# kaniko-plugin A thin shim-wrapper around the official [Google Kaniko](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/introducing-kaniko-build-container-images-in-kubernetes-and-google-container-builder-even-without-root-access) Docker image to make it behave like the [Drone Docker plugin](http://plugins.drone.io/drone-plugins/drone-docker/). Example .drone.yml for Drone 1.0 ```yaml kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: publish image: banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin settings: registry: registry.example.com repo: registry.example.com/example-project tags: ${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA} cache: true build_args: - COMMIT_SHA=${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA} - COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=${DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} username: from_secret: docker-username password: from_secret: docker-password ``` ## Test that it can build ```bash docker run -it --rm -w /src -v $PWD:/src -e PLUGIN_USERNAME=${DOCKER_USERNAME} -e PLUGIN_PASSWORD=${DOCKER_PASSWORD} -e PLUGIN_REPO=banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin-test -e PLUGIN_TAGS=test -e PLUGIN_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.test banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin ``` ## Test that caching works Start a Docker registry at ```bash docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry --hostname registry.local registry:2 ``` Add the following lines to plugin.sh's final command and build a new image from it: ```diff + --cache=true \ + --cache-repo=${PLUGIN_REPO} \ ``` ```bash docker build -t banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin . ``` Warm up the alpine image to the cache: ```bash docker run -v $PWD:/cache gcr.io/kaniko-project/warmer:latest --image=alpine:3.8 ``` Run the builder on the host network to be able to access the registry: ```bash docker run --net=host -it --rm -w /src -v $PWD:/cache -v $PWD:/src -e DOCKER_USERNAME=${DOCKER_USERNAME} -e DOCKER_PASSWORD=${DOCKER_PASSWORD} -e PLUGIN_REPO=banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin-test -e PLUGIN_TAGS=test -e PLUGIN_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.test banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin ```