
345 lines
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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package topology
import (
const defaultServerSelectionTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// Config is used to construct a topology.
type Config struct {
Mode MonitorMode
ReplicaSetName string
SeedList []string
ServerOpts []ServerOption
URI string
ServerSelectionTimeout time.Duration
ServerMonitor *event.ServerMonitor
SRVMaxHosts int
SRVServiceName string
LoadBalanced bool
// ConvertToDriverAPIOptions converts a options.ServerAPIOptions instance to a driver.ServerAPIOptions.
func ConvertToDriverAPIOptions(s *options.ServerAPIOptions) *driver.ServerAPIOptions {
driverOpts := driver.NewServerAPIOptions(string(s.ServerAPIVersion))
if s.Strict != nil {
if s.DeprecationErrors != nil {
return driverOpts
// NewConfig will translate data from client options into a topology config for building non-default deployments.
// Server and topoplogy options are not honored if a custom deployment is used.
func NewConfig(co *options.ClientOptions, clock *session.ClusterClock) (*Config, error) {
var serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions
if err := co.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var connOpts []ConnectionOption
var serverOpts []ServerOption
cfgp := new(Config)
// Set the default "ServerSelectionTimeout" to 30 seconds.
cfgp.ServerSelectionTimeout = defaultServerSelectionTimeout
// Set the default "SeedList" to localhost.
cfgp.SeedList = []string{"localhost:27017"}
// TODO(GODRIVER-814): Add tests for topology, server, and connection related options.
// ServerAPIOptions need to be handled early as other client and server options below reference
// c.serverAPI and serverOpts.serverAPI.
if co.ServerAPIOptions != nil {
serverAPI = ConvertToDriverAPIOptions(co.ServerAPIOptions)
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, WithServerAPI(func(*driver.ServerAPIOptions) *driver.ServerAPIOptions {
return serverAPI
cfgp.URI = co.GetURI()
if co.SRVServiceName != nil {
cfgp.SRVServiceName = *co.SRVServiceName
if co.SRVMaxHosts != nil {
cfgp.SRVMaxHosts = *co.SRVMaxHosts
// AppName
var appName string
if co.AppName != nil {
appName = *co.AppName
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, WithServerAppName(func(string) string {
return appName
// Compressors & ZlibLevel
var comps []string
if len(co.Compressors) > 0 {
comps = co.Compressors
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithCompressors(
func(compressors []string) []string {
return append(compressors, comps...)
for _, comp := range comps {
switch comp {
case "zlib":
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithZlibLevel(func(level *int) *int {
return co.ZlibLevel
case "zstd":
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithZstdLevel(func(level *int) *int {
return co.ZstdLevel
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, WithCompressionOptions(
func(opts ...string) []string { return append(opts, comps...) },
var loadBalanced bool
if co.LoadBalanced != nil {
loadBalanced = *co.LoadBalanced
// Handshaker
var handshaker = func(driver.Handshaker) driver.Handshaker {
return operation.NewHello().AppName(appName).Compressors(comps).ClusterClock(clock).
// Auth & Database & Password & Username
if co.Auth != nil {
cred := &auth.Cred{
Username: co.Auth.Username,
Password: co.Auth.Password,
PasswordSet: co.Auth.PasswordSet,
Props: co.Auth.AuthMechanismProperties,
Source: co.Auth.AuthSource,
mechanism := co.Auth.AuthMechanism
if len(cred.Source) == 0 {
switch strings.ToUpper(mechanism) {
case auth.MongoDBX509, auth.GSSAPI, auth.PLAIN:
cred.Source = "$external"
cred.Source = "admin"
authenticator, err := auth.CreateAuthenticator(mechanism, cred)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
handshakeOpts := &auth.HandshakeOptions{
AppName: appName,
Authenticator: authenticator,
Compressors: comps,
ServerAPI: serverAPI,
LoadBalanced: loadBalanced,
ClusterClock: clock,
HTTPClient: co.HTTPClient,
if mechanism == "" {
// Required for SASL mechanism negotiation during handshake
handshakeOpts.DBUser = cred.Source + "." + cred.Username
if co.AuthenticateToAnything != nil && *co.AuthenticateToAnything {
// Authenticate arbiters
handshakeOpts.PerformAuthentication = func(serv description.Server) bool {
return true
handshaker = func(driver.Handshaker) driver.Handshaker {
return auth.Handshaker(nil, handshakeOpts)
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithHandshaker(handshaker))
// ConnectTimeout
if co.ConnectTimeout != nil {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, WithHeartbeatTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.ConnectTimeout },
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithConnectTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.ConnectTimeout },
// Dialer
if co.Dialer != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithDialer(
func(Dialer) Dialer { return co.Dialer },
// Direct
if co.Direct != nil && *co.Direct {
cfgp.Mode = SingleMode
// HeartbeatInterval
if co.HeartbeatInterval != nil {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, WithHeartbeatInterval(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.HeartbeatInterval },
// Hosts
cfgp.SeedList = []string{"localhost:27017"} // default host
if len(co.Hosts) > 0 {
cfgp.SeedList = co.Hosts
// MaxConIdleTime
if co.MaxConnIdleTime != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithIdleTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.MaxConnIdleTime },
// MaxPoolSize
if co.MaxPoolSize != nil {
serverOpts = append(
WithMaxConnections(func(uint64) uint64 { return *co.MaxPoolSize }),
// MinPoolSize
if co.MinPoolSize != nil {
serverOpts = append(
WithMinConnections(func(uint64) uint64 { return *co.MinPoolSize }),
// MaxConnecting
if co.MaxConnecting != nil {
serverOpts = append(
WithMaxConnecting(func(uint64) uint64 { return *co.MaxConnecting }),
// PoolMonitor
if co.PoolMonitor != nil {
serverOpts = append(
WithConnectionPoolMonitor(func(*event.PoolMonitor) *event.PoolMonitor { return co.PoolMonitor }),
// Monitor
if co.Monitor != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithMonitor(
func(*event.CommandMonitor) *event.CommandMonitor { return co.Monitor },
// ServerMonitor
if co.ServerMonitor != nil {
serverOpts = append(
WithServerMonitor(func(*event.ServerMonitor) *event.ServerMonitor { return co.ServerMonitor }),
cfgp.ServerMonitor = co.ServerMonitor
// ReplicaSet
if co.ReplicaSet != nil {
cfgp.ReplicaSetName = *co.ReplicaSet
// ServerSelectionTimeout
if co.ServerSelectionTimeout != nil {
cfgp.ServerSelectionTimeout = *co.ServerSelectionTimeout
// SocketTimeout
if co.SocketTimeout != nil {
connOpts = append(
WithReadTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.SocketTimeout }),
WithWriteTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *co.SocketTimeout }),
// TLSConfig
if co.TLSConfig != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithTLSConfig(
func(*tls.Config) *tls.Config {
return co.TLSConfig
// HTTP Client
if co.HTTPClient != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, WithHTTPClient(
func(*http.Client) *http.Client {
return co.HTTPClient
// OCSP cache
ocspCache := ocsp.NewCache()
connOpts = append(
WithOCSPCache(func(ocsp.Cache) ocsp.Cache { return ocspCache }),
// Disable communication with external OCSP responders.
if co.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck != nil {
connOpts = append(
WithDisableOCSPEndpointCheck(func(bool) bool { return *co.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck }),
// LoadBalanced
if co.LoadBalanced != nil {
cfgp.LoadBalanced = *co.LoadBalanced
serverOpts = append(
WithServerLoadBalanced(func(bool) bool { return *co.LoadBalanced }),
connOpts = append(
WithConnectionLoadBalanced(func(bool) bool { return *co.LoadBalanced }),
serverOpts = append(
WithClock(func(*session.ClusterClock) *session.ClusterClock { return clock }),
WithConnectionOptions(func(...ConnectionOption) []ConnectionOption { return connOpts }))
cfgp.ServerOpts = serverOpts
return cfgp, nil