# Mongo logger This is Mongo backed logging system that makes use of the `fluentd` driver found in Docker. # Running in production To collect container logs on a Docker host populate `.env` with `MONGO_URI` and deploy `docker-compose.yml` on all Docker hosts. In Docker host adjust `/etc/docker/daemon.json` ``` { "log-driver": "fluentd", "log-opts": { "fluentd-address": "", "fluentd-sub-second-precision": true } } ``` Proceed to reload Docker daemon. Enable syslog forwarding: ``` echo '*.* @' | tee /etc/rsyslog.d/fwd.conf systemctl restart rsyslog ``` # Dumping logs To dump logs on console: ``` pip3 install motor termcolor source .env export MONGO_URI python3 tailer.py ``` # Why not Loki? Loki is ridiculously complex to set up for HA setup. # Why not Fluentd? After spending great deal of time working around bugs and design flaws in Fluentd we gave up. For reasoning see [here](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd/pull/2808)