import ujson import network from hal import * from time import sleep print("Press Ctrl-C to stop boot script...") sleep(0.2) # open and parse the config file config = None with open("config.json", "r") as config_file: config = ujson.load(config_file) # connect to WiFi wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # activate the WiFi interface # if not already connected if not wlan.isconnected(): # scan for WiFi networks networks = wlan.scan() # go trough all scanned WiFi networks for network in networks: # extract the networks SSID ssid = network[0].decode("utf-8") # check if the SSID is in the config file if ssid in config["wifis"].keys(): print("connecting to: " + ssid) # start to connect to the pre-configured network wlan.connect(ssid, config["wifis"][ssid]) break # clean up import gc gc.collect()