package mongo_struct import ( "context" "time" "" "" ) // ctx is used directly func InitializeIndexes(ctx context.Context, col *mongo.Collection) error { ind := col.Indexes() // (does not create duplicates) _, err := ind.CreateOne(ctx, mongo.IndexModel{ Keys: bson.D{{Key: RecordKeyFilePath, Value: 1}, {Key: RecordKeyOffset, Value: -1}}, }) return err } // when editing, also edit everything in this file! type ( Record struct { File Offset int64 // end, of last line String string ParsedMetadata ParsedContent // TODO: not implemented // added by ToBson() timeShip time.Time } ParsedMetadata struct { TimeKubernetes time.Time StdErr bool } ParsedContent struct { Content any TimeUpstream time.Time } HostInfo struct { Id string Name string Arch string } File struct { Host *HostInfo Path string // absolute KubeInfo } KubeInfo struct { ContainerName string ContainerId string // unused Namespace string Pod string } ) const ( // used outside package for mongo commands RecordKeyHostId = recordKeyHost + "." + recordKeyId RecordKeyFilePath = recordKeyLog + "." + recordKeyFile + "." + recordKeygenericPath RecordKeyOffset = recordKeyLog + "." + recordKeyOffset ) // Don't use direct strings in bson types. Use the constants as keys. // This ensures keys (and subkeys) are consistent within the package, and by consumers of it. const ( recordKeygenericName = "name" recordKeygenericPath = "path" ) const ( recordKeyString = "message" recordKeyLog = "log" recordKeyFile = "file" recordKeyOffset = "offset" // recordKeyLevel = "level" recordKeyHost = "host" recordKeyId = "id" recordKeyName = "name" recordKeyArch = "architecture" recordKeyKubernetes = "kubernetes" recordKeyContainer = "container" recordKeyNamespace = "namespace" recordKeyPod = "pod" recordKeyStream = "stderr" recordKeyContainerTime = "container_time" recordKeyShipTime = "ship_time" recordKeyEvent = "event" recordKeyTimeUpstream = "created" recordKeyTimeKubernetes = "ingested" recordKeyTimeMower = "@timestamp" ) // not using marshal, since it is <0.1x performance func (l *Record) ToBson() bson.M { var stream string if l.StdErr { stream = "stderr" } else { stream = "stdout" } return bson.M{ recordKeyString: l.String, recordKeyLog: bson.M{ recordKeyFile: bson.M{ recordKeygenericPath: l.File.Path, }, recordKeyOffset: l.Offset, // recordKeyLevel: , //TODO: ECS }, recordKeyKubernetes: bson.M{ recordKeyContainer: bson.M{ recordKeygenericName: l.File.ContainerName, }, recordKeyNamespace: l.File.Namespace, recordKeyPod: bson.M{ recordKeygenericName: l.File.Pod, }, }, recordKeyHost: bson.M{ recordKeyId: l.File.Host.Id, recordKeyName: l.File.Host.Name, recordKeyArch: l.File.Host.Arch, }, recordKeyStream: stream, recordKeyEvent: bson.M{ recordKeyTimeUpstream: l.TimeUpstream, recordKeyTimeKubernetes: l.TimeKubernetes, }, recordKeyShipTime: time.Now(), } } func RecordOffsetFromBson(b *bson.Raw) int64 { return bsonLookupInt64(b, recordKeyLog, recordKeyOffset) }