# Wildflock Headless service for managing address aliases in [Wild Duck](https://wildduck.email/) mail server. ## About This project was build for [K-Space Hackathon2023](https://wiki.k-space.ee/en/hackathon/2023) ans is supposed to live in K-Space infra, however can be seamlessly deployed eslewhere. The main motivation behind the development of this headless web UI was to provide users with a convenient tool for creating and deleting email aliases in the Wild Duck mail server. The Wild Duck server has nice and functional [API](https://docs.wildduck.email/api/), but only offers an admin API token, limiting regular users' ability to manage their own email aliases. User authentication is implemented via OIDC. No persistant storage, Redis is used for keeping express sessions. Deployed on k8s, developed with Skaffold. ![Screenshot](./public/screenshot.png)