click.echo("Created Kerberos keytab in '%s'" % kerberos_keytab) if not static_path.endswith("/"): static_path += "/" nginx_config.write(env.get_template("nginx.conf").render(locals())) click.echo("Generated: %s" % nginx_config.name) uwsgi_config.write(env.get_template("uwsgi.ini").render(locals())) click.echo("Generated: %s" % uwsgi_config.name) if os.path.exists("/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/certidude.ini"): os.unlink("/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/certidude.ini") os.symlink(uwsgi_config.name, "/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/certidude.ini") click.echo("Symlinked %s -> /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/certidude.ini" % uwsgi_config.name) if not push_server: click.echo("Remember to install nginx with wandenberg/nginx-push-stream-module!") @click.command("authority", help="Set up Certificate Authority in a directory") @click.option("--parent", "-p", help="Parent CA, none by default") @click.option("--common-name", "-cn", default=FQDN, help="Common name, fully qualified hostname by default") @click.option("--country", "-c", default=None, help="Country, none by default") @click.option("--state", "-s", default=None, help="State or country, none by default") @click.option("--locality", "-l", default=None, help="City or locality, none by default") @click.option("--authority-lifetime", default=20*365, help="Authority certificate lifetime in days, 7300 days (20 years) by default") @click.option("--certificate-lifetime", default=5*365, help="Certificate lifetime in days, 1825 days (5 years) by default") @click.option("--revocation-list-lifetime", default=1, help="Revocation list lifetime in days, 1 day by default") @click.option("--organization", "-o", default=None, help="Company or organization name") @click.option("--organizational-unit", "-ou", default=None) @click.option("--pkcs11", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Use PKCS#11 token instead of files") @click.option("--crl-distribution-url", default=None, help="CRL distribution URL") @click.option("--ocsp-responder-url", default=None, help="OCSP responder URL") @click.option("--push-server", default="", help="Streaming nginx push server") @click.option("--email-address", default="certidude@" + FQDN, help="E-mail address of the CA") @click.option("--directory", default=os.path.join("/var/lib/certidude", FQDN), help="Directory for authority files, /var/lib/certidude/ by default") def certidude_setup_authority(parent, country, state, locality, organization, organizational_unit, common_name, directory, certificate_lifetime, authority_lifetime, revocation_list_lifetime, pkcs11, crl_distribution_url, ocsp_responder_url, push_server, email_address): # Make sure common_name is valid if not re.match(r"^[\.\-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$", common_name): raise click.ClickException("CA name can contain only alphanumeric, '_' and '-' characters") if os.path.lexists(directory): raise click.ClickException("Output directory {} already exists.".format(directory)) certidude_conf = os.path.join("/etc/certidude/server.conf") if os.path.exists(certidude_conf): raise click.ClickException("Configuration file %s already exists" % certidude_conf) click.echo("CA configuration files are saved to: {}".format(directory)) click.echo("Generating 4096-bit RSA key...") if pkcs11: raise NotImplementedError("Hardware token support not yet implemented!") else: key = crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 4096) if not crl_distribution_url: crl_distribution_url = "http://%s/api/revoked/" % common_name # File paths ca_key = os.path.join(directory, "ca_key.pem") ca_crt = os.path.join(directory, "ca_crt.pem") ca_crl = os.path.join(directory, "ca_crl.pem") crl_distribution_points = "URI:%s" % crl_distribution_url ca = crypto.X509() ca.set_version(2) # This corresponds to X.509v3 ca.set_serial_number(1) ca.get_subject().CN = common_name if country: ca.get_subject().C = country if state: ca.get_subject().ST = state if locality: ca.get_subject().L = locality if organization: ca.get_subject().O = organization if organizational_unit: ca.get_subject().OU = organizational_unit ca.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) ca.gmtime_adj_notAfter(authority_lifetime * 24 * 60 * 60) ca.set_issuer(ca.get_subject()) ca.set_pubkey(key) ca.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension( b"basicConstraints", True, b"CA:TRUE"), crypto.X509Extension( b"keyUsage", True, b"keyCertSign, cRLSign"), crypto.X509Extension( b"extendedKeyUsage", True, b"serverAuth,"), crypto.X509Extension( b"subjectKeyIdentifier", False, b"hash", subject = ca), crypto.X509Extension( b"crlDistributionPoints", False, crl_distribution_points.encode("ascii")) ]) subject_alt_name = "email:%s" % email_address ca.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension( b"subjectAltName", False, subject_alt_name.encode("ascii")) ]) ca.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension( b"subjectAltName", True, ("DNS:%s" % common_name).encode("ascii")) ]) if ocsp_responder_url: raise NotImplementedError() """ ocsp_responder_url = "http://%s/api/ocsp/" % common_name authority_info_access = "OCSP;URI:%s" % ocsp_responder_url ca.add_extensions([ crypto.X509Extension( b"authorityInfoAccess", False, authority_info_access.encode("ascii")) ]) """ click.echo("Signing %s..." % ca.get_subject()) # openssl x509 -in ca_crt.pem -outform DER | sha256sum # openssl x509 -fingerprint -in ca_crt.pem ca.sign(key, "sha256") _, _, uid, gid, gecos, root, shell = pwd.getpwnam("certidude") os.setgid(gid) # Create authority directory with 750 permissions os.umask(0o027) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # Create subdirectories with 770 permissions os.umask(0o007) for subdir in ("signed", "requests", "revoked"): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, subdir)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(directory, subdir)) # Create CRL and serial file with 644 permissions os.umask(0o133) with open(ca_crl, "wb") as fh: crl = crypto.CRL() fh.write(crl.export(ca, key, days=revocation_list_lifetime)) with open(os.path.join(directory, "serial"), "w") as fh: fh.write("1") # Set permission bits to 640 os.umask(0o137) with open(certidude_conf, "w") as fh: fh.write(env.get_template("certidude.conf").render(locals())) with open(ca_crt, "wb") as fh: fh.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca)) # Set permission bits to 600 os.umask(0o177) with open(ca_key, "wb") as fh: fh.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)) click.echo() click.echo("Use following commands to inspect the newly created files:") click.echo() click.echo(" openssl crl -inform PEM -text -noout -in %s | less" % ca_crl) click.echo(" openssl x509 -text -noout -in %s | less" % ca_crt) click.echo(" openssl rsa -check -in %s" % ca_key) click.echo(" openssl verify -CAfile %s %s" % (ca_crt, ca_crt)) click.echo() click.echo("Use following to launch privilege isolated signer processes:") click.echo() click.echo(" certidude signer spawn -k") click.echo() click.echo("Use following command to serve CA read-only:") click.echo() click.echo(" certidude serve") @click.command("list", help="List certificates") @click.option("--verbose", "-v", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Verbose output") @click.option("--show-key-type", "-k", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show key type and length") @click.option("--show-path", "-p", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show filesystem paths") @click.option("--show-extensions", "-e", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show X.509 Certificate Extensions") @click.option("--hide-requests", "-h", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Hide signing requests") @click.option("--show-signed", "-s", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show signed certificates") @click.option("--show-revoked", "-r", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show revoked certificates") def certidude_list(verbose, show_key_type, show_extensions, show_path, show_signed, show_revoked, hide_requests): # Statuses: # s - submitted # v - valid # e - expired # y - not valid yet # r - revoked from certidude import authority from pycountry import countries def dump_common(j): person = [j for j in (j.given_name, j.surname) if j] if person: click.echo("Associated person: %s" % " ".join(person) + (" <%s>" % j.email_address if j.email_address else "")) elif j.email_address: click.echo("Associated e-mail: " + j.email_address) bits = [j for j in ( countries.get(alpha2=j.country_code.upper()).name if j.country_code else "", j.state_or_county, j.city, j.organization, j.organizational_unit) if j] if bits: click.echo("Organization: %s" % ", ".join(bits)) if show_key_type: click.echo("Key type: %s-bit %s" % (j.key_length, j.key_type)) if show_extensions: for key, value, data in j.extensions: click.echo(("Extension " + key + ":").ljust(50) + " " + value) else: if j.key_usage: click.echo("Key usage: " + j.key_usage) if j.fqdn: click.echo("Associated hostname: " + j.fqdn) if not hide_requests: for j in authority.list_requests(): if not verbose: click.echo("s " + j.path + " " + j.identity) continue click.echo(click.style(j.common_name, fg="blue")) click.echo("=" * len(j.common_name)) click.echo("State: ? " + click.style("submitted", fg="yellow") + " " + naturaltime(j.created) + click.style(", %s" %j.created, fg="white")) dump_common(j) # Calculate checksums for cross-checking import hashlib md5sum = hashlib.md5() sha1sum = hashlib.sha1() sha256sum = hashlib.sha256() with open(j.path, "rb") as fh: buf = fh.read() md5sum.update(buf) sha1sum.update(buf) sha256sum.update(buf) click.echo("MD5 checksum: %s" % md5sum.hexdigest()) click.echo("SHA-1 checksum: %s" % sha1sum.hexdigest()) click.echo("SHA-256 checksum: %s" % sha256sum.hexdigest()) if show_path: click.echo("Details: openssl req -in %s -text -noout" % j.path) click.echo("Sign: certidude sign %s" % j.path) click.echo() if show_signed: for j in authority.list_signed(): if not verbose: if j.signed < NOW and j.expires > NOW: click.echo("v " + j.path + " " + j.identity) elif NOW > j.expires: click.echo("e " + j.path + " " + j.identity) else: click.echo("y " + j.path + " " + j.identity) continue click.echo(click.style(j.common_name, fg="blue") + " " + click.style(j.serial_number_hex, fg="white")) click.echo("="*(len(j.common_name)+60)) if j.signed < NOW and j.expires > NOW: click.echo("Status: \u2713 " + click.style("valid", fg="green") + " " + naturaltime(j.expires) + click.style(", %s" %j.expires, fg="white")) elif NOW > j.expires: click.echo("Status: \u2717 " + click.style("expired", fg="red") + " " + naturaltime(j.expires) + click.style(", %s" %j.expires, fg="white")) else: click.echo("Status: \u2717 " + click.style("not valid yet", fg="red") + click.style(", %s" %j.expires, fg="white")) dump_common(j) if show_path: click.echo("Details: openssl x509 -in %s -text -noout" % j.path) click.echo("Revoke: certidude revoke %s" % j.path) click.echo() if show_revoked: for j in authority.list_revoked(): if not verbose: click.echo("r " + j.path + " " + j.identity) continue click.echo(click.style(j.common_name, fg="blue") + " " + click.style(j.serial_number_hex, fg="white")) click.echo("="*(len(j.common_name)+60)) click.echo("Status: \u2717 " + click.style("revoked", fg="red") + " %s%s" % (naturaltime(NOW-j.changed), click.style(", %s" % j.changed, fg="white"))) dump_common(j) if show_path: click.echo("Details: openssl x509 -in %s -text -noout" % j.path) click.echo() click.echo() @click.command("sign", help="Sign certificates") @click.argument("common_name") @click.option("--overwrite", "-o", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Revoke valid certificate with same CN") @click.option("--lifetime", "-l", help="Lifetime") def certidude_sign(common_name, overwrite, lifetime): from certidude import authority request = authority.get_request(common_name) if request.signable: # Sign via signer process cert = authority.sign(request) else: # Sign directly using private key cert = authority.sign2(request, overwrite, True, lifetime) click.echo("Signed %s" % cert.identity) for key, value, data in cert.extensions: click.echo("Added extension %s: %s" % (key, value)) click.echo() @click.command("serve", help="Run built-in HTTP server") @click.option("-u", "--user", default="certidude", help="Run as user") @click.option("-p", "--port", default=80, help="Listen port") @click.option("-l", "--listen", default="", help="Listen address") @click.option("-s", "--enable-signature", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Allow signing operations with private key of CA") def certidude_serve(user, port, listen, enable_signature): logging.basicConfig( filename='/var/log/certidude.log', level=logging.DEBUG) click.echo("Serving API at %s:%d" % (listen, port)) import pwd from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server, WSGIServer from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn from certidude.api import certidude_app, StaticResource class ThreadingWSGIServer(ThreadingMixIn, WSGIServer): pass click.echo("Listening on %s:%d" % (listen, port)) app = certidude_app() app.add_sink(StaticResource(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"))) httpd = make_server(listen, port, app, ThreadingWSGIServer) if user: # Load required utils which cannot be imported from chroot # TODO: Figure out better approach from jinja2.debug import make_traceback as _make_traceback "".encode("charmap") _, _, uid, gid, gecos, root, shell = pwd.getpwnam(user) if uid == 0: click.echo("Please specify unprivileged user") exit(254) click.echo("Switching to user %s (uid=%d, gid=%d)" % (user, uid, gid)) os.setgid(gid) os.setuid(uid) os.umask(0o007) elif os.getuid() == 0: click.echo("Warning: running as root, this is not recommended!") httpd.serve_forever() @click.group("strongswan", help="strongSwan helpers") def certidude_setup_strongswan(): pass @click.group("openvpn", help="OpenVPN helpers") def certidude_setup_openvpn(): pass @click.group("setup", help="Getting started section") def certidude_setup(): pass @click.group("signer", help="Signer process management") def certidude_signer(): pass @click.group("request", help="CSR process management") def certidude_request(): pass @click.group() def entry_point(): pass certidude_setup_strongswan.add_command(certidude_setup_strongswan_server) certidude_setup_strongswan.add_command(certidude_setup_strongswan_client) certidude_setup_strongswan.add_command(certidude_setup_strongswan_networkmanager) certidude_setup_openvpn.add_command(certidude_setup_openvpn_server) certidude_setup_openvpn.add_command(certidude_setup_openvpn_client) certidude_setup.add_command(certidude_setup_authority) certidude_setup.add_command(certidude_setup_openvpn) certidude_setup.add_command(certidude_setup_strongswan) certidude_setup.add_command(certidude_setup_client) certidude_setup.add_command(certidude_setup_production) certidude_request.add_command(certidude_request_spawn) certidude_signer.add_command(certidude_signer_spawn) entry_point.add_command(certidude_setup) entry_point.add_command(certidude_serve) entry_point.add_command(certidude_signer) entry_point.add_command(certidude_request) entry_point.add_command(certidude_sign) entry_point.add_command(certidude_list)