--- title: "Venue" featured_image: '' description: "Akadeemia tee 21/1, Tallinn" type: page menu: main --- ## K-space hackerspace The RIPE87 Local Hub will be held in K-space. K-space is a hackerspace located in Tehnopol Park, on the 5th floor of the Cybernetics building (Küberneetika maja). There are two entrances: 1. is open until 18:00, has elevator that goes to the 4th floor and stairs to the 5th floor. 2. is always open, but only has the stairs. {{< rawhtml >}}
{{< /rawhtml >}} For any questions please reach out via [+372 665 96 51](tel:+3726659651) or [info@k-space.ee](info@k-space.ee)