# sumorobot-firmware The software that is running on the SumoRobots Code # Instructions * Change the SERIAL_PORT in the Makefile * Add your WiFi networks to the config.json file * Install [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) * Install [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool) (to flash MicroPython to the ESP32) * Install [ampy](https://github.com/adafruit/ampy) (for uploading files) * Download [the MicroPython binary](http://micropython.org/download#esp32) to this directory * Upload the MicroPython binary and the SumoRobot firmware to your ESP32 (open a terminal and type: make all) # support If you find our work useful, please consider donating : ) [![Donate using Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/assets/widgets/donate.svg)](https://liberapay.com/robokoding/donate) # Credits * [K-SPACE MTÜ](https://k-space.ee/)