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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package topology
import (
const minHeartbeatInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Server state constants.
const (
serverDisconnected int64 = iota
func serverStateString(state int64) string {
switch state {
case serverDisconnected:
return "Disconnected"
case serverDisconnecting:
return "Disconnecting"
case serverConnected:
return "Connected"
return ""
var (
// ErrServerClosed occurs when an attempt to Get a connection is made after
// the server has been closed.
ErrServerClosed = errors.New("server is closed")
// ErrServerConnected occurs when at attempt to Connect is made after a server
// has already been connected.
ErrServerConnected = errors.New("server is connected")
errCheckCancelled = errors.New("server check cancelled")
emptyDescription = description.NewDefaultServer("")
// SelectedServer represents a specific server that was selected during server selection.
// It contains the kind of the topology it was selected from.
type SelectedServer struct {
Kind description.TopologyKind
// Description returns a description of the server as of the last heartbeat.
func (ss *SelectedServer) Description() description.SelectedServer {
sdesc := ss.Server.Description()
return description.SelectedServer{
Server: sdesc,
Kind: ss.Kind,
// Server is a single server within a topology.
type Server struct {
// The following integer fields must be accessed using the atomic package and should be at the
// beginning of the struct.
// - atomic bug: https://pkg.go.dev/sync/atomic#pkg-note-BUG
// - suggested layout: https://go101.org/article/memory-layout.html
state int64
operationCount int64
cfg *serverConfig
address address.Address
// connection related fields
pool *pool
// goroutine management fields
done chan struct{}
checkNow chan struct{}
disconnecting chan struct{}
closewg sync.WaitGroup
// description related fields
desc atomic.Value // holds a description.Server
updateTopologyCallback atomic.Value
topologyID primitive.ObjectID
// subscriber related fields
subLock sync.Mutex
subscribers map[uint64]chan description.Server
currentSubscriberID uint64
subscriptionsClosed bool
// heartbeat and cancellation related fields
// globalCtx should be created in NewServer and cancelled in Disconnect to signal that the server is shutting down.
// heartbeatCtx should be used for individual heartbeats and should be a child of globalCtx so that it will be
// cancelled automatically during shutdown.
heartbeatLock sync.Mutex
conn *connection
globalCtx context.Context
globalCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
heartbeatCtx context.Context
heartbeatCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
processErrorLock sync.Mutex
rttMonitor *rttMonitor
// updateTopologyCallback is a callback used to create a server that should be called when the parent Topology instance
// should be updated based on a new server description. The callback must return the server description that should be
// stored by the server.
type updateTopologyCallback func(description.Server) description.Server
// ConnectServer creates a new Server and then initializes it using the
// Connect method.
func ConnectServer(addr address.Address, updateCallback updateTopologyCallback, topologyID primitive.ObjectID, opts ...ServerOption) (*Server, error) {
srvr := NewServer(addr, topologyID, opts...)
err := srvr.Connect(updateCallback)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return srvr, nil
// NewServer creates a new server. The mongodb server at the address will be monitored
// on an internal monitoring goroutine.
func NewServer(addr address.Address, topologyID primitive.ObjectID, opts ...ServerOption) *Server {
cfg := newServerConfig(opts...)
globalCtx, globalCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s := &Server{
state: serverDisconnected,
cfg: cfg,
address: addr,
done: make(chan struct{}),
checkNow: make(chan struct{}, 1),
disconnecting: make(chan struct{}),
topologyID: topologyID,
subscribers: make(map[uint64]chan description.Server),
globalCtx: globalCtx,
globalCtxCancel: globalCtxCancel,
rttCfg := &rttConfig{
interval: cfg.heartbeatInterval,
minRTTWindow: 5 * time.Minute,
createConnectionFn: s.createConnection,
createOperationFn: s.createBaseOperation,
s.rttMonitor = newRTTMonitor(rttCfg)
pc := poolConfig{
Address: addr,
MinPoolSize: cfg.minConns,
MaxPoolSize: cfg.maxConns,
MaxConnecting: cfg.maxConnecting,
MaxIdleTime: cfg.poolMaxIdleTime,
MaintainInterval: cfg.poolMaintainInterval,
PoolMonitor: cfg.poolMonitor,
handshakeErrFn: s.ProcessHandshakeError,
connectionOpts := copyConnectionOpts(cfg.connectionOpts)
s.pool = newPool(pc, connectionOpts...)
return s
// Connect initializes the Server by starting background monitoring goroutines.
// This method must be called before a Server can be used.
func (s *Server) Connect(updateCallback updateTopologyCallback) error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.state, serverDisconnected, serverConnected) {
return ErrServerConnected
desc := description.NewDefaultServer(s.address)
if s.cfg.loadBalanced {
// LBs automatically start off with kind LoadBalancer because there is no monitoring routine for state changes.
desc.Kind = description.LoadBalancer
if !s.cfg.monitoringDisabled && !s.cfg.loadBalanced {
go s.update()
// The CMAP spec describes that pools should only be marked "ready" when the server description
// is updated to something other than "Unknown". However, we maintain the previous Server
// behavior here and immediately mark the pool as ready during Connect() to simplify and speed
// up the Client startup behavior. The risk of marking a pool as ready proactively during
// Connect() is that we could attempt to create connections to a server that was configured
// erroneously until the first server check or checkOut() failure occurs, when the SDAM error
// handler would transition the Server back to "Unknown" and set the pool to "paused".
return s.pool.ready()
// Disconnect closes sockets to the server referenced by this Server.
// Subscriptions to this Server will be closed. Disconnect will shutdown
// any monitoring goroutines, closeConnection the idle connection pool, and will
// wait until all the in use connections have been returned to the connection
// pool and are closed before returning. If the context expires via
// cancellation, deadline, or timeout before the in use connections have been
// returned, the in use connections will be closed, resulting in the failure of
// any in flight read or write operations. If this method returns with no
// errors, all connections associated with this Server have been closed.
func (s *Server) Disconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.state, serverConnected, serverDisconnecting) {
return ErrServerClosed
// Cancel the global context so any new contexts created from it will be automatically cancelled. Close the done
// channel so the update() routine will know that it can stop. Cancel any in-progress monitoring checks at the end.
// The done channel is closed before cancelling the check so the update routine() will immediately detect that it
// can stop rather than trying to create new connections until the read from done succeeds.
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.state, serverDisconnected)
return nil
// Connection gets a connection to the server.
func (s *Server) Connection(ctx context.Context) (driver.Connection, error) {
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.state) != serverConnected {
return nil, ErrServerClosed
// Increment the operation count before calling checkOut to make sure that all connection
// requests are included in the operation count, including those in the wait queue. If we got an
// error instead of a connection, immediately decrement the operation count.
atomic.AddInt64(&s.operationCount, 1)
conn, err := s.pool.checkOut(ctx)
if err != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.operationCount, -1)
return nil, err
return &Connection{
connection: conn,
cleanupServerFn: func() {
// Decrement the operation count whenever the caller is done with the connection. Note
// that cleanupServerFn() is not called while the connection is pinned to a cursor or
// transaction, so the operation count is not decremented until the cursor is closed or
// the transaction is committed or aborted. Use an int64 instead of a uint64 to mitigate
// the impact of any possible bugs that could cause the uint64 to underflow, which would
// make the server much less selectable.
atomic.AddInt64(&s.operationCount, -1)
}, nil
// ProcessHandshakeError implements SDAM error handling for errors that occur before a connection
// finishes handshaking.
func (s *Server) ProcessHandshakeError(err error, startingGenerationNumber uint64, serviceID *primitive.ObjectID) {
// Ignore the error if the server is behind a load balancer but the service ID is unknown. This indicates that the
// error happened when dialing the connection or during the MongoDB handshake, so we don't know the service ID to
// use for clearing the pool.
if err == nil || s.cfg.loadBalanced && serviceID == nil {
// Ignore the error if the connection is stale.
if startingGenerationNumber < s.pool.generation.getGeneration(serviceID) {
wrappedConnErr := unwrapConnectionError(err)
if wrappedConnErr == nil {
// Must hold the processErrorLock while updating the server description and clearing the pool.
// Not holding the lock leads to possible out-of-order processing of pool.clear() and
// pool.ready() calls from concurrent server description updates.
defer s.processErrorLock.Unlock()
// Since the only kind of ConnectionError we receive from pool.Get will be an initialization error, we should set
// the description.Server appropriately. The description should not have a TopologyVersion because the staleness
// checking logic above has already determined that this description is not stale.
s.updateDescription(description.NewServerFromError(s.address, wrappedConnErr, nil))
s.pool.clear(err, serviceID)
// Description returns a description of the server as of the last heartbeat.
func (s *Server) Description() description.Server {
return s.desc.Load().(description.Server)
// SelectedDescription returns a description.SelectedServer with a Kind of
// Single. This can be used when performing tasks like monitoring a batch
// of servers and you want to run one off commands against those servers.
func (s *Server) SelectedDescription() description.SelectedServer {
sdesc := s.Description()
return description.SelectedServer{
Server: sdesc,
Kind: description.Single,
// Subscribe returns a ServerSubscription which has a channel on which all
// updated server descriptions will be sent. The channel will have a buffer
// size of one, and will be pre-populated with the current description.
func (s *Server) Subscribe() (*ServerSubscription, error) {
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.state) != serverConnected {
return nil, ErrSubscribeAfterClosed
ch := make(chan description.Server, 1)
ch <- s.desc.Load().(description.Server)
defer s.subLock.Unlock()
if s.subscriptionsClosed {
return nil, ErrSubscribeAfterClosed
id := s.currentSubscriberID
s.subscribers[id] = ch
ss := &ServerSubscription{
C: ch,
s: s,
id: id,
return ss, nil
// RequestImmediateCheck will cause the server to send a heartbeat immediately
// instead of waiting for the heartbeat timeout.
func (s *Server) RequestImmediateCheck() {
select {
case s.checkNow <- struct{}{}:
// getWriteConcernErrorForProcessing extracts a driver.WriteConcernError from the provided error. This function returns
// (error, true) if the error is a WriteConcernError and the falls under the requirements for SDAM error
// handling and (nil, false) otherwise.
func getWriteConcernErrorForProcessing(err error) (*driver.WriteConcernError, bool) {
writeCmdErr, ok := err.(driver.WriteCommandError)
if !ok {
return nil, false
wcerr := writeCmdErr.WriteConcernError
if wcerr != nil && (wcerr.NodeIsRecovering() || wcerr.NotPrimary()) {
return wcerr, true
return nil, false
// ProcessError handles SDAM error handling and implements driver.ErrorProcessor.
func (s *Server) ProcessError(err error, conn driver.Connection) driver.ProcessErrorResult {
// ignore nil error
if err == nil {
return driver.NoChange
// Must hold the processErrorLock while updating the server description and clearing the pool.
// Not holding the lock leads to possible out-of-order processing of pool.clear() and
// pool.ready() calls from concurrent server description updates.
defer s.processErrorLock.Unlock()
// ignore stale error
if conn.Stale() {
return driver.NoChange
// Invalidate server description if not primary or node recovering error occurs.
// These errors can be reported as a command error or a write concern error.
desc := conn.Description()
if cerr, ok := err.(driver.Error); ok && (cerr.NodeIsRecovering() || cerr.NotPrimary()) {
// ignore stale error
if desc.TopologyVersion.CompareToIncoming(cerr.TopologyVersion) >= 0 {
return driver.NoChange
// updates description to unknown
s.updateDescription(description.NewServerFromError(s.address, err, cerr.TopologyVersion))
res := driver.ServerMarkedUnknown
// If the node is shutting down or is older than 4.2, we synchronously clear the pool
if cerr.NodeIsShuttingDown() || desc.WireVersion == nil || desc.WireVersion.Max < 8 {
res = driver.ConnectionPoolCleared
s.pool.clear(err, desc.ServiceID)
return res
if wcerr, ok := getWriteConcernErrorForProcessing(err); ok {
// ignore stale error
if desc.TopologyVersion.CompareToIncoming(wcerr.TopologyVersion) >= 0 {
return driver.NoChange
// updates description to unknown
s.updateDescription(description.NewServerFromError(s.address, err, wcerr.TopologyVersion))
res := driver.ServerMarkedUnknown
// If the node is shutting down or is older than 4.2, we synchronously clear the pool
if wcerr.NodeIsShuttingDown() || desc.WireVersion == nil || desc.WireVersion.Max < 8 {
res = driver.ConnectionPoolCleared
s.pool.clear(err, desc.ServiceID)
return res
wrappedConnErr := unwrapConnectionError(err)
if wrappedConnErr == nil {
return driver.NoChange
// Ignore transient timeout errors.
if netErr, ok := wrappedConnErr.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() {
return driver.NoChange
if wrappedConnErr == context.Canceled || wrappedConnErr == context.DeadlineExceeded {
return driver.NoChange
// For a non-timeout network error, we clear the pool, set the description to Unknown, and cancel the in-progress
// monitoring check. The check is cancelled last to avoid a post-cancellation reconnect racing with
// updateDescription.
s.updateDescription(description.NewServerFromError(s.address, err, nil))
s.pool.clear(err, desc.ServiceID)
return driver.ConnectionPoolCleared
// update handles performing heartbeats and updating any subscribers of the
// newest description.Server retrieved.
func (s *Server) update() {
defer s.closewg.Done()
heartbeatTicker := time.NewTicker(s.cfg.heartbeatInterval)
rateLimiter := time.NewTicker(minHeartbeatInterval)
defer heartbeatTicker.Stop()
defer rateLimiter.Stop()
checkNow := s.checkNow
done := s.done
var doneOnce bool
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if doneOnce {
// We keep this goroutine alive attempting to read from the done channel.
closeServer := func() {
doneOnce = true
for id, c := range s.subscribers {
delete(s.subscribers, id)
s.subscriptionsClosed = true
// We don't need to take s.heartbeatLock here because closeServer is called synchronously when the select checks
// below detect that the server is being closed, so we can be sure that the connection isn't being used.
if s.conn != nil {
_ = s.conn.close()
waitUntilNextCheck := func() {
// Wait until heartbeatFrequency elapses, an application operation requests an immediate check, or the server
// is disconnecting.
select {
case <-heartbeatTicker.C:
case <-checkNow:
case <-done:
// Return because the next update iteration will check the done channel again and clean up.
// Ensure we only return if minHeartbeatFrequency has elapsed or the server is disconnecting.
select {
case <-rateLimiter.C:
case <-done:
for {
// Check if the server is disconnecting. Even if waitForNextCheck has already read from the done channel, we
// can safely read from it again because Disconnect closes the channel.
select {
case <-done:
previousDescription := s.Description()
// Perform the next check.
desc, err := s.check()
if err == errCheckCancelled {
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.state) != serverConnected {
// If the server is not disconnecting, the check was cancelled by an application operation after an error.
// Wait before running the next check.
// Must hold the processErrorLock while updating the server description and clearing the
// pool. Not holding the lock leads to possible out-of-order processing of pool.clear() and
// pool.ready() calls from concurrent server description updates.
if err := desc.LastError; err != nil {
// Clear the pool once the description has been updated to Unknown. Pass in a nil service ID to clear
// because the monitoring routine only runs for non-load balanced deployments in which servers don't return
// IDs.
s.pool.clear(err, nil)
// If the server supports streaming or we're already streaming, we want to move to streaming the next response
// without waiting. If the server has transitioned to Unknown from a network error, we want to do another
// check without waiting in case it was a transient error and the server isn't actually down.
serverSupportsStreaming := desc.Kind != description.Unknown && desc.TopologyVersion != nil
connectionIsStreaming := s.conn != nil && s.conn.getCurrentlyStreaming()
transitionedFromNetworkError := desc.LastError != nil && unwrapConnectionError(desc.LastError) != nil &&
previousDescription.Kind != description.Unknown
if serverSupportsStreaming || connectionIsStreaming || transitionedFromNetworkError {
// The server either does not support the streamable protocol or is not in a healthy state, so we wait until
// the next check.
// updateDescription handles updating the description on the Server, notifying
// subscribers, and potentially draining the connection pool. The initial
// parameter is used to determine if this is the first description from the
// server.
func (s *Server) updateDescription(desc description.Server) {
if s.cfg.loadBalanced {
// In load balanced mode, there are no updates from the monitoring routine. For errors encountered in pooled
// connections, the server should not be marked Unknown to ensure that the LB remains selectable.
defer func() {
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
_ = recover()
// Anytime we update the server description to something other than "unknown", set the pool to
// "ready". Do this before updating the description so that connections can be checked out as
// soon as the server is selectable. If the pool is already ready, this operation is a no-op.
// Note that this behavior is roughly consistent with the current Go driver behavior (connects
// to all servers, even non-data-bearing nodes) but deviates slightly from CMAP spec, which
// specifies a more restricted set of server descriptions and topologies that should mark the
// pool ready. We don't have access to the topology here, so prefer the current Go driver
// behavior for simplicity.
if desc.Kind != description.Unknown {
_ = s.pool.ready()
// Use the updateTopologyCallback to update the parent Topology and get the description that should be stored.
callback, ok := s.updateTopologyCallback.Load().(updateTopologyCallback)
if ok && callback != nil {
desc = callback(desc)
for _, c := range s.subscribers {
select {
// drain the channel if it isn't empty
case <-c:
c <- desc
// createConnection creates a new connection instance but does not call connect on it. The caller must call connect
// before the connection can be used for network operations.
func (s *Server) createConnection() *connection {
opts := copyConnectionOpts(s.cfg.connectionOpts)
opts = append(opts,
WithConnectTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return s.cfg.heartbeatTimeout }),
WithReadTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return s.cfg.heartbeatTimeout }),
WithWriteTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return s.cfg.heartbeatTimeout }),
// We override whatever handshaker is currently attached to the options with a basic
// one because need to make sure we don't do auth.
WithHandshaker(func(h Handshaker) Handshaker {
return operation.NewHello().AppName(s.cfg.appname).Compressors(s.cfg.compressionOpts).
// Override any monitors specified in options with nil to avoid monitoring heartbeats.
WithMonitor(func(*event.CommandMonitor) *event.CommandMonitor { return nil }),
return newConnection(s.address, opts...)
func copyConnectionOpts(opts []ConnectionOption) []ConnectionOption {
optsCopy := make([]ConnectionOption, len(opts))
copy(optsCopy, opts)
return optsCopy
func (s *Server) setupHeartbeatConnection() error {
conn := s.createConnection()
// Take the lock when assigning the context and connection because they're accessed by cancelCheck.
if s.heartbeatCtxCancel != nil {
// Ensure the previous context is cancelled to avoid a leak.
s.heartbeatCtx, s.heartbeatCtxCancel = context.WithCancel(s.globalCtx)
s.conn = conn
return s.conn.connect(s.heartbeatCtx)
// cancelCheck cancels in-progress connection dials and reads. It does not set any fields on the server.
func (s *Server) cancelCheck() {
var conn *connection
// Take heartbeatLock for mutual exclusion with the checks in the update function.
if s.heartbeatCtx != nil {
conn = s.conn
if conn == nil {
// If the connection exists, we need to wait for it to be connected because conn.connect() and
// conn.close() cannot be called concurrently. If the connection wasn't successfully opened, its
// state was set back to disconnected, so calling conn.close() will be a no-op.
_ = conn.close()
func (s *Server) checkWasCancelled() bool {
return s.heartbeatCtx.Err() != nil
func (s *Server) createBaseOperation(conn driver.Connection) *operation.Hello {
return operation.
func (s *Server) check() (description.Server, error) {
var descPtr *description.Server
var err error
var durationNanos int64
// Create a new connection if this is the first check, the connection was closed after an error during the previous
// check, or the previous check was cancelled.
if s.conn == nil || s.conn.closed() || s.checkWasCancelled() {
// Create a new connection and add it's handshake RTT as a sample.
err = s.setupHeartbeatConnection()
if err == nil {
// Use the description from the connection handshake as the value for this check.
descPtr = &s.conn.desc
if descPtr == nil && err == nil {
// An existing connection is being used. Use the server description properties to execute the right heartbeat.
// Wrap conn in a type that implements driver.StreamerConnection.
heartbeatConn := initConnection{s.conn}
baseOperation := s.createBaseOperation(heartbeatConn)
previousDescription := s.Description()
streamable := previousDescription.TopologyVersion != nil
s.publishServerHeartbeatStartedEvent(s.conn.ID(), s.conn.getCurrentlyStreaming() || streamable)
start := time.Now()
switch {
case s.conn.getCurrentlyStreaming():
// The connection is already in a streaming state, so we stream the next response.
err = baseOperation.StreamResponse(s.heartbeatCtx, heartbeatConn)
case streamable:
// The server supports the streamable protocol. Set the socket timeout to
// connectTimeoutMS+heartbeatFrequencyMS and execute an awaitable hello request. Set conn.canStream so
// the wire message will advertise streaming support to the server.
// Calculation for maxAwaitTimeMS is taken from time.Duration.Milliseconds (added in Go 1.13).
maxAwaitTimeMS := int64(s.cfg.heartbeatInterval) / 1e6
// If connectTimeoutMS=0, the socket timeout should be infinite. Otherwise, it is connectTimeoutMS +
// heartbeatFrequencyMS to account for the fact that the query will block for heartbeatFrequencyMS
// server-side.
socketTimeout := s.cfg.heartbeatTimeout
if socketTimeout != 0 {
socketTimeout += s.cfg.heartbeatInterval
baseOperation = baseOperation.TopologyVersion(previousDescription.TopologyVersion).
err = baseOperation.Execute(s.heartbeatCtx)
// The server doesn't support the awaitable protocol. Set the socket timeout to connectTimeoutMS and
// execute a regular heartbeat without any additional parameters.
err = baseOperation.Execute(s.heartbeatCtx)
durationNanos = time.Since(start).Nanoseconds()
if err == nil {
tempDesc := baseOperation.Result(s.address)
descPtr = &tempDesc
s.publishServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent(s.conn.ID(), durationNanos, tempDesc, s.conn.getCurrentlyStreaming() || streamable)
} else {
// Close the connection here rather than below so we ensure we're not closing a connection that wasn't
// successfully created.
if s.conn != nil {
_ = s.conn.close()
s.publishServerHeartbeatFailedEvent(s.conn.ID(), durationNanos, err, s.conn.getCurrentlyStreaming() || streamable)
if descPtr != nil {
// The check was successful. Set the average RTT and the 90th percentile RTT and return.
desc := *descPtr
desc = desc.SetAverageRTT(s.rttMonitor.EWMA())
desc.HeartbeatInterval = s.cfg.heartbeatInterval
return desc, nil
if s.checkWasCancelled() {
// If the previous check was cancelled, we don't want to clear the pool. Return a sentinel error so the caller
// will know that an actual error didn't occur.
return emptyDescription, errCheckCancelled
// An error occurred. We reset the RTT monitor for all errors and return an Unknown description. The pool must also
// be cleared, but only after the description has already been updated, so that is handled by the caller.
topologyVersion := extractTopologyVersion(err)
return description.NewServerFromError(s.address, err, topologyVersion), nil
func extractTopologyVersion(err error) *description.TopologyVersion {
if ce, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok {
err = ce.Wrapped
switch converted := err.(type) {
case driver.Error:
return converted.TopologyVersion
case driver.WriteCommandError:
if converted.WriteConcernError != nil {
return converted.WriteConcernError.TopologyVersion
return nil
// RTTMonitor returns this server's round-trip-time monitor.
func (s *Server) RTTMonitor() driver.RTTMonitor {
return s.rttMonitor
// OperationCount returns the current number of in-progress operations for this server.
func (s *Server) OperationCount() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&s.operationCount)
// String implements the Stringer interface.
func (s *Server) String() string {
desc := s.Description()
state := atomic.LoadInt64(&s.state)
str := fmt.Sprintf("Addr: %s, Type: %s, State: %s",
s.address, desc.Kind, serverStateString(state))
if len(desc.Tags) != 0 {
str += fmt.Sprintf(", Tag sets: %s", desc.Tags)
if state == serverConnected {
str += fmt.Sprintf(", Average RTT: %s, Min RTT: %s", desc.AverageRTT, s.RTTMonitor().Min())
if desc.LastError != nil {
str += fmt.Sprintf(", Last error: %s", desc.LastError)
return str
// ServerSubscription represents a subscription to the description.Server updates for
// a specific server.
type ServerSubscription struct {
C <-chan description.Server
s *Server
id uint64
// Unsubscribe unsubscribes this ServerSubscription from updates and closes the
// subscription channel.
func (ss *ServerSubscription) Unsubscribe() error {
defer ss.s.subLock.Unlock()
if ss.s.subscriptionsClosed {
return nil
ch, ok := ss.s.subscribers[ss.id]
if !ok {
return nil
delete(ss.s.subscribers, ss.id)
return nil
// publishes a ServerOpeningEvent to indicate the server is being initialized
func (s *Server) publishServerOpeningEvent(addr address.Address) {
if s == nil {
serverOpening := &event.ServerOpeningEvent{
Address: addr,
TopologyID: s.topologyID,
if s.cfg.serverMonitor != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor.ServerOpening != nil {
// publishes a ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent to indicate a hello command has started
func (s *Server) publishServerHeartbeatStartedEvent(connectionID string, await bool) {
serverHeartbeatStarted := &event.ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent{
ConnectionID: connectionID,
Awaited: await,
if s != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor.ServerHeartbeatStarted != nil {
// publishes a ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent to indicate hello has succeeded
func (s *Server) publishServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent(connectionID string,
durationNanos int64,
desc description.Server,
await bool) {
serverHeartbeatSucceeded := &event.ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent{
DurationNanos: durationNanos,
Reply: desc,
ConnectionID: connectionID,
Awaited: await,
if s != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor.ServerHeartbeatSucceeded != nil {
// publishes a ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent to indicate hello has failed
func (s *Server) publishServerHeartbeatFailedEvent(connectionID string,
durationNanos int64,
err error,
await bool) {
serverHeartbeatFailed := &event.ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent{
DurationNanos: durationNanos,
Failure: err,
ConnectionID: connectionID,
Awaited: await,
if s != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor != nil && s.cfg.serverMonitor.ServerHeartbeatFailed != nil {
// unwrapConnectionError returns the connection error wrapped by err, or nil if err does not wrap a connection error.
func unwrapConnectionError(err error) error {
// This is essentially an implementation of errors.As to unwrap this error until we get a ConnectionError and then
// return ConnectionError.Wrapped.
connErr, ok := err.(ConnectionError)
if ok {
return connErr.Wrapped
driverErr, ok := err.(driver.Error)
if !ok || !driverErr.NetworkError() {
return nil
connErr, ok = driverErr.Wrapped.(ConnectionError)
if ok {
return connErr.Wrapped
return nil