{% extends 'base_footer.html' %} {% block base_footer %}
Find out what we are struggling with
Browse our list of challenges
Come up with even more awesome ideas
Check out our community
Explore our wide range of equipment
Your k-space achievements will be visible to all future visitors
It's like the whole floor
Take part in our many challenges, ranging from restoring corrupted files from a flash drive to taking down walls with a sledgehammer. Once a challenge has been completed, the user will be added to our glorious hall of fame, where friends and employers can awe at your achievements.
{{ challenge.description }}
We have our roots in the Robotics Club of Estonian IT College as several key memebers are graduates of the College and were active Robotics Club members in the past. Most of us have numerous years of work experience in ICT sector and we've travelled the world to see how hackerspaces and makerspaces operate. We know that we've got what it takes to operate k-space.
Master of disaster
Mr inappropriate
The beekeeper
The embedded Linux guy
Interested in joining the core team? Give Lauri a call and schedule for a visit.
We offer variety of interesting paid options for your company:
For individuals:
Contact Lauri via e-mail address below for more information