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// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ecszap
import (
var (
defaultLineEnding = zapcore.DefaultLineEnding
defaultEncodeName = zapcore.FullNameEncoder
defaultEncodeDuration = zapcore.NanosDurationEncoder
defaultEncodeLevel = zapcore.LowercaseLevelEncoder
defaultEncodeCaller = ShortCallerEncoder
callerKey = "log.origin"
logLevelKey = "log.level"
logNameKey = "log.logger"
messageKey = "message"
stackTraceKey = "log.origin.stack_trace"
timeKey = "@timestamp"
encodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
// EncoderConfig exports all non ECS related configurable settings.
// The configuration can be used to create an ECS compatible zapcore.Core
type EncoderConfig struct {
// EnableName controls if a logger's name should be serialized
// when available. If enabled, the EncodeName configuration is
// used for serialization.
EnableName bool `json:"enableName" yaml:"enableName"`
// EnableStackTrace controls if a stack trace should be serialized when available.
EnableStackTrace bool `json:"enableStackTrace" yaml:"enableStackTrace"`
// EnableCaller controls if the entry caller should be serialized.
// If enabled, the EncodeCaller configuration is used for serialization.
EnableCaller bool `json:"enableCaller" yaml:"enableCaller"`
// LineEnding defines the string used for line endings.
LineEnding string `json:"lineEnding" yaml:"lineEnding"`
// EncodeName defines how to encode a loggers name.
// It will only be applied if EnableName is set to true.
EncodeName zapcore.NameEncoder `json:"nameEncoder" yaml:"nameEncoder"`
// EncodeLevel sets the log level for which any context should be logged.
EncodeLevel zapcore.LevelEncoder `json:"levelEncoder" yaml:"levelEncoder"`
// EncodeDuration sets the format for encoding time.Duration values.
EncodeDuration zapcore.DurationEncoder `json:"durationEncoder" yaml:"durationEncoder"`
// EncodeCaller defines how an entry caller should be serialized.
// It will only be applied if EnableCaller is set to true.
EncodeCaller CallerEncoder `json:"callerEncoder" yaml:"callerEncoder"`
// NewDefaultEncoderConfig returns an EncoderConfig with default settings.
func NewDefaultEncoderConfig() EncoderConfig {
return EncoderConfig{
EnableName: true,
EnableCaller: true,
EnableStackTrace: true,
LineEnding: defaultLineEnding,
EncodeName: defaultEncodeName,
EncodeLevel: defaultEncodeLevel,
EncodeDuration: defaultEncodeDuration,
EncodeCaller: defaultEncodeCaller,
// ToZapCoreEncoderConfig transforms the ecszap.EncoderConfig into
// a zapcore.EncoderConfig
func (cfg EncoderConfig) ToZapCoreEncoderConfig() zapcore.EncoderConfig {
encCfg := zapcore.EncoderConfig{
MessageKey: messageKey,
LevelKey: logLevelKey,
TimeKey: timeKey,
EncodeTime: encodeTime,
LineEnding: cfg.LineEnding,
EncodeDuration: cfg.EncodeDuration,
EncodeName: cfg.EncodeName,
EncodeLevel: cfg.EncodeLevel,
if encCfg.EncodeDuration == nil {
encCfg.EncodeDuration = defaultEncodeDuration
if cfg.EnableName {
encCfg.NameKey = logNameKey
if encCfg.EncodeName == nil {
encCfg.EncodeName = defaultEncodeName
if cfg.EnableStackTrace {
encCfg.StacktraceKey = stackTraceKey
if cfg.EnableCaller {
encCfg.CallerKey = callerKey
if cfg.EncodeCaller == nil {
encCfg.EncodeCaller = defaultEncodeCaller
} else {
encCfg.EncodeCaller = zapcore.CallerEncoder(cfg.EncodeCaller)
if encCfg.EncodeLevel == nil {
encCfg.EncodeLevel = defaultEncodeLevel
return encCfg
// ECSCompatibleEncoderConfig takes an existing zapcore.EncoderConfig
// and sets ECS relevant configuration options to ECS conformant values.
// The returned zapcore.EncoderConfig can be used to create
// an ECS conformant encoder.
// Be aware that this will always replace any set EncodeCaller function
// with the ecszap.ShortCallerEncoder.
// This is a pure convenience function for making a transition from
// existing an zap logger to an ECS conformant zap loggers easier.
// It is recommended to make use of the ecszap.EncoderConfig whenever possible.
func ECSCompatibleEncoderConfig(cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig) zapcore.EncoderConfig {
// set the required MVP ECS keys
cfg.MessageKey = messageKey
cfg.LevelKey = logLevelKey
cfg.TimeKey = timeKey
if cfg.NameKey != "" {
cfg.NameKey = logNameKey
// set further ECS defined keys only if keys were defined,
// as zap omits these log attributes when keys are not defined
// and ecszap does not intend to change this logic
if cfg.StacktraceKey != "" {
cfg.StacktraceKey = stackTraceKey
if cfg.CallerKey != "" {
cfg.CallerKey = callerKey
cfg.EncodeCaller = defaultEncodeCaller
// always set the time encoding to the ISO8601 time format
cfg.EncodeTime = encodeTime
// ensure all required encoders are set
if cfg.EncodeDuration == nil {
cfg.EncodeDuration = defaultEncodeDuration
if cfg.EncodeLevel == nil {
cfg.EncodeLevel = defaultEncodeLevel
return cfg