2022-12-15 06:43:56 +02:00

179 lines
6.8 KiB

import aiohttp
import re
from base64 import b64encode
from json import dumps
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
class Harbor(object):
class Error(Exception):
class NoSuchProject(Error):
class RobotAccountAlreadyExists(Error):
class UserAlreadyMember(Error):
class UserNotProvisioned(Error):
def __init__(self, base_url):
self.base_url = base_url
self.hostname = urlsplit(base_url).hostname
async def delete_registry_endpoint(self, registry_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.request(
"DELETE", "%s/api/v2.0/registries/%d" % (self.base_url, registry_id))
async def create_registry_endpoint(self, reg_name, reg_type, reg_url):
body = {
"credential": {
"access_key": "",
"access_secret": "",
"type": "basic"
"description": "",
"name": reg_name,
"type": reg_type,
if reg_url:
body["url"] = reg_url
body["insecure"] = False
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
resp = await session.request(
"POST", "%s/api/v2.0/registries" % self.base_url, json=body)
if resp.status not in (201, 409):
raise self.Error("Unexpected status code %d for "
"registry endpoint creation" % resp.status)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
resp = await session.request(
"GET", "%s/api/v2.0/registries" % self.base_url)
if resp.status not in (200, 409):
raise self.Error("Unexpected status code %d for "
"registry endpoint lookup" % resp.status)
registries = await resp.json()
for registry in registries:
if registry["name"] == reg_name:
return registry["id"]
raise self.Error("Failed to lookup registry endpoint %s" %
async def get_project(self, project_name):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
resp = await session.request(
"GET", "%s/api/v2.0/projects/%s" % (self.base_url, project_name))
if resp.status == 200:
return await resp.json()
elif resp.status == 404:
return None
elif resp.status == 403: # TODO: ??
return None
raise self.Error("Unexpected status code %d for "
"project lookup" % resp.status)
async def delete_project_by_id(self, project_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.request(
"DELETE", "%s/api/v2.0/projects/%d" % (self.base_url, project_id))
async def delete_project_by_name(self, project_name):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.request(
"DELETE", "%s/api/v2.0/projects/%s" % (self.base_url, project_name))
# TODO: Check status code
async def delete_project_member(self, project_id, membership_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.request(
"DELETE", "%s/api/v2.0/projects/%d/members/%d" % (self.base_url, project_id, membership_id))
# TODO: Check status code
async def delete_robot_account(self, project_name, membership_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
await session.request(
"DELETE", "%s/api/v2.0/projects/%s/robots/%d" % (self.base_url, project_name, membership_id))
# TODO: Check status code
async def create_project(self, project_name, public, quota, registry_id=None):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
resp = await session.request(
"POST", "%s/api/v2.0/projects" % self.base_url, json={
"metadata": {
"public": str(public).lower()
"project_name": project_name,
"storage_limit": quota,
"registry_id": registry_id
if resp.status not in (201, 409):
raise self.Error("Unexpected status code %d for project "
"creation" % resp.status)
return await self.get_project(project_name)
async def add_project_member(self, project_id, username, role_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
response = await session.post(
"%s/api/v2.0/projects/%d/members" % (self.base_url, project_id),
"role_id": role_id,
"member_user": {
"username": username
if response.status == 201:
m = re.search("/members/([0-9]+)$", response.headers["Location"])
return int(m.groups()[0])
elif response.status == 409:
return 0
elif response.status == 404:
raise self.UserNotProvisioned(username)
raise self.Error("Got unexpected response from Harbor: %s" % response.status)
async def create_robot_account(self, project_name, account_name, permissions):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
response = await session.post(
"%s/api/v2.0/robots" % self.base_url,
"name": account_name,
"duration": -1,
"description": "Robot account created by harbor-operator",
"disable": False,
"level": "project",
"permissions": [{
"namespace": project_name,
"kind": "project",
"access": permissions
if response.status == 201:
response_json = await response.json()
auth = response_json["name"].encode("ascii"), \
auths = {}
auths[self.hostname] = {
"auth": b64encode(b"%s:%s" % auth).decode("ascii")
dockerconfig = dumps({
"auths": auths
m = re.search("/robots/([0-9]+)$", response.headers["Location"])
robot_id = int(m.groups()[0])
return dockerconfig, response_json["name"], response_json["secret"], robot_id
elif response.status == 409:
raise self.RobotAccountAlreadyExists()
elif response.status == 403:
raise self.NoSuchProject(project_name)
raise self.Error("Got unexpected response from Harbor: %s" % response.status)