
322 lines
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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package ocsp
import (
var (
tlsFeatureExtensionOID = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 24}
mustStapleFeatureValue = big.NewInt(5)
// Error represents an OCSP verification error
type Error struct {
wrapped error
// Error implements the error interface
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("OCSP verification failed: %v", e.wrapped)
// Unwrap returns the underlying error.
func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {
return e.wrapped
func newOCSPError(wrapped error) error {
return &Error{wrapped: wrapped}
// ResponseDetails contains a subset of the details needed from an OCSP response after the original response has been
// validated.
type ResponseDetails struct {
Status int
NextUpdate time.Time
func extractResponseDetails(res *ocsp.Response) *ResponseDetails {
return &ResponseDetails{
Status: res.Status,
NextUpdate: res.NextUpdate,
// Verify performs OCSP verification for the provided ConnectionState instance.
func Verify(ctx context.Context, connState tls.ConnectionState, opts *VerifyOptions) error {
if opts.Cache == nil {
// There should always be an OCSP cache. Even if the user has specified the URI option to disable communication
// with OCSP responders, the driver will cache any stapled responses. Requiring that the cache is non-nil
// allows us to confirm that the cache is correctly being passed down from a higher level.
return newOCSPError(errors.New("no OCSP cache provided"))
if len(connState.VerifiedChains) == 0 {
return newOCSPError(errors.New("no verified certificate chains reported after TLS handshake"))
certChain := connState.VerifiedChains[0]
if numCerts := len(certChain); numCerts == 0 {
return newOCSPError(errors.New("verified chain contained no certificates"))
ocspCfg, err := newConfig(certChain, opts)
if err != nil {
return newOCSPError(err)
res, err := getParsedResponse(ctx, ocspCfg, connState)
if err != nil {
return err
if res == nil {
// If no response was parsed from the staple and responders, the status of the certificate is unknown, so don't
// error.
return nil
if res.Status == ocsp.Revoked {
return newOCSPError(errors.New("certificate is revoked"))
return nil
// getParsedResponse attempts to parse a response from the stapled OCSP data or by contacting OCSP responders if no
// staple is present.
func getParsedResponse(ctx context.Context, cfg config, connState tls.ConnectionState) (*ResponseDetails, error) {
stapledResponse, err := processStaple(cfg, connState.OCSPResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if stapledResponse != nil {
// If there is a staple, attempt to cache it. The cache.Update call will resolve conflicts with an existing
// cache enry if necessary.
return cfg.cache.Update(cfg.ocspRequest, stapledResponse), nil
if cachedResponse := cfg.cache.Get(cfg.ocspRequest); cachedResponse != nil {
return cachedResponse, nil
// If there is no stapled or cached response, fall back to querying the responders if that functionality has not
// been disabled.
if cfg.disableEndpointChecking {
return nil, nil
externalResponse := contactResponders(ctx, cfg)
if externalResponse == nil {
// None of the responders were available.
return nil, nil
// Similar to the stapled response case above, unconditionally call Update and it will either cache the response
// or resolve conflicts if a different connection has cached a response since the previous call to Get.
return cfg.cache.Update(cfg.ocspRequest, externalResponse), nil
// processStaple returns the OCSP response from the provided staple. An error will be returned if any of the following
// are true:
// 1. cfg.serverCert has the Must-Staple extension but the staple is empty.
// 2. The staple is malformed.
// 3. The staple does not cover cfg.serverCert.
// 4. The OCSP response has an error status.
func processStaple(cfg config, staple []byte) (*ResponseDetails, error) {
mustStaple, err := isMustStapleCertificate(cfg.serverCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If the server has a Must-Staple certificate and the server does not present a stapled OCSP response, error.
if mustStaple && len(staple) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("server provided a certificate with the Must-Staple extension but did not " +
"provde a stapled OCSP response")
if len(staple) == 0 {
return nil, nil
parsedResponse, err := ocsp.ParseResponseForCert(staple, cfg.serverCert, cfg.issuer)
if err != nil {
// If the stapled response could not be parsed correctly, error. This can happen if the response is malformed,
// the response does not cover the certificate presented by the server, or if the response contains an error
// status.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing stapled response: %v", err)
if err = verifyResponse(cfg, parsedResponse); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error validating stapled response: %v", err)
return extractResponseDetails(parsedResponse), nil
// isMustStapleCertificate determines whether or not an X509 certificate is a must-staple certificate.
func isMustStapleCertificate(cert *x509.Certificate) (bool, error) {
var featureExtension pkix.Extension
var foundExtension bool
for _, ext := range cert.Extensions {
if ext.Id.Equal(tlsFeatureExtensionOID) {
featureExtension = ext
foundExtension = true
if !foundExtension {
return false, nil
// The value for the TLS feature extension is a sequence of integers. Per the asn1.Unmarshal documentation, an
// integer can be unmarshalled into an int, int32, int64, or *big.Int and unmarshalling will error if the integer
// cannot be encoded into the target type.
// Use []*big.Int to ensure that all values in the sequence can be successfully unmarshalled.
var featureValues []*big.Int
if _, err := asn1.Unmarshal(featureExtension.Value, &featureValues); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling TLS feature extension values: %v", err)
for _, value := range featureValues {
if value.Cmp(mustStapleFeatureValue) == 0 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// contactResponders will send a request to all OCSP responders reported by cfg.serverCert. The
// first response that conclusively identifies cfg.serverCert as good or revoked will be returned.
// If all responders are unavailable or no responder returns a conclusive status, it returns nil.
// contactResponders will wait for up to 5 seconds to get a certificate status response.
func contactResponders(ctx context.Context, cfg config) *ResponseDetails {
if len(cfg.serverCert.OCSPServer) == 0 {
return nil
// Limit all OCSP responder calls to a maximum of 5 seconds or when the passed-in context expires,
// whichever happens first.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
ocspResponses := make(chan *ocsp.Response, len(cfg.serverCert.OCSPServer))
defer close(ocspResponses)
for _, endpoint := range cfg.serverCert.OCSPServer {
// Re-assign endpoint so it gets re-scoped rather than using the iteration variable in the goroutine. See
// https://golang.org/doc/faq#closures_and_goroutines.
endpoint := endpoint
// Start a group of goroutines that each attempt to request the certificate status from one
// of the OCSP endpoints listed in the server certificate. We want to "soft fail" on all
// errors, so this function never returns actual errors. Only a "done" error is returned
// when a response is received so the errgroup cancels any other in-progress requests.
group.Go(func() error {
// Use bytes.NewReader instead of bytes.NewBuffer because a bytes.Buffer is an owning representation and the
// docs recommend not using the underlying []byte after creating the buffer, so a new copy of the request
// bytes would be needed for each request.
request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", endpoint, bytes.NewReader(cfg.ocspRequestBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil
request = request.WithContext(ctx)
httpResponse, err := cfg.httpClient.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer func() {
_ = httpResponse.Body.Close()
if httpResponse.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil
httpBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil
ocspResponse, err := ocsp.ParseResponseForCert(httpBytes, cfg.serverCert, cfg.issuer)
if err != nil || verifyResponse(cfg, ocspResponse) != nil || ocspResponse.Status == ocsp.Unknown {
// If there was an error parsing/validating the response or the response was
// inconclusive, suppress the error because we want to ignore this responder.
return nil
// Send the conclusive response on the response channel and return a "done" error that
// will cause the errgroup to cancel all other in-progress requests.
ocspResponses <- ocspResponse
return errors.New("done")
_ = group.Wait()
select {
case res := <-ocspResponses:
return extractResponseDetails(res)
// If there is no OCSP response on the response channel, all OCSP calls either failed or
// were inconclusive. Return nil.
return nil
// verifyResponse checks that the provided OCSP response is valid.
func verifyResponse(cfg config, res *ocsp.Response) error {
if err := verifyExtendedKeyUsage(cfg, res); err != nil {
return err
currTime := time.Now().UTC()
if res.ThisUpdate.After(currTime) {
return fmt.Errorf("reported thisUpdate time %s is after current time %s", res.ThisUpdate, currTime)
if !res.NextUpdate.IsZero() && res.NextUpdate.Before(currTime) {
return fmt.Errorf("reported nextUpdate time %s is before current time %s", res.NextUpdate, currTime)
return nil
func verifyExtendedKeyUsage(cfg config, res *ocsp.Response) error {
if res.Certificate == nil {
return nil
namesMatch := res.RawResponderName != nil && bytes.Equal(res.RawResponderName, cfg.issuer.RawSubject)
keyHashesMatch := res.ResponderKeyHash != nil && bytes.Equal(res.ResponderKeyHash, cfg.ocspRequest.IssuerKeyHash)
if namesMatch || keyHashesMatch {
// The responder certificate is the same as the issuer certificate.
return nil
// There is a delegate.
for _, extKeyUsage := range res.Certificate.ExtKeyUsage {
if extKeyUsage == x509.ExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning {
return nil
return errors.New("delegate responder certificate is missing the OCSP signing extended key usage")