""" Websockets client for micropython Based very heavily on https://github.com/aaugustin/websockets/blob/master/websockets/client.py """ #import usocket as socket import ubinascii as binascii import urandom as random import ure as re import ustruct as struct import usocket as socket from ucollections import namedtuple # Opcodes OP_CONT = const(0x0) OP_TEXT = const(0x1) OP_BYTES = const(0x2) OP_CLOSE = const(0x8) OP_PING = const(0x9) OP_PONG = const(0xa) # Close codes CLOSE_OK = const(1000) CLOSE_GOING_AWAY = const(1001) CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR = const(1002) CLOSE_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED = const(1003) CLOSE_BAD_DATA = const(1007) CLOSE_POLICY_VIOLATION = const(1008) CLOSE_TOO_BIG = const(1009) CLOSE_MISSING_EXTN = const(1010) CLOSE_BAD_CONDITION = const(1011) URL_RE = re.compile(r'ws://([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(?:\:([0-9]+))?(/.+)?') URI = namedtuple('URI', ('hostname', 'port', 'path')) def urlparse(uri): match = URL_RE.match(uri) if match: return URI(match.group(1), int(match.group(2)), match.group(3)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid URL: %s" % uri) class Websocket: is_client = False def __init__(self, sock): self._sock = sock self.open = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): self.close() def settimeout(self, timeout): self._sock.settimeout(timeout) def read_frame(self, max_size=None): # Frame header byte1, byte2 = struct.unpack('!BB', self._sock.read(2)) # Byte 1: FIN(1) _(1) _(1) _(1) OPCODE(4) fin = bool(byte1 & 0x80) opcode = byte1 & 0x0f # Byte 2: MASK(1) LENGTH(7) mask = bool(byte2 & (1 << 7)) length = byte2 & 0x7f if length == 126: # Magic number, length header is 2 bytes length, = struct.unpack('!H', self._sock.read(2)) elif length == 127: # Magic number, length header is 8 bytes length, = struct.unpack('!Q', self._sock.read(8)) if mask: # Mask is 4 bytes mask_bits = self._sock.read(4) try: data = self._sock.read(length) except MemoryError: # We can't receive this many bytes, close the socket self.close(code=CLOSE_TOO_BIG) return True, OP_CLOSE, None if mask: data = bytes(b ^ mask_bits[i % 4] for i, b in enumerate(data)) return fin, opcode, data def write_frame(self, opcode, data=b''): fin = True mask = self.is_client # messages sent by client are masked length = len(data) # Frame header # Byte 1: FIN(1) _(1) _(1) _(1) OPCODE(4) byte1 = 0x80 if fin else 0 byte1 |= opcode # Byte 2: MASK(1) LENGTH(7) byte2 = 0x80 if mask else 0 if length < 126: # 126 is magic value to use 2-byte length header byte2 |= length self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BB', byte1, byte2)) elif length < (1 << 16): # Length fits in 2-bytes byte2 |= 126 # Magic code self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BBH', byte1, byte2, length)) elif length < (1 << 64): byte2 |= 127 # Magic code self._sock.write(struct.pack('!BBQ', byte1, byte2, length)) else: raise ValueError() if mask: # Mask is 4 bytes mask_bits = struct.pack('!I', random.getrandbits(32)) self._sock.write(mask_bits) data = bytes(b ^ mask_bits[i % 4] for i, b in enumerate(data)) self._sock.write(data) def recv(self): assert self.open while self.open: try: fin, opcode, data = self.read_frame() except ValueError: self._close() return if not fin: raise NotImplementedError() if opcode == OP_TEXT: return data.decode('utf-8') elif opcode == OP_BYTES: return data elif opcode == OP_CLOSE: self._close() return elif opcode == OP_PONG: # Ignore this frame, keep waiting for a data frame continue elif opcode == OP_PING: # We need to send a pong frame self.write_frame(OP_PONG, data) # And then wait to receive continue elif opcode == OP_CONT: # This is a continuation of a previous frame raise NotImplementedError(opcode) else: raise ValueError(opcode) def send(self, buf): assert self.open if isinstance(buf, str): opcode = OP_TEXT buf = buf.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(buf, bytes): opcode = OP_BYTES else: raise TypeError() self.write_frame(opcode, buf) def close(self, code=CLOSE_OK, reason=''): if not self.open: return buf = struct.pack('!H', code) + reason.encode('utf-8') self.write_frame(OP_CLOSE, buf) self._close() def _close(self): self.open = False self._sock.close() class WebsocketClient(Websocket): is_client = True def connect(uri): """ Connect a websocket. """ uri = urlparse(uri) assert uri sock = socket.socket() addr = socket.getaddrinfo(uri.hostname, uri.port) print(addr) sock.connect(addr[0][4]) def send_header(header, *args): sock.send(header % args + '\r\n') # Sec-WebSocket-Key is 16 bytes of random base64 encoded key = binascii.b2a_base64(bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(16)))[:-1] send_header(b'GET %s HTTP/1.1', uri.path or '/') send_header(b'Host: %s:%s', uri.hostname, uri.port) send_header(b'Connection: Upgrade') send_header(b'Upgrade: websocket') send_header(b'Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s', key) send_header(b'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13') send_header(b'Origin: http://localhost') send_header(b'') header = sock.readline()[:-2] assert header == b'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols', header # We don't (currently) need these headers # FIXME: should we check the return key? while header: header = sock.readline()[:-2] return WebsocketClient(sock)