import ujson import struct import _thread import ubluetooth from machine import Timer from micropython import const from hal import * # Loading libraries takes ca 400ms # BLE events _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT = const(1) _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT = const(2) _IRQ_GATTS_READ_REQUEST = const(4) # Open and parse the config file with open('config.json', 'r') as config_file: config = ujson.load(config_file) # Initialize the SumoRobot object sumorobot = Sumorobot(config) # Advertise BLE name (SumoRobot name) def advertise_ble_name(name): ble_name = bytes(name, 'ascii') ble_name = bytearray((len(ble_name) + 1, 0x09)) + ble_name ble.gap_advertise(100, bytearray('\x02\x01\x02') + ble_name) def update_battery_level(timer): if conn_handle is not None: battery_level = sumorobot.get_battery_level() ble.gatts_notify(conn_handle, battery, bytes([battery_level])) # The code processing thread def process(): global prev_bat_level, python_code while True: # Leave time to process other code sleep_ms(50) # Execute to see LED feedback for sensors sumorobot.update_sensor_feedback() # When no code to execute if python_code == b'': continue # Try to execute the Python code try: python_code = compile(python_code, "snippet", 'exec') exec(python_code) except: print(" the code sent had errors") finally: print(" finized execution") # Erase the code python_code = b'' # Stop the robot sumorobot.move(STOP) # Cancel code termination sumorobot.terminate = False # The BLE handler thread def ble_handler(event, data): global conn_handle, python_code, temp_python_code if event is _IRQ_CENTRAL_CONNECT: conn_handle, _, _, = data # Turn ON the status LED sumorobot.set_led(STATUS, True) update_battery_level(None) elif event is _IRQ_CENTRAL_DISCONNECT: conn_handle = None # Turn OFF status LED sumorobot.set_led(STATUS, False) # Advertise with name advertise_ble_name(sumorobot.config['sumorobot_name']) elif event is _IRQ_GATTS_READ_REQUEST: # Read the command cmd = ble.gatts_read(rx) if b'' in cmd: python_code = b'' sumorobot.move(STOP) sumorobot.terminate = True elif b'' in cmd: python_code = b'' sumorobot.move(FORWARD) elif b'' in cmd: python_code = b'' sumorobot.move(BACKWARD) elif b'' in cmd: python_code = b'' sumorobot.move(LEFT) elif b'' in cmd: python_code = b'' sumorobot.move(RIGHT) elif b'' in cmd: print(sumorobot.get_sensor_scope()) ble.gatts_notify(conn_handle, tx, sumorobot.get_sensor_scope()) elif b'' in cmd: temp_python_code = b'\n' elif b'' in cmd: python_code = temp_python_code temp_python_code = b'' elif temp_python_code != b'': temp_python_code += cmd else: temp_python_code = b'' print(" unknown cmd=" + cmd) conn_handle = None temp_python_code = b'' python_code = b'' # When user code ( exists if '' in root_files: print(" trying to load") # Try to load the user code try: with open('', 'r') as code: python_code = compile(, "snippet", 'exec') except: print(" compilation failed") # Start BLE ble = ubluetooth.BLE() # Register the BLE hander ble.irq(ble_handler) # BLE info serivce INFO_SERVICE_UUID = ubluetooth.UUID(0x180a) MODEL_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID(0x2a24), ubluetooth.FLAG_READ,) FIRMWARE_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID(0x2a26), ubluetooth.FLAG_READ,) MANUFACTURER_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID(0x2a29), ubluetooth.FLAG_READ,) INFO_SERVICE = (INFO_SERVICE_UUID, (MODEL_CHARACTERISTIC, FIRMWARE_CHARACTERISTIC, MANUFACTURER_CHARACTERISTIC,),) # BLE battery service BATTERY_SERVICE_UUID = ubluetooth.UUID(0x180f) BATTERY_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID(0x2a19), ubluetooth.FLAG_READ | ubluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY,) BATTERY_SERVICE = (BATTERY_SERVICE_UUID, (BATTERY_CHARACTERISTIC,),) # BLE UART service UART_SERVICE_UUID = ubluetooth.UUID('6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E') RX_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID('6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E'), ubluetooth.FLAG_WRITE,) TX_CHARACTERISTIC = (ubluetooth.UUID('6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E'), ubluetooth.FLAG_READ | ubluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY,) UART_SERVICE = (UART_SERVICE_UUID, (TX_CHARACTERISTIC, RX_CHARACTERISTIC,),) # Register BLE services SERVICES = (INFO_SERVICE, BATTERY_SERVICE, UART_SERVICE,) ((model, firmware, manufacturer,), (battery,), (tx, rx,),) = ble.gatts_register_services(SERVICES) # Set BLE info service values ble.gatts_write(model, "SumoRobot") ble.gatts_write(manufacturer, "RoboKoding LTD") ble.gatts_write(firmware, sumorobot.config['firmware_version']) # Start BLE advertising with name advertise_ble_name(sumorobot.config['sumorobot_name']) # Start the code processing thread _thread.start_new_thread(process, ()) # Start BLE battery percentage update timer battery_timer = Timer(Timer.PERIODIC) battery_timer.init(period=3000, callback=update_battery_level) # Clean up import gc gc.collect()