External (free) help in running the hackerspace #128

opened 2024-11-24 01:35:22 +00:00 by rasmus · 1 comment


eis.ee also has help: https://www.arenduskeskused.ee/noustamine-tegutsevale-ettevotjale/

Go through

and everything under https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/riiklikud-ettevotlustoetused

for example, maybe https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/mittetulundustegevuse-toetamine-ettevotluse-valdkonnas

We need help, please use it. I'm going through the process with another thing, can't focus in the context of k-space at the moment.

End of year is approaching, the chance is that in case of moneys, the budget resets with year change — possibility to allocate more 'leftover' money or other resources (design/branding, business model, efficiency losses, possibility of own building, motivation and engagement of members, see (especially kanban) issues for ideas on what to talk about).

https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/ettevotlusnoustamine-0 eis.ee also has help: https://www.arenduskeskused.ee/noustamine-tegutsevale-ettevotjale/ Go through https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/teenused-ja-toetused/tallinna-ettevotlustoetused#26019 and everything under https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/riiklikud-ettevotlustoetused for example, maybe https://www.tallinn.ee/et/ettevotjale/mittetulundustegevuse-toetamine-ettevotluse-valdkonnas We need help, please use it. I'm going through the process with another thing, can't focus in the context of k-space at the moment. **End of year is approaching**, the chance is that in case of moneys, the budget resets with year change — possibility to allocate more 'leftover' money or other resources (design/branding, business model, efficiency losses, possibility of own building, motivation and engagement of members, see (especially kanban) issues for ideas on what to talk about).
arti was assigned by rasmus 2024-11-24 01:35:22 +00:00
erki was assigned by rasmus 2024-11-24 01:35:22 +00:00
rasmus added this to the k-space.ee/todo project 2024-11-24 01:35:22 +00:00

Former "Marketing Institute" (now Visionest) used to offer free marketing help or courses for non-profits, IIRC. Caveat being it takes time and will.

Former ["Marketing Institute" (now Visionest)](https://visionest.institute/meist/) used to offer free marketing help or courses for non-profits, IIRC. Caveat being it takes time and will.
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