apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: AlertmanagerConfig metadata: name: email labels: alertmanagerConfig: email spec: route: group_by: [email] receiver: test_router # When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch # of new alerts that started firing for that group. group_interval: 1s # If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to # resend them. repeat_interval: 24h routes: - match: severity: critical group_wait: 1s - match: severity: error group_wait: 30m - match: severity: warning group_wait: 4h - match: severity: info group_wait: 24h receivers: - name: email_router email_configs: # - to: "{{ .GroupLabels.email }}" - to: 'Lauri Võsandi ' from: 'Alerting ' smarthost: mail.k-space.ee:465 require_tls: false auth_username: 'alerting' auth_password: '5A8m0Y9yC4NcFXztmwMb' headers: subject: "You have {{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} firing alerts at {{ .CommonLabels.severity }} level" html: | Hi {{ .GroupLabels.email }},

You have the following firing alerts:

For more info see Prometheus alerts page.

To silence alerts visit Alert manager page. - name: test_router email_configs: # - to: "{{ .GroupLabels.email }}" - to: 'Song Meo ' from: 'Alerting ' smarthost: mail.k-space.ee:465 require_tls: false auth_username: 'alerting' auth_password: name: email-config key: auth_password headers: subject: "[test] You have {{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} firing alerts at {{ .CommonLabels.severity }} level" html: | Hi,

You have the following firing alerts:

    {{ range .Alerts }}
  • {{.Labels.alertname}} on {{ .Labels.instance }}
  • {{ end }}

For more info see Prometheus alerts page.

To silence alerts visit Alert manager page.