
464 lines
18 KiB
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from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import click
import logging
import os
import re
2016-02-28 20:37:56 +00:00
import requests
import hashlib
import socket
import sys
from oscrypto import asymmetric
from asn1crypto import pem, x509
from asn1crypto.csr import CertificationRequest
from certbuilder import CertificateBuilder
from certidude import config, push, mailer, const
from certidude import errors
from certidude.common import cn_to_dn
from crlbuilder import CertificateListBuilder, pem_armor_crl
from csrbuilder import CSRBuilder, pem_armor_csr
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
2017-01-25 11:34:08 +00:00
from jinja2 import Template
from random import SystemRandom
2017-07-08 12:08:23 +00:00
from xattr import getxattr, listxattr, setxattr
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
random = SystemRandom()
from time import time_ns
except ImportError:
from time import time
def time_ns():
return int(time() * 10**9) # 64 bits integer, 32 ns bits
def generate_serial():
return time_ns() << 56 | random.randint(0, 2**56-1)
# https://securityblog.redhat.com/2014/06/18/openssl-privilege-separation-analysis/
# https://jamielinux.com/docs/openssl-certificate-authority/
# http://pycopia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/net/pycopia/ssl/certs.py
# Cache CA certificate
with open(config.AUTHORITY_CERTIFICATE_PATH, "rb") as fh:
certificate_buf = fh.read()
header, _, certificate_der_bytes = pem.unarmor(certificate_buf)
certificate = x509.Certificate.load(certificate_der_bytes)
public_key = asymmetric.load_public_key(certificate["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"])
with open(config.AUTHORITY_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, "rb") as fh:
key_buf = fh.read()
header, _, key_der_bytes = pem.unarmor(key_buf)
private_key = asymmetric.load_private_key(key_der_bytes)
def self_enroll(skip_notify=False):
assert os.getuid() == 0 and os.getgid() == 0, "Can self-enroll only as root"
from certidude import const, config
common_name = const.FQDN
path, buf, cert, signed, expires = get_signed(common_name)
self_public_key = asymmetric.load_public_key(path)
private_key = asymmetric.load_private_key(config.SELF_KEY_PATH)
except FileNotFoundError: # certificate or private key not found
with open(config.SELF_KEY_PATH, 'wb') as fh:
if public_key.algorithm == "ec":
self_public_key, private_key = asymmetric.generate_pair("ec", curve=public_key.curve)
elif public_key.algorithm == "rsa":
self_public_key, private_key = asymmetric.generate_pair("rsa", bit_size=public_key.bit_size)
fh.write(asymmetric.dump_private_key(private_key, None))
now = datetime.utcnow()
if now + timedelta(days=1) < expires:
click.echo("Certificate %s still valid, delete to self-enroll again" % path)
builder = CSRBuilder({"common_name": common_name}, self_public_key)
request = builder.build(private_key)
pid = os.fork()
if not pid:
from certidude import authority, config
from certidude.common import drop_privileges
assert os.getuid() != 0 and os.getgid() != 0
path = os.path.join(config.REQUESTS_DIR, common_name + ".pem")
click.echo("Writing request to %s" % path)
with open(path, "wb") as fh:
fh.write(pem_armor_csr(request)) # Write CSR with certidude permissions
authority.sign(common_name, skip_notify=skip_notify, skip_push=True, overwrite=True, profile=config.PROFILES["srv"])
os.waitpid(pid, 0)
os.system("systemctl reload nginx")
def get_request(common_name):
if not re.match(const.RE_COMMON_NAME, common_name):
raise ValueError("Invalid common name %s" % repr(common_name))
path = os.path.join(config.REQUESTS_DIR, common_name + ".pem")
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf)
return path, buf, CertificationRequest.load(der_bytes), \
except EnvironmentError:
raise errors.RequestDoesNotExist("Certificate signing request file %s does not exist" % path)
def get_signed(common_name):
if not re.match(const.RE_COMMON_NAME, common_name):
raise ValueError("Invalid common name %s" % repr(common_name))
path = os.path.join(config.SIGNED_DIR, common_name + ".pem")
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf)
cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes)
return path, buf, cert, \
cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None), \
def get_revoked(serial):
if isinstance(serial, str):
serial = int(serial, 16)
path = os.path.join(config.REVOKED_DIR, "%040x.pem" % serial)
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf)
cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes)
reason = getxattr(path, "user.revocation.reason").decode("ascii")
except IOError: # TODO: make sure it's not required
reason = "key_compromise"
return path, buf, cert, \
cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_before"].native.replace(tzinfo=None), \
cert["tbs_certificate"]["validity"]["not_after"].native.replace(tzinfo=None), \
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.stat(path).st_ctime), \
def get_attributes(cn, namespace=None, flat=False):
path, buf, cert, signed, expires = get_signed(cn)
attribs = dict()
for key in listxattr(path):
key = key.decode("ascii")
if not key.startswith("user."):
if namespace and not key.startswith("user.%s." % namespace):
value = getxattr(path, key).decode("utf-8")
if flat:
attribs[key[len("user.%s." % namespace):]] = value
current = attribs
if "." in key:
prefix, key = key.rsplit(".", 1)
for component in prefix.split("."):
if component not in current:
current[component] = dict()
current = current[component]
current[key] = value
return path, buf, cert, attribs
2017-08-09 21:45:43 +00:00
def store_request(buf, overwrite=False, address="", user=""):
Store CSR for later processing
if not buf:
raise ValueError("No signing request supplied")
if pem.detect(buf):
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf)
csr = CertificationRequest.load(der_bytes)
2017-05-18 19:29:49 +00:00
csr = CertificationRequest.load(buf)
buf = pem_armor_csr(csr)
common_name = csr["certification_request_info"]["subject"].native["common_name"]
if not re.match(const.RE_COMMON_NAME, common_name):
raise ValueError("Invalid common name %s" % repr(common_name))
request_path = os.path.join(config.REQUESTS_DIR, common_name + ".pem")
# If there is cert, check if it's the same
2017-05-18 19:29:49 +00:00
if os.path.exists(request_path) and not overwrite:
if open(request_path, "rb").read() == buf:
raise errors.RequestExists("Request already exists")
raise errors.DuplicateCommonNameError("Another request with same common name already exists")
with open(request_path + ".part", "wb") as fh:
os.rename(request_path + ".part", request_path)
attach_csr = buf, "application/x-pem-file", common_name + ".csr"
2017-08-09 21:45:43 +00:00
setxattr(request_path, "user.request.address", address)
setxattr(request_path, "user.request.user", user)
hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist = socket.gethostbyaddr(address)
except (socket.herror, OSError): # Failed to resolve hostname or resolved to multiple
setxattr(request_path, "user.request.hostname", hostname)
return request_path, csr, common_name
def revoke(common_name, reason, user="root"):
Revoke valid certificate
signed_path, buf, cert, signed, expires = get_signed(common_name)
if reason not in ("key_compromise", "ca_compromise", "affiliation_changed",
"superseded", "cessation_of_operation", "certificate_hold",
"remove_from_crl", "privilege_withdrawn"):
raise ValueError("Invalid revocation reason %s" % reason)
setxattr(signed_path, "user.revocation.reason", reason)
revoked_path = os.path.join(config.REVOKED_DIR, "%040x.pem" % cert.serial_number)
logger.info("Revoked certificate %s by %s", common_name, user)
os.unlink(os.path.join(config.SIGNED_BY_SERIAL_DIR, "%040x.pem" % cert.serial_number))
os.rename(signed_path, revoked_path)
push.publish("certificate-revoked", common_name)
2017-01-30 06:29:01 +00:00
attach_cert = buf, "application/x-pem-file", common_name + ".crt"
serial_hex="%x" % cert.serial_number,
2017-04-13 15:42:38 +00:00
return revoked_path
def list_requests(directory=config.REQUESTS_DIR):
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".pem"):
common_name = filename[:-4]
path, buf, req, submitted = get_request(common_name)
yield common_name, path, buf, req, submitted, "." in common_name
def _list_certificates(directory):
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".pem"):
path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(buf)
cert = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes)
server = False
for extension in cert["tbs_certificate"]["extensions"]:
if extension["extn_id"].native == "extended_key_usage":
if "server_auth" in extension["extn_value"].native:
server = True
yield cert.subject.native["common_name"], path, buf, cert, server
def list_signed(directory=config.SIGNED_DIR, common_name=None):
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if not filename.endswith(".pem"):
basename = filename[:-4]
if common_name:
if common_name.startswith("^"):
if not re.match(common_name, basename):
if common_name != basename:
path, buf, cert, signed, expires = get_signed(basename)
yield basename, path, buf, cert, signed, expires
def list_revoked(directory=config.REVOKED_DIR, limit=0):
for filename in sorted(os.listdir(directory), reverse=True):
if filename.endswith(".pem"):
common_name = filename[:-4]
path, buf, cert, signed, expired, revoked, reason = get_revoked(common_name)
yield cert.subject.native["common_name"], path, buf, cert, signed, expired, revoked, reason
if limit:
limit -= 1
if limit <= 0:
2017-04-24 17:33:55 +00:00
def list_server_names():
return [cn for cn, path, buf, cert, server in list_signed() if server]
def export_crl(pem=True):
# To migrate older installations run following:
# for j in /var/lib/certidude/*/revoked/*.pem; do echo $(attr -s 'revocation.reason' -V key_compromise $j); done
builder = CertificateListBuilder(
2016-01-01 23:08:04 +00:00
for filename in os.listdir(config.REVOKED_DIR):
if not filename.endswith(".pem"):
serial_number = filename[:-4]
# TODO: Assert serial against regex
2016-01-01 23:08:04 +00:00
revoked_path = os.path.join(config.REVOKED_DIR, filename)
reason = getxattr(revoked_path, "user.revocation.reason").decode("ascii") # TODO: dedup
except IOError: # TODO: make sure it's not required
reason = "key_compromise"
# TODO: Skip expired certificates
s = os.stat(revoked_path)
int(filename[:-4], 16),
certificate_list = builder.build(private_key)
if pem:
return pem_armor_crl(certificate_list)
return certificate_list.dump()
def delete_request(common_name, user="root"):
# Validate CN
if not re.match(const.RE_COMMON_NAME, common_name):
raise ValueError("Invalid common name")
path, buf, csr, submitted = get_request(common_name)
logger.info("Rejected signing request %s by %s" % (
common_name, user))
# Publish event at CA channel
push.publish("request-deleted", common_name)
# Write empty certificate to long-polling URL
config.LONG_POLL_PUBLISH % hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest(),
headers={"User-Agent": "Certidude API"})
def sign(common_name, profile, skip_notify=False, skip_push=False, overwrite=False, signer="root"):
Sign certificate signing request by it's common name
req_path = os.path.join(config.REQUESTS_DIR, common_name + ".pem")
with open(req_path, "rb") as fh:
csr_buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(csr_buf)
csr = CertificationRequest.load(der_bytes)
# Sign with function below
cert, buf = _sign(csr, csr_buf, profile, skip_notify, skip_push, overwrite, signer)
return cert, buf
def _sign(csr, buf, profile, skip_notify=False, skip_push=False, overwrite=False, signer=None):
# TODO: CRLDistributionPoints, OCSP URL, Certificate URL
2018-03-03 13:54:31 +00:00
assert buf.startswith(b"-----BEGIN ")
assert isinstance(csr, CertificationRequest)
csr_pubkey = asymmetric.load_public_key(csr["certification_request_info"]["subject_pk_info"])
common_name = csr["certification_request_info"]["subject"].native["common_name"]
cert_path = os.path.join(config.SIGNED_DIR, "%s.pem" % common_name)
renew = False
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
attachments = [
(buf, "application/x-pem-file", common_name + ".csr"),
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
revoked_path = None
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
overwritten = False
# Move existing certificate if necessary
if os.path.exists(cert_path):
with open(cert_path, "rb") as fh:
prev_buf = fh.read()
header, _, der_bytes = pem.unarmor(prev_buf)
prev = x509.Certificate.load(der_bytes)
# TODO: assert validity here again?
renew = \
asymmetric.load_public_key(prev["tbs_certificate"]["subject_public_key_info"]) == \
# BUGBUG: is this enough?
if overwrite:
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
# TODO: is this the best approach?
# TODO: why didn't unittest detect bugs here?
prev_serial_hex = "%x" % prev.serial_number
revoked_path = os.path.join(config.REVOKED_DIR, "%040x.pem" % prev.serial_number)
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
os.rename(cert_path, revoked_path)
attachments += [(prev_buf, "application/x-pem-file", "deprecated.crt" if renew else "overwritten.crt")]
overwritten = True
raise FileExistsError("Will not overwrite existing certificate")
builder = CertificateBuilder(cn_to_dn(common_name, const.FQDN,
ou=profile.ou), csr_pubkey)
builder.serial_number = generate_serial()
now = datetime.utcnow()
builder.begin_date = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
builder.end_date = now + timedelta(days=profile.lifetime)
builder.issuer = certificate
builder.ca = profile.ca
builder.key_usage = profile.key_usage
builder.extended_key_usage = profile.extended_key_usage
builder.subject_alt_domains = [common_name]
end_entity_cert = builder.build(private_key)
end_entity_cert_buf = asymmetric.dump_certificate(end_entity_cert)
with open(cert_path + ".part", "wb") as fh:
os.rename(cert_path + ".part", cert_path)
attachments.append((end_entity_cert_buf, "application/x-pem-file", common_name + ".crt"))
cert_serial_hex = "%x" % end_entity_cert.serial_number
2017-05-25 19:20:29 +00:00
# Create symlink
link_name = os.path.join(config.SIGNED_BY_SERIAL_DIR, "%040x.pem" % end_entity_cert.serial_number)
assert not os.path.exists(link_name), "Certificate with same serial number already exists: %s" % link_name
os.symlink("../%s.pem" % common_name, link_name)
2017-05-25 19:20:29 +00:00
# Copy filesystem attributes to newly signed certificate
if revoked_path:
for key in listxattr(revoked_path):
if not key.startswith(b"user."):
2017-04-22 19:48:29 +00:00
setxattr(cert_path, key, getxattr(revoked_path, key))
# Attach signer username
if signer:
setxattr(cert_path, "user.signature.username", signer)
if not skip_notify:
# Send mail
if renew: # Same keypair
mailer.send("certificate-renewed.md", **locals())
else: # New keypair
mailer.send("certificate-signed.md", **locals())
if not skip_push:
url = config.LONG_POLL_PUBLISH % hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest()
click.echo("Publishing certificate at %s ..." % url)
requests.post(url, data=end_entity_cert_buf,
headers={"User-Agent": "Certidude API", "Content-Type": "application/x-x509-user-cert"})
if renew:
# TODO: certificate-renewed event
push.publish("certificate-revoked", common_name)
push.publish("request-signed", common_name)
push.publish("request-signed", common_name)
return end_entity_cert, end_entity_cert_buf