[![Build Status](https://jenkins.k-space.ee/job/kspace-push-docker-hub/badge/icon)](https://jenkins.k-space.ee/job/kspace-push-docker-hub/) # Deploying Since Samba does not really fit in the Docker world, only viable options are to use `macvlan`, `ipvlan` networking modes so the instance appears on the network with dedicated IP. Alternatively `network_mode: host` might be also viable approach. For sample configuration see `docker-compose.yml`. After provisioning be sure to replace the domain administrator password. # Replacing node Copy `/mnt/ssd/samba` from old node if possible. After starting with `overnode up` check replication status, this should show 0 for every line: ``` docker exec -it samba_app_1 samba-tool drs showrepl | grep "consecutive failure" ``` To inspect running version: ``` docker exec -it samba_app_1 samba-tool -V ```