# Copy this file to /etc/certidude/template.ovpn and customize gateway IP addresses # Run as client client # tls-client; pull nobind # OpenVPN gateway(s), uncomment remote-random to load balance comp-lzo proto udp {% if servers %} remote-random {% for server in servers %} remote {{ server }} 51900 {% endfor %} {% else %} remote 1194 {% endif %} # Virtual network interface settings dev tun persist-tun # Customize crypto settings ;tls-version-min 1.2 ;tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 ;cipher AES-256-CBC ;auth SHA384 # Check that server presented certificate has TLS Server flag present remote-cert-tls server # X.509 business persist-key {{ca}} {{key}} {{cert}} # Revocation list # Tunnelblick doens't handle inlined CRL # hard to update as well ; ; # Pre-shared key for extra layer of security ; ;