import os import subprocess import tempfile from pathlib import Path from util import run def be_absent(path): path = Path(path) if path.is_symlink(): path.unlink() elif path.is_file(): path.unlink() elif path.is_dir(): path.rmdir() # XXX: should we `shutil.rmtree(path)` instead? elif not path.exists(): return else: raise Exception("Unknown file type") def be_symlink(path, to): path = Path(path) to = Path(to) if path.is_symlink(): if os.readlink(path) == str(to): return be_absent(path) path.symlink_to(to) def be_mounted(dev, mountpoint): dev = Path(dev).resolve() mountpoint = Path(mountpoint) if mountpoint.is_mount(): if True: # TODO: verify that the right device is mounted return # noinspection PyUnreachableCode be_unmounted(mountpoint) fs = current_fs(dev) if fs == "ext4": run(f"mount -t ext4 {dev} {mountpoint}") elif fs == "btrfs": run(f"mount -t btrfs -o flushoncommit {dev} {mountpoint}") elif fs == "xfs": run(f"mount -t xfs {dev} {mountpoint}") else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported fs type: {fs}") def be_unmounted(path): path = Path(path) while path.is_mount(): run(f"umount {path}") def current_fs(device): res = f"blkid -o value -s TYPE {device}", shell=True, capture_output=True ) if res.returncode == 2: # specified token was not found return None return res.stdout.decode().strip() def be_formatted(dev, fs): def init_fs(device): if fs == "ext4": run(f"mkfs.ext4 -m 0 {device}") elif fs == "btrfs": run(f"mkfs.btrfs {device}") tmp_mnt = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="mnt-") default_subvol = f"{tmp_mnt}/default" run( f""" set -ex mkdir -p {tmp_mnt} mount -t btrfs {device} {tmp_mnt} btrfs subvolume create {default_subvol} btrfs subvolume set-default {default_subvol} umount {tmp_mnt} rmdir {tmp_mnt} """ ) elif fs == "xfs": run(f"mkfs.xfs {device}") else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported fs type: {fs}") dev = Path(dev).resolve() current = current_fs(dev) if current is None: init_fs(dev) else: if current != fs: raise Exception(f"Existing filesystem does not match: {current}/{fs}") def be_fs_expanded(dev, path): dev = Path(dev).resolve() fs = current_fs(dev) path = Path(path).resolve() if fs == "ext4": run(f"resize2fs {dev}") elif fs == "btrfs": run(f"btrfs filesystem resize max {path}") elif fs == "xfs": run(f"xfs_growfs -d {dev}") else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported fsType: {fs}")