implement Simulate and globalize BufferLimit

This commit is contained in:
rasmus 2022-11-09 20:24:57 +02:00
parent c2e4a9eb69
commit 2232a748db
6 changed files with 62 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ Watches log directory for logs, and ships them to mongo.
- Building: `go build .`
## Files
1. `mower.go` acts as the main routine: initializes (including `mongo.go`) and watches for new files in log directory.
2. `submit.go` watches file contents and tails them, streaming to `sender.go`.
3. `sender.go` batches lines and ships them to mongo.
0. `pkg/globals` defines globals. This is used for Prometheus namespace, and for forwarding static global CLI configuration with less clutter.
1. `main.go` serves `/metrics` and runs `watcher.go`.
2. `pkg/watcher` main routine; initializes (including `mongo.go`) and watches for new log files.
- `pkg/mongo` provides statically safe and central tools to interact with the database.
- `pkg/util` provides additional utility functions.
3. `pkg/file` handles file lifecycle; watches files and tails them, streaming lines to `pkg/lines`.
4. `pkg/lines` processes lines and streams them to `pkg/sender`.
5. `pkg/sender` batches lines and ships them to mongo.

View File

@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ type File struct {
// TODO: caller could call duplicate shipFile of same name on file replace: sends might not work properly
func (f File) Process(ctx context.Context, db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitBytes int) {
func (f File) Process(ctx context.Context, db *mongo.Collection) {
_ = wait.ManagedExponentialBackoffWithContext(ctx, globals.Backoff(), func() (done bool, _ error) {
err := f.process(ctx, db, recordLimitBytes)
err := f.process(ctx, db)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (f File) Process(ctx context.Context, db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitByte
func (f File) launchChannels(cancel func(), db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitBytes int) (_ chan<- lines.Raw, deferFn func()) {
func (f File) launchChannels(cancel func(), db *mongo.Collection) (_ chan<- lines.Raw, deferFn func()) {
lineOut := make(chan lines.Raw)
sctx, scancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func (f File) launchChannels(cancel func(), db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitByt
dbQueue := make(chan m.Record, SendQueueLimit)
go lines.RawC(lineOut).Process(sctx, recordLimitBytes, dbQueue)
go lines.RawC(lineOut).Process(sctx, dbQueue)
waitBatchSend := util.GoWg(func() {
sender.Queue(dbQueue).Sender(db, f.MetricsName, cancelAll)
@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ func (f File) launchChannels(cancel func(), db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitByt
// use submitter(), don't use directly
func (f File) process(ctx context.Context, db *mongo.Collection, recordLimitBytes int) error {
func (f File) process(ctx context.Context, db *mongo.Collection) error {
lFile := lines.File(f) // file.File, but avoiding import cycle
sctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
lineOut, dfn := f.launchChannels(cancel, db, recordLimitBytes)
lineOut, dfn := f.launchChannels(cancel, db)
defer dfn()
// get files with offset

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ const (
DatabaseCommandTimeout = 10 * time.Second
var (
BufferLimitBytes int
Simulate bool
func MongoTimeout(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, DatabaseCommandTimeout) //nolint:lostcancel (cancelled by mongo, should be bug on them //TODO)
return ctx

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
m ""
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ type (
// assumes all lines are from same file
func (unparsed RawC) Process(ctx context.Context, bufferLimitBytes int, parsed chan<- m.Record) {
func (unparsed RawC) Process(ctx context.Context, parsed chan<- m.Record) {
lines := make(chan singleLine)
go unparsed.parse(lines)
@ -33,11 +34,11 @@ func (unparsed RawC) Process(ctx context.Context, bufferLimitBytes int, parsed c
stdOut, stdErr := make(chan singleLine), make(chan singleLine)
go func() {
singleLines(stdOut).process(ctx, bufferLimitBytes, parsed)
singleLines(stdOut).process(ctx, parsed)
go func() {
singleLines(stdErr).process(ctx, bufferLimitBytes, parsed)
singleLines(stdErr).process(ctx, parsed)
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ func (unparsed RawC) Process(ctx context.Context, bufferLimitBytes int, parsed c
func (lines singleLines) process(ctx context.Context, bufferLimitBytes int, parsed chan<- m.Record) {
func (lines singleLines) process(ctx context.Context, parsed chan<- m.Record) {
var firstMetadata *m.ParsedMetadata
var buffer []byte
@ -86,9 +87,9 @@ func (lines singleLines) process(ctx context.Context, bufferLimitBytes int, pars
buffer = append(buffer, line.B...)
if len(buffer) > bufferLimitBytes {
if len(buffer) > globals.BufferLimitBytes {
log.Printf("dropped record: size in bytes exceeds limit of %d", bufferLimitBytes)
log.Printf("dropped record: size in bytes exceeds limit of %d", globals.BufferLimitBytes)
buffer = nil

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package sender
import (
@ -56,13 +57,7 @@ func (queue Queue) Sender(db *mongo.Collection, metricsFilename string, cancelOn
var batchBson []interface{} // mongo does not like typing
for _, b := range batch {
batchBson = append(batchBson, b.ToBson())
tru := true
result, err := db.InsertMany(globals.MongoTimeout(context.Background()), batchBson, &options.InsertManyOptions{Ordered: &tru})
result, err := insertManyWithSimulate(db, batch)
var succeedCount int
if result != nil {
@ -89,3 +84,24 @@ func (queue Queue) Sender(db *mongo.Collection, metricsFilename string, cancelOn
func insertManyWithSimulate(db *mongo.Collection, batch []m.Record) (*mongo.InsertManyResult, error) {
if !globals.Simulate {
var batchBson []interface{} // mongo does not like typing
for _, b := range batch {
batchBson = append(batchBson, b.ToBson())
tru := true
return db.InsertMany(globals.MongoTimeout(context.Background()), batchBson, &options.InsertManyOptions{Ordered: &tru})
fmt.Printf("simulating successful database bulk write: %v", batch)
var res mongo.InsertManyResult
for range batch {
res.InsertedIDs = append(res.InsertedIDs, nil)
return &res, nil

View File

@ -24,21 +24,26 @@ var App = &cli.App{
// Usage: "rubykana <input>",
// TODO: #2: yaml
Flags: []cli.Flag{
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "simulate", Aliases: []string{"dry-run"}, Usage: "Do not write to database"}, // TODO:
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "simulate", Aliases: []string{"dry-run"}, Usage: "Do not write to database"},
&cli.StringFlag{Name: "log-directory", Usage: "Directory to watch for logs", Value: "/var/log/containers"},
&cli.IntFlag{Name: "max-record-size", Value: 128 * 1024, Usage: "Maximum record size in bytes"}, // TODO:
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "normalize-log-level", Usage: "Normalize log.level values to Syslog defined keywords"}, // TODO:
// &cli.BoolFlag{Name: "parse-json"}, //TODO:
&cli.StringFlag{Category: "k8s metadata", Name: "pod-namespace", EnvVars: []string{"KUBE_POD_NAMESPACE"}}, // TODO:
&cli.IntFlag{Name: "max-record-size", Value: 128 * 1024, Usage: "Maximum record size in bytes"},
//TODO: &cli.BoolFlag{Name: "normalize-log-level", Usage: "Normalize log.level values to Syslog defined keywords"},
//TODO: &cli.BoolFlag{Name: "parse-json"},
// TODO:
&cli.StringFlag{Category: "k8s metadata", Name: "pod-namespace", EnvVars: []string{"KUBE_POD_NAMESPACE"}},
&cli.StringFlag{Category: "k8s metadata", Name: "node-name", EnvVars: []string{"KUBE_NODE_NAME"}, Required: true},
&cli.StringFlag{Category: "secrets", Name: "mongo-uri", EnvVars: []string{"MONGO_URI"}, Usage: "mongodb://foo:bar@host:27017/database", Required: true},
Before: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if ctx.Int("max-record-size") < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("max-record-size must be postivie")
globals.BufferLimitBytes = ctx.Int("max-record-size")
if globals.BufferLimitBytes < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("max-record-size must be positive")
globals.Simulate = ctx.Bool("simulate")
return nil
@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ var App = &cli.App{
MetricsName: filepath.Base(event.Name),
file.Process(ctx.Context, db, ctx.Int("max-record-size"))
file.Process(ctx.Context, db)