version: '3.7' # All keys here are for dev instance only, do not put prod keys here # To override and use inventory from prod use .env file x-common: &common AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: kspace-mugshot AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: 2mSI6HdbJ8 ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ENABLE_ADMIN: 'true' ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER: '' ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_AUTH_DATABASE: admin MINIO_ROOT_USER: kspace-mugshot MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: 2mSI6HdbJ8 MINIO_DEFAULT_BUCKETS: kspace-mugshot:download MINIO_URI: 'http://kspace-mugshot:2mSI6HdbJ8@' services: mongoexpress: restart: always image: mongo-express network_mode: host environment: *common mongo: network_mode: host image: mongo:latest volumes: - ./ command: mongod --replSet rs0 --bind_ip logging: driver: none node-server: restart: always network_mode: host build: context: ./backend environment: *common nginx-react: restart: always network_mode: host build: context: ./frontend prometheus: network_mode: host image: prom/prometheus:latest command: - --config.file=/config/prometheus.yml volumes: - ./config:/config:ro minio: restart: always network_mode: host image: bitnami/minio:latest environment: *common emitter: restart: always network_mode: host build: context: ./emitter