# Passmower Passmower provides magic login link based OIDC provider for all hackerspace services. The link is sent via e-mail and Slack bot. Passmower replaces previously used Samba (Active Directory) and [Authelia](https://www.authelia.com/) combo as it provides Kubernetes native declarative user and application management, automatic OIDC secret provisioning within the cluster, and more. For official documentation refer to [github.com/passmower/passmower](https://github.com/passmower/passmower) # For users To login and list the applications enrolled with Passmower visit [auth.k-space.ee](https://auth.k-space.ee/) To add applications refer to the [official docs](https://github.com/passmower/passmower?tab=readme-ov-file#application-enrollment) For good examples refer to [Grafana](https://git.k-space.ee/k-space/kube/src/branch/master/grafana/application.yml) # For administrators Passmower was deployed with Helm chart: ``` echo "# Generated file, DO NOT EDIT!" > passmower/application.yaml helm template --include-crds -n passmower passmower oci://ghcr.io/passmower/charts/passmower -f passmower/values.yaml >> passmower/application.yaml ```